
U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

author:Tani Hihei

Recently, mark Milley, the supreme general of the US military and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has jumped out again to play up the so-called "China threat theory". According to the Wall Street Journal, the four-star admiral said at a forum summit that China is expanding its military power in order to revise world rules and abolish the national security framework after World War II.

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

(Millie jumped out again to render the "China threat theory")

China is vigorously developing its navy, hypersonic missiles, networks and other advanced technologies in order to maintain the same military leadership as the United States; he also alarmistly said that China's rise will end the era of the United States and Russia as the world's superpower after World War II — thus exposing the true purpose of his remarks: In Milley's words, "the United States needs to maintain the speed of modernization to ensure its leading position", to put it bluntly, two words: money!

Not only Milley, but also Air Force Secretary Kendall, who recently talked about China, also shouted a few days ago, "If you can't scare China's aircraft, you should retire it." Kendall's words were aimed at models such as the A-10 attack aircraft and the AC-130 flying gunboat, and he said that although these aircraft performed well and proved to be competent for many tasks in the war on terror, these aircraft were of no use to China, so they should be retired from active service. Seriously, we know that Kendall's original intention was to swindle more money from Congress, but Kendall said it so absolutely, and if you think about it, there is really no model in the US military that can scare us, so doesn't he want to become the commander of the light rod?

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

("Useless for China, so the A-10 is useless")

In fact, Mark Milley is half right when he says that China is developing its military power in order to change the rules of the world. China does want to change some of the current international order, but not what Millie said about subverting the entire international order, but resisting U.S. bullying and preventing U.S. interference in China's internal affairs. In layman's terms, we are for self-defense and self-preservation.

Although Washington has repeatedly glorified what he calls the "international order" as "an order based on international rules," in fact this so-called "international rule" is actually based on "U.S. orders." Bolton, a former national security adviser, famously said, "The relationship between the United States and the world is a hammer and a nail, and it is necessary to knock on whomever it wants." This is the embodiment of the State of the United States seeking defeat alone at the "unipolar moment" after the end of the Cold War.

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

(The United States is the world's only superpower today, and it has been in a state of "going it alone" for decades.)

Now the United States also wants to maintain this "God over man" absolute superiority, and what it seeks is not a fair and peaceful international order. In 1999, during the Taiwan Strait crisis, the US Navy swung its aircraft carrier into the Taiwan Strait, grossly interfering in China's internal affairs and even almost triggering war; in 1999, when NATO struck the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a US B-2 bomber dropped three bombs on the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and three martyrs, Shao Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu, and Zhu Ying, were martyred; in 2001, an EP-3 reconnaissance plane of the US military collided with and destroyed our military's fighter jet over the South China Sea, and Wang Wei martyr fell into the sea and died. These events are the unforgettable memories of Chinese, and they are also the history that we will never allow to repeat, and they are also the driving force for us to strive for strength.

Now, US warships and planes are often haunting China's periphery, from the South China Sea to the Taiwan Strait, in a vain attempt to prevent China's great cause of reunification; this is why we have developed our national defense capabilities and continuously improved the anti-access/regional denial of operation system.

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

(Our big killer is not forced by the United States?) )

Since modern times, we have always had a deep understanding of the phrase "weak countries have no diplomacy", so Mark Milley said that China wants to subvert the international order, in a sense, yes! We just want to subvert US hegemonism, we reject any bullying, we want to smash all conspiracies that wantonly undermine the peace and stability of China's surrounding areas and attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs.

However, for the international community, China's rise is not "revisionism", and a strong China brings the world hope for peace, stability and development. Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Western countries have allowed the spread of the epidemic and tried to monopolize vaccines for their own selfish purposes, and it is difficult to imagine how the West would blackmail other underdeveloped countries if it were not for China's huge manufacturing capacity and enough anti-epidemic materials and vaccines to provide the world with enough anti-epidemic materials and vaccines.

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

(By the end of October, China had provided more than 1.7 billion doses of vaccines to international organizations and other countries, and is expected to export 2 billion doses a year.)

Many scholars have pointed out that the various accusations and difficulties of the United States-led West against China are mainly because China has shown the world a development model that is completely different from that of the West: it has neither accumulated capital through foreign colonial plunder, nor adopted the Western political system and ideology, but has achieved a faster development speed than the West - this is enough to prove that the Western model is not the optimal model for human development, it also has many problems, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

U.S. Military Commander: China develops military power to change the rules of the world! He was half right

(Defending sovereignty is "revisionism"?) America is so big face)

If this is what Milley calls "subversion of the international order", then we can only be glad that history is not promoted by such a political baton, otherwise mankind is probably still in prehistoric times; human civilization is originally a process of mutual learning, reference and promotion, and the current stage of development of civilization is far from reaching the level of "historical conclusion". However, the West has stubbornly stuck in its arrogance and encircled and contained the emerging countries, and the result is bound to be: harming others is more harmful to themselves!

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