
Defense and counterattack in war

author:Let's go through the historical winds

For the use of static to be surprising, and static braking to be correct.

Sun Tzu's Art of War said: "The code is insufficient, but the attack is more than enough" is this truth. For the example of a weak victory over a strong one, it is often a defensive counterattack. At the beginning of the war, because the strength of the defenders was not enough to engage the enemy head-on, they took advantage of the terrain, defended by danger or deep ditches, and used the city walls to wait for the enemy to have a gap in the Jedi counterattack, thus succeeding in one fell swoop.

The ancients made good use of this method of warfare, especially Lu Xun, who was a Confucian general, and Li Shimin, who was both literate and martial. As a young general, Lu Xun's outstanding performance in the Battle of Yiling can be called a model of defending instead of attacking. However, Liu Bei raised his troops to the country, went down the river, and raised troops to cut down Wu. Because the eastern Wu light enemy took the initiative to attack, and was defeated by the Shu army, at this difficult time, the commander of the Wu army, Lu Xun, took the initiative to abandon the seven-hundred-mile Yiling Mountain Road and retreated to the Yiting defense line, thus lengthening the supply of the Shu army, and it was also in a situation where it could not retreat, allowing the Shu army to provoke in every way, stick to no battle, and not move like a mountain, forcing the Shu army to give up its plan to fight a quick battle, and finally after Liu Bei relaxed, he burned the company camp to defeat the Shu army in one fell swoop. The Battle of The Pavilion should recognize the subtleties of war, often attacking and defending aliens in the blink of an eye. Compared with Lu Xun, Tang Taizong Li Shimin can be said to have exerted the defensive counterattack to the extreme, and used this method of warfare in his life's large-scale wars, such as the three battles of Shallow Water Plain, Baibi Pass, and Tiger Prison Pass. Among them, the Battle of Baibi is the most classic. At that time, the Tang army had lost absolute control of Jinzhou and was only defending a few fortresses in southern Jin, with low morale and a grim situation. Emperor Taizong held the fortress with the main force, confronted Liu Wuzhou, and then sent a small force to harass the enemy's rear, the enemy came from afar, and it was advantageous to fight quickly, and after the army food was cut off, the enemy collapsed. Emperor Taizong took the opportunity to attack in an all-round way, pursuing liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang, and defeating them in the land of the Gobi. This battle laid the foundation for the Tang army to unify the overall situation of the world, so offensive and defensive, offensive and defensive, both must be used.

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