
Reminisce about the old factory one by one

author:Idiots say dream essays

Everything in the old era loves to be called "old", old songs, old plays, old streets, old buildings, and naturally there are also old industrial era figures. The old factory has fed generations, and the youthful blood of generations has cast the old factory. The old factory is a home, a home that millions of people agree with and rely on for survival. At that time, the factory was always hot, there were not many flowers, many trees, and the green corridor divided the factory area into tic-tac-toe squares. At noon, a group of people came from the workshop, with bowls and spoons in their armpits, some holding them in their hands and beating them, laughing and walking toward the canteen. The big horn on the pole sounded, the melody was high, and I remember one of the lyrics: "For the sake of lofty ideals fly like swallows to the distance..." The people of the old factory are very content, the canteen rice is cheap, 5 cents a bowl of small Lai, l dime has tofu fried meat, l dime 5 cents can buy a bowl of red stewed meat or tamales, or slippery fish fillets, not flat bottom, concave bottom, Lai to pile up slightly spiky; housing is public, a door and a window of ten squares, old houses, no decoration, the four walls of dust-stained old newspapers ripped off, and then pasted with new ones can live in people Seeing a doctor without paying a dozen white strips (joint orders), stamped with a big red seal in the factory, more effective than real money and silver, arrogantly handed to the hospital checkout window, injections, medicine, hospitalization, and departure. The old factory year-end appraisal award, the winner of the award, there is no penny, many people care. At that time, people's expectations were not high, and it seemed worthwhile to change a piece of flower paper in a year, which was a reward and a motivation to work harder in the coming year. Some old advanced people pasted the flowers and papers of the past years all over the wall, facing the door, under the wall is the old-fashioned eight immortals table, sitting at the table smoking, drinking tea, "squeaking" to eat wine, satisfied. When guests enter the door, they are greeted by the flower wall at the first glance, and they are in awe. It is that the money is less, but every family is the same, and it is not uneven. The money of that year was worth money, and when the wedding gift was given, two yuan were sent, and the wedding feast was eaten on the table, seven bowls and eight large plates, and a bag of joy candy was brought before leaving. At that time, workers wore gray and blue cloth overalls, flipped their feet over their fur shoes, and walked on the street with a "crunching" sound, and passers-by had to look up. The daily products of the old factory are all sought-after goods. At that time, the "three turns and one ring" was the core belongings of the family. Mainlanders advocate Shanghai's old products, which are satisfactory and durable. Bee brand sewing machine, permanent, Phoenix brand bicycle, Shanghai brand watch, red light brand radio, one or two large pieces in the home, full of brilliance. Someone returned from a business trip in Shanghai, that must be a camel, entrusted by people, large bags, small bags, shoulders, bring back fabrics, clothing, toys, Chinese toothpaste, according to the name on the note one by one delivered clearly, at the end there is a bag of five-spiced broad beans of the Old City God Temple, which is a guest, chewing everyone full of incense. These are naturally not rare now, and the barrel is not worth mentioning, and it is a joke. Really, the people in the old factory still lived quite comfortably, without effort, without competition, without worries, fluttering with a sense of "ownership". Although the people of the old factory often work overtime without compensation, and there is not much entertainment in their spare time, they sincerely believe that the lives of most people in the world are not as good as ours. A foreign reporter interviewed Japan and China, saying that the eyes of Japanese workers are dim and the eyes of Chinese workers are always bright.

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