
Just over 50 years old has an "old man's taste"? These 4 reasons you need to reflect on

People with life experience will find that many elderly people around them have a special smell, this smell is also known as the smell of the elderly, and the causes are various, if it is found that this special smell persists, it needs to be investigated to the end, and health problems can be paid attention to, adjusted as soon as possible. In addition, some people have this situation just after the age of 50, why?

Just over 50 years old has an "old man's taste"? These 4 reasons you need to reflect on

1. The effects of diabetes

After the age of 50, there is a special smell on the body, which is not excluded from the invasion of certain chronic diseases. Many people suffer from diabetes, when the blood sugar is too high, there will be itchy skin, limb numbness, nocturia, dry mouth and tongue and other symptoms, need to reduce blood sugar through the correct medication, in order to alleviate the symptoms, otherwise the disease continues to worsen, other organs will also be harmed, and finally complications will hit.

Some people do not pay enough attention to the condition, and finally cause ketoacidosis, and there will be a special smell on the body under the influence. By the age of 50, the body begins to decline, and there are countless people with diabetes at this age who need to know whether it is related to the cause.

Just over 50 years old has an "old man's taste"? These 4 reasons you need to reflect on

2. Apply the drug

After the age of 50, it is found that there is an old man's smell on the body, which may be related to usual habits, such as frequently applying various drugs to the body, which may also have this feature. After the age of 50, many people's joints or bones degenerate faster, and even strain and joint lesions.

Under the influence of local soreness, those who ignore the examination and treat it correctly may buy their own drugs to use, paste ointments on the painful areas or apply medicinal liquor directly, and these drugs usually emit a special smell after use.

3, do not pay attention to hygiene

The smell of the elderly may also be related to the lack of attention to hygiene, because the skin of young people remains smooth, it is easier to clean during the bath, and it will not be cleaned up because the skin becomes rough or wrinkles are formed, but after the age of 50, the body gradually has a tendency to age.

Many people's skin has aging characteristics, and hidden dirt may accumulate more and more if you do not pay attention to cleaning. Some middle-aged people no longer pay so much attention to personal image, unkempt, do not pay attention to hygiene, may also let these special smells persist.

Just over 50 years old has an "old man's taste"? These 4 reasons you need to reflect on

4. Dietary effects

There is an unpleasant smell on the body may be related to diet, there are many types of food, and some foods themselves have special odors, more familiar with coriander, garlic, and the intake of more oral cavity is full of these odors, but it is not cleared by gargling, brushing teeth and other ways.

In the process of communicating with people, the tone cannot be kept fresh, and usually the smell is obvious. Some people overeat, after eating inappropriately, the stomach function decreases, coupled with the gradual decline in the function of the digestive system due to age, easy to indigestion, accumulation of food, and there will be a special odor on the body.

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