
Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

China is an ancient country with a relatively long history, so it has also experienced a life of upheaval and displacement, from backwardness to prosperity, from prosperity to defeat, even if it is full of devastation, it has never flinched, and gradually evolved into today's yangyang big country and ranked among the second largest economies. Chinese claim to be a descendant of Yan Huang has enough sense of superiority! With the transformation of society, there are also many people who feel that the height of Chinese is not very dominant, and there is a difference between the north and the south, especially the girls in the south, generally known for their small size, boys above 1 meter 8 is very good, compared with those big tall in Western countries, there seems to be a certain gap, and even judged by other countries as martyrs, so is the height of the ancient Chinese people the same as today?

Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

In fact, it is not, once in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" there have been records of the height of the ancients, and even called the former China a giant country, the size of more than other countries, and even said that the ancients had 30 zhang so tall, most people are not very familiar with the measurement unit of "zhang", in fact, a zhang is about 2.1 meters, and the number of 30 zhang seems to be somewhat amazing. This statement is only an exaggerated description, mainly to highlight the height of the ancients, but in fact, are the Chinese ancients really so shocking in height? Perhaps we can find the answer from the ancient humans unearthed by archaeology!

Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

In the process of continuous exploration, archaeologists have found a number of ancient human bones in the Jia Lake site, and through the measurement of these bones, they have found that they are generally relatively tall, with an average height of about 1 meter 8, and the tallest has exceeded two meters. Of course, some female bones have also been unearthed in this site, the general height at that time was about 1 meter 65 to 1 meter 7, and the body was large and strong, plus the skull was measured and found to be consistent with today's Chinese, and this site is about 9000 to 7500 years old, which means that the Jiahu people at that time were quite tall. And such a discovery has not been once or twice, once in Tai'an City, Shandong Province, Dawenkou cultural site, also found a similar situation, the highest height of about 2.32 meters, the shortest is also 1 meter 7, in Xinjiang also found similar ancient tombs, after the measurement of the body found that there are 2.4 meters, for today's people, is simply a giant!

Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

Mentioning this place, some people are also curious, since there have been many tall people in the long history of China, why have the later people become shorter and shorter?

Some of the ancient humans unearthed in China are more than 2 meters 4 tall, why are they getting shorter and shorter?

In fact, this problem itself has a certain contradiction, although there are tall people in the ruins of China, but not all Chinese are so tall, in the process of so-called reproduction, the survival of the inferior finally eliminated a group of people, so that people also realize that the big man is not completely advantageous, there are always some rules to follow in the process of evolution, plus with the emergence of the whole group of families, the number of big men is also further reduced to evolve into what it is today! On the other hand, whether it is taller or shorter is also a question worth investigating, and archaeologists need to continue to study and explore before they can finally give an answer! I don't know what your opinion is on this issue?

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