
Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

Welcome to the [Trend Epic] channel, today let's take a look at the following content. For many countries and peoples, the Second World War is a very painful memory.

In that period of history, in those years, the whole world was plunged into war, and everywhere was filled with the smell of war, wolf smoke was everywhere, and blood stained the sky and the earth red.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

There were two alliances in World War II, one was the unjust side of the three fascist Axis powers of Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Italy, and the vassal states of hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, and the other was the righteous side of the anti-fascist alliance and anti-fascist forces throughout the world.

We know that in the end, justice wins, the just side wins fascism, Germany, Japan and Italy.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

Why was fascism defeated? Why did Germany, Japan, Italy lose?

There are many reasons, because justice will eventually triumph, because all people are united, because peace is the theme of the times...

Also because of the allies of Germany and Japan, Italy.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

Now it is often ridiculed that the victory in World War II, thanks to Italy, as an ally of Germany and Japan, Italy seriously dragged them back and dragged Germany and Japan down.

Italy in World War II debuted by the funny c bit.

They are very funny, and often do some funny things that make people cry and laugh.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

As we all know, Italians like to eat, pay attention to eating, and attach great importance to eating.

Even if, in World War II, even if, is in the war.

Once, the Italian army accidentally got stuck in the desert, got stuck, and had no way to get out.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

To this end, Italy hurried to the ally Germany for help, and after receiving the information for help, the German army quickly arrived.

As a result, when the Germans came to the desert and found the Italians, the Italian soldiers were actually cooking macaroni...

Instead of looking for a way out, they used the rarest water in the desert to boil macaroni...

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

And, eat very happily.

Do you know?

Because of eating, the Italians would never fight at noon.

After all, they're going to have lunch.

In addition, the Italians will not fight, do not fight, do not fight when the weather is bad.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

The Italians also loved to surrender, surrendering countless times in World War II.

Once, the U.S. army went to bomb Italy.

Obviously, there were more than 10,000 people in Italy, but because more than 40 people were killed, they surrendered, did not resist, did not fight.

Why did Germany and Japan lose World War II? Ally Italy funny c bit debut is the reason

In World War II, there were many, many more such experiences...

Because such allies, the Germans and the Japanese, eventually lost.

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