
A dream is terrifying!

author:Death Ceremony

Since my son went to school in other places, he has always been in a semi-disconnected state, unless he wants to live expenses, he will contact you, concisely, I have teased that after I have extra WeChat typing, directly send me a broken bowl expression, my helpless old father can also understand.

That being said, but the child is not worried, his mother can only pitifully check her son's WeChat exercise steps every day, which is almost the only dynamic information that can be found about him, if the number of WeChat sports steps is single digits on which day, he will immediately start to think wildly, poor parents in the world.

A dream is terrifying!

Now the son began to intern, from Tianjin to Yinchuan, more and more far, still like a bad signal waifai, intermittent contact, our worries are more intense, after all, unlike in the school is relatively safe, a person went so far away, began to enter the society, began to face life and all kinds of people alone, and before going to the internship to buy him a new mobile phone, even weChat movement was not opened, cut off the only way to capture information.

Blink of an eye a few months have passed, occasionally call him, feel that the child has matured a lot, the epidemic is endless, he has not been able to come home, one day because of the work of the wronged to call me, poured out a long time, this is our father and son these years the longest call, the son said, Dad, I miss home, I have never been so homesick in all these years ...

A dream is terrifying!

At that time, I said that I was very uncomfortable, the child was wronged and homesick, but the parents who were far away from the thousands of miles could not do anything, and at that time, they hated this endless epidemic and achieved nothing.

If a child has a successful parent who can pave the way for him, he does not have to go so far alone to fight for his future, at least it can make him a lot easier, but the parents are ordinary people, they have been running for life all these years, and all they can do is what they can, the future road, he can only rely on himself.

Last night to the child sent WeChat has not returned, in the middle of the night by the cat woke up to open the phone, the child replied that just overtime back, to see the time has been almost 23 o'clock, a few simple chat to tell him to go to bed early.

Then I suddenly had a dream, dreaming that my son suddenly returned, and brought a girl back, saying that I would not leave and wanted to get married.

At that time, the dream of herself and her mother from the beginning of the joy to the later helplessness, and then to the later sadness, the feeling is so real, the things in the dream are actually very real, the son is twenty-two, maybe one day to meet the person he likes, bring back to get married, very normal, abnormal is what can I give him?

Although it is always said that children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, they will not care too much, that is just to think, Chinese parents, who do not care about their children, do not want to give their children a happy home, which one is not to give everything, the problem is really not.

alas! A lifetime of failure, even good things can become nightmares

A dream is terrifying!

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