
After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

In China's history, ethnic minorities have established very few political powers, and the Qing Dynasty is one. The Qing Dynasty was established by the Manchus, and of course, the Manchus naturally stood at the top of the pyramid if the society was stratified at that time. Looking back at the entire Qing Dynasty period, ignoring the late Qing Dynasty, hanchen was hardly reused. In the late Qing Dynasty, even if the Han chinese were fortunate enough to be reused, they were treated differently in the imperial court than the Manchus.

Time came to the era of the decline of the Qing Dynasty - the late Qing Dynasty, when the late Qing Dynasty was invaded by foreign enemies, the domestic life was ruined, the people were not happy, and the people were in the depths of the water. However, a small number of Manchus still enjoy the aristocratic treatment of the state, and when the whole country is trampled by the great powers and resists the aggression of foreign powers, some Manchus still enjoy a short period of glory and wealth, and their lives are extremely luxurious and wasteful, which is unimaginable to ordinary people.

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

This is enough to confirm how incompetent, hedonistic, and lacking fighting spirit was in the Manchu Qing government and the state power at that time. This was also one of the reasons that directly led to the collapse of the Manchu Qing government. Today, let us travel back a hundred years, from the perspective of the experience of a Manchu Nobleman, to see the world where luxury and poverty coexist, hunger and death, and immersively feel the turbulent late Qing Dynasty.

Today's protagonist is named Hengxu of the Aisinjue Luo clan, later renamed Jin Pingguang, who is an authentic Manchu nobleman. His ancestors were the Fifth Brother Yongqi and Gu Taiqing. However, the glory only represents the past, the world changes, a hundred years later to Jin Pingguang's generation, the family is far less prominent than the ancestors, although the social status is not as high as the ancestors, but also the famous Zhenguogong.

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

As mentioned earlier, in the late Qing Dynasty, the social status of the Manchus was much higher than that of the Han Chen, and as the Duke of Zhenguo, he naturally had much higher social prestige and quality of life than the Han people. It is said that the official position of Zhenguo Gong, although the official position is not very high, compared with the prince, these official positions are much more humble, but still belong to the ranks of the nobility, living a rich life, enjoying wealth and glory is incomparable to ordinary people.

In the turbulent late Qing Dynasty, Manchus of the class like Jin Guangping could continue to enjoy a good life, because the Manchus, as the ruling class, could continue to exploit the large number of Han chinese people. In the end, under the precarious situation, under the trampling of internal and external troubles and the iron hooves of imperialism, the Qing government was forced to declare its downfall, with only one purpose, only to ensure the enjoyment of the life of the Manchu nobility.

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

After Yuan Shikai came to power, he changed the soup without changing the medicine, continued to maintain the previous social system, and the luxurious life of the Manchu Qing nobles lasted for a while. But then Feng Yuxiang's army occupied Beijing, and the city of Beijing underwent earth-shaking changes, and Beijing changed! All the Manchu Qing nobles, including the imperial family of the Forbidden City, completely swept away from the ruling class circle, and the original nobles became commoners and even lived on the streets.

Jin Guangping also had the misfortune to become a member of many fallen Manchu nobles. When all of Jin Guangping's real estate and family property were confiscated, his previous aristocratic life was completely ended. He had to accept the reality of moving out of the big house before, from a nobleman to a commoner, and he had to accept the arrangement of fate and recognize the change of status.

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

One day, the fading Jin Guangping went out for breakfast. I saw that there was a stall selling burnt cakes, so I made a few burnt cakes to fill my hunger. Burnt bread was a very ordinary food, and as a nobleman, he had often eaten it before, but this time, he ate a different taste. The burnt bread turned out to be hot! You must know that the baked bread he had eaten before was very different from this one.

Jin Guangping had doubts in his heart for a long time, why did the burnt cakes he had eaten before were cold? He seriously asked the stall owner about this, and the stall owner was stunned by his question, the baked cake is hot, and the hot baked cake is easy to sell. Hearing the stall owner's answer, Jin Guangping was very surprised and puzzled.

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

The previous aristocratic life was very different from today's situation, when they lived in clothes to stretch out their hands, eat to open their mouths, and all their daily lives were taken care of by servants, so naturally they did not have to think about whether the burnt cake was hot or cold. It is said that at first, Every time Jin Guangping ate the burnt cake, it was cold, and he asked the maid, is the burnt cake eaten cold? The servant pug replied like a pug that the baked cake must be eaten cold, and everyone eats the cold baked cake, because the cold baked cake is delicious.

Listening to the servant's answer, Jin Guangping did not have the slightest doubt, believing it to be true, and really believing that the burnt cake was a fallacy that was cold and delicious. People will wonder why people deceive their owners about such a small matter. It turned out that the servants also had the difficulties of the servants, and under the feudal rule at that time, the servants had to endure the punishment and scolding of the director at every turn. If the next person originally bought a hot baked cake for Jin Guangping and came back, what if he would eat hot baked cake from time to time in the future?

After the defeat of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ye went to the street to buy burnt cakes, and only after taking a bite did he find that the servant had deceived him for 20 years

Conclusion: At that time, when going out to procure, he could only run errands, and if something was delayed, and the baked cake was cold when he bought it back, he would definitely suffer the punishment of the master. There is no way, in the end, the next people buy burnt cakes directly to buy cold, presumably can save a lot of things. Indeed, the Manchu Qing aristocrats at that time could not be approachable and reasonable to most of their subordinates because of their different class status.

The next people know too much about their masters, so more is better than less, "burning cakes directly to buy cold", is the true portrayal of the next people's treatment of the master. The fallen aristocrat Jin Guangping, poor so old to understand the principle of "burning cake hot to eat".

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