
Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

On the field of modern Olympic sports, we can often see that black athletes win gold medals, and the more they need physical sports, the more African athletes have the advantage.

In terms of the "superiority" of the body, black people are the strongest physique that cannot be blamed, which we all admit, so many people will have such a question, why black people with such a good physique have never established any powerful empire, and in modern times, even black people with a certain level of scientific and technological research have never been seen, what is this!

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

On the contrary, do you think that although the yellow race is the least advantageous in terms of physical strength among the three-color races, it has built the most empires, so if you want to build a strong empire, you have never relied on physical strength, so what factors does it need to have? Let's move on.

We all know that in ancient society, because it was the era of cold weapons, the physical quality of individuals had a very large determining factor for war, just like in ancient China, there were often struggles with the Xiongnu, and the Han people must have suffered losses in physique?

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

Otherwise it will not be in modern times, enlistment also needs physical fitness to qualify this item, and in the Song Dynasty of our country, Zhao Kuangyin led the soldiers to fight in the selection of soldiers, but also specially made a personal shape mold, only greater than or equal to this mold of people, can pass, from this point of view, the requirements for the body of the war is extremely high, according to this logic, black people should have more advantages ah!

Here you may overlook the problem that the black people you see today may be completely different from the black people of ancient times.

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

Due to geographical environmental reasons, black people generally live in Africa, because they live around the equator, the radiation of sunlight is the most powerful, so africa is mostly water-scarce, which is difficult to ensure the growth of crops, which will naturally lead to food shortages, and then cause physical stuntedness, so the ancient black people are not as strong as now, on the contrary, it is still black and small, even the people who can't eat enough, such a race can have what combat strength to speak of.

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

But in fact, in the 15th century, the records of the American black slaves clearly showed that black people suffered from many diseases, were thin, and even in modern times, documentaries, the tribes of Africa were poor and thin.

Therefore, in ancient times, the physique of black people was not strong at all, and the strong black people we see are part of the more elite people, and they are not universal.

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

Then there is the need to establish a strong dynasty, then in addition to the physical quality of personnel, the most important thing is to have wisdom, there is no racial discrimination here, but relatively speaking, because black people themselves have strong physical innate advantages, so the degree of brain development may be slightly lower, which can be seen from some cutting-edge technologies in today's society, basically no black figure. (Of course, there is no scientific basis for this, it is my own speculation according to the current situation, interested friends can check the information)

In the end, if you want to build a strong empire, geographical location is also an indispensable factor, why did the ancient Chinese war, the Central Plains is a place of contention, to put it bluntly, is not it because of the abundance of products? Is it suitable for a large number of soldiers to seek the world? However, in the living environment of black people, as we said earlier, the climate there is hot and there is little rain, which is not suitable for crop growth at all, and Africa is mostly bushy jungles, and it is not suitable for the development of multiple arms, and at most only one infantry branch can be developed.

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

Imagine that you rely on infantry to fight, you can't even go out of your own country, how to conquer other nationalities, at most, there are a little conflicts between a few tribes, a little friction!

Imagine why Genghis Khan was able to conquer such a large territory, relying on the good mobility of the cavalry and being able to go out to conquer, and the reason why he was able to do this was absolutely inseparable from the geographical environment in which it grew.

Why did the strong black races of the world never build a mighty empire?

Ten thousand steps back, even if the black people rely on infantry to go abroad, once they encounter a cavalry force, it is basically the end of the total annihilation of the army.

Looking at this, everyone should also understand that in fact, there is a complete reason why black people in ancient times did not build a strong empire, people's physical fitness is not good enough, wisdom is not enough, and the most important thing is that geographical factors limit their development.

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