
If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

author:The old rabbit reads

Just after competing for a small supervisor, the leader gave me a copy of Fan Deng's "Replicable Leadership" for me to read and study. It took 2 days to read, understand the basic concepts and core of management, and discover several good books.

Fan Deng recommended a total of 10 books in "Replicable Leadership", and I selected 5 of them to recommend to everyone:

If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

Reed Hoffman / Ben Kasnosa / Chris Yee, "The League"

Author: Reed Hoffman / Ben Casnocka / Chris Ye

Publisher: CITIC Press

Subtitle: Talent Change in the Internet Age

原作名: The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age

Translator: Lu Mengjia

Publication year: 2015-2-5

Number of pages: 212

This book is the second most popular human resources book in Douban TOP10, introducing the relationship between employers and employees in the Internet era to create and link, by turning employees into the company's long-term network, absorbing employees into the company's network of human resources, and forming a strong alliance between employers and employees. One of the authors of this book, Reed Hoffman, is one of the founders and CEO of LinkedIn LinkedIn, the world's largest professional social networking site, and through cases such as LinkedIn the company's colleague network, he has revealed the secrets of how to build a workplace network, which is a rare networking guide.

If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

John Whitmer, "High Performance Coach"

Author: John Whitmer

Publisher: China Machine Press

Original name: Coaching for Performance

Translator: Lin Fei / Xu Zhong

Publication year: 2013-2

Number of pages: 220

Management talent is judged by whether employees have grown, and good leaders have the potential to be "coaches". The book revolves around the GROW coaching model, with goal( goal, reality( reality), choice (option), will (will) for coaching logic for employee guidance and learning, citing a large number of workplace and sports field examples, expounding the concept and skills of workplace coaching, so as to stimulate employee potential, help cultivate employee awareness, sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

Ashley Vance, "Iron Man of Silicon Valley"

Author: [U.S.] Ashley Vance

Publisher: CITIC Publishing Group

Subtitle: Elon Musk's Adventurous Life

Original name: Elon Musk

Translator: Zhou Xingxing

Publication year: 2016-4

Number of pages: 368

The hottest businessman and technology maniac at the moment is Elon Musk. From PayPal, to Tesla, Space X, Sun City, Musk is a crazy entrepreneur, and hearing news about Musk always seems to have completed a new dream beyond reality.

This book is the world's first Elon Musk authorized work, including Musk's real experience in technology, entrepreneurship, work, but also revealed Musk's endless exploration of dreams, life, innovation, Musk's almost crazy persistence and breakthroughs, every time let us see the birth of magical miracles. Musk's adventurous life shows us a kind of not accepting the shackles of rules and regulations, and every reading makes people feel passionate in their hearts, which is the real experience and legend of a great industrialist and dreamer who changed the world.

If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

[US] Chip Heath / [US] Dan Heath "Make Creativity Sticky"

Author: [U.S.] Chip Heath / [U.S.] Dan Heath

Subtitle: Six Paths to Creativity

原作名: Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Translator: Jiang Yihui

Publication year: 2014-1-8

Number of pages: 320

In the information explosion era, what kind of ideas can attract attention, and what kind of views can be firmly remembered by others? When everyone's mind is filled with more and more professional knowledge, it seems more and more difficult to spread, and the "curse of knowledge" is extremely easy to occur.

The internationally renowned behavioral psychologist Heath Brothers has summarized six paths from a large number of social psychology research cases: simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and story, so that your ideas can be more understood, your ideas can be more remembered, and form a lasting impact. Whether it's convincing a difficult subordinate or impressing a cold customer, you can find the best way to express your opinion and pass on your ideas.

If you're new to leadership, I highly recommend reading these books

Daniel Kahneman, "Thinking, Fast and Slow"

Author: [USA] Daniel Kahneman / [US] Daniel Kahneman

Original story: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Translators: Hu Xiaojiao / Li Aimin / He Mengying

Publication year: 2012-7

Number of pages: 424

Are humans rational? Is the result of thinking correct?

Kahneman tells us that our brains have two ways of making decisions, fast and slow, and that the commonly used unconscious "system 1" relies on emotions, memories, and experiences to make quick judgments, and that it is well-informed and allows us to react quickly to the situation at hand. But System 1 is also easily fooled, clinging to the principle of "seeing is fact" and allowing illusions such as loss aversion and optimism bias to lead us to make bad choices. Conscious "System 2" analyzes and solves problems by mobilizing attention and making decisions, it is slow and not easy to make mistakes, but it is lazy, often takes shortcuts, and directly adopts the intuitive judgment results of System 1.

Thinking is not always so reliable. This is a book that revolutionizes the way we think about thinking, and through Karniman's numerous behavioral experiments, it tells us when we can trust our intuition, when we can make better choices through thinking, and how to avoid thinking mistakes.

@ Old Rabbit Reading

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