
Russian official: It is necessary to "punish corruption" with treason

author:Bright Net

[Global Times reporter Liu Yupeng] "We should regard the crime of corruption as a crime of treason." "Russian Newspaper" reported on the 9th that December 9 is International Anti-Corruption Day. In order to severely punish domestic corruption, Kabanov, chairman of the Russian State Anti-Corruption Commission, put forward the above proposal.

Russian official: It is necessary to "punish corruption" with treason

In the first nine months of this year, Russian corruption crimes caused losses of 13 billion rubles (1 ruble is about 0.08 yuan). The number of corruption cases nationwide this year has increased by 15 percent compared to the same period last year. With regard to the growing problem of corruption in the country, The Chairman of the Russian State Anti-Corruption Commission, Kabanov, suggested that it is necessary to "punish corruption" with treason, because corrupt elements have betrayed their oaths to citizens. "If we don't remove the conditions for corruption, corrupt elements will keep coming up," he said. Criminal legislation should therefore be strengthened to equate all crimes of corruption with treason. ”

Many Russians welcomed Kabanov's proposal. Some people say that the reason why corruption is difficult to eliminate is because the cost is too small, and it is necessary to increase punishment.

Source: Global Times

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