
Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield

Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield
Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield
Former Taiwan regional leader Ma Ying-jeou attended a public event a few days ago and made a speech on cross-strait relations. Ma Ying-jeou pointed out that in the past five years, the DPP authorities have achieved nothing in handling cross-strait affairs, and the cross-strait stalemate has been standing for a long time, and it is inevitable that dangers will break out. Why have all circles on the island recently been worried about the "possibility of wiping guns and going off the fire" in the Taiwan Strait? In the face of the DPP authorities' provocative behavior of "adding fuel to the fire," how should the two sides of the strait jointly respond?

1. Why is the Taiwan military in a hurry to deploy missiles?

Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield

Professor Zheng Youping of Taipei University:

The reason why the Taiwan military is in a hurry to deploy missiles is that it is viewed in two aspects. On the one hand, it is necessary to cooperate with the containment of Chinese mainland in response to the requirements of the United States. O'Brien, a former White House national security adviser, said publicly that he said Taiwan needs military reforms, plus defense funding to become a "porcupine" with spikes on its body. Because his account is that lions usually do not like to eat porcupine, this "porcupine strategy" is to invest heavily in small strength, including short-range anti-aircraft weapons, mines, rapid strike vehicles, self-propelled artillery, and advanced monitoring equipment. It is hoped that the training of Taiwan's reserve forces will also be strengthened so that the mainland will pay a huge price for "attacking Taiwan by force." Instead of challenging the PEOPLE's Liberation Army's control of the Taiwan Strait, this mindset shifts to buying cheaper, less expensive U.S.-made weapons that can be dispersed.

On the other hand, it is necessary to meet the needs of the United States for arms sales to Taiwan. According to this estimate of the Us "Forbes" magazine, if the hit rate of each missile is between 50% and 70%, it means that Taiwan must prepare at least 1200 anti-ship missiles to play an effective battle. In the special budget of the current naval and air combat capability improvement plan, we have noticed that the funds for the shore-based anti-ship missile system plan will reach NT$79.7 billion in two stages.

2. Why did Ma Ying-jeou shout publicly?

Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield

Commentator Zhang Bin:

Under the guidance of the THINKING of confronting the mainland, the Taiwan military has entered a state of all-round war readiness.

According to the latest news, the Taiwan military has decided to advance this submarine self-building plan, to hand over the work one year in advance, and to launch the water one year in advance. In addition, at such a special moment, the Taiwan military actually issued a war mobilization order, requiring that from January 1 to December 31, 2022, if an emergency occurs throughout the year, then every soldier who receives a reserve conscription in wartime will immediately report to his jurisdiction and take up arms against the mainland.

The DPP has created an atmosphere of terror on the island of Taiwan from all levels and created a situation of confrontation between the two sides of the strait, so we say that the core reason why Ma Ying-jeou and some other Taiwan politicians today are so concerned, or even so worried, on such an issue is that the pace of "Taiwan independence" is becoming more and more intense, and the DPP authorities' action of "resisting reunification by force" is becoming more and more provocative.

3. The United States is an important factor in the turbulence of the situation in the Taiwan Strait

The tension between the two sides of the strait is inseparable from the United States. Recently, Russian President Putin and US President Joe Biden met by video, and the two sides talked more about the Ukraine issue, but when facing reporters, the US President's security adviser Sullivan actually put the Ukrainian issue and the Taiwan issue together, saying that the situation was tense, and then talked about the Taiwan issue. When asked what he thought of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, Sullivan also said that the US side should enhance Taiwan's self-defense capabilities and so on. In addition, militarily, you can see that in recent times, this warship and military plane of the US military have arrived at reconnaissance and passed through the Taiwan Strait, the United States has engaged in military exercises with Japan, and both military and political hands are engaged in it; in addition, the United States has said and done a set of policies with China. Therefore, such actions have caused the DPP authorities to have no fear, and even feel that they have the full support of the United States and dare to challenge or even provoke the mainland, which is actually a fundamental reason for the current turmoil in the Taiwan Strait region.

4. The US side suggested that Taiwan participate in the "RIMPAC Exercise" with sinister intentions

Don't let the Taiwan Strait become a battlefield

At this moment, the US Congress proposes that the US Department of Defense should invite Taiwan to participate in the "RIMPAC exercise" and at the same time say that it will strengthen Taiwan's "asymmetric operations" capability. In this way, his intentions are very sinister, and it is obvious that he wants to further create contradictions and antagonisms between the two sides of the strait. In this regard, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities are not only "overjoyed," but they have further hyped up the illusion that the so-called Taiwan-US relations are very friendly. At the same time, it is an attempt to create a sense of crisis and to arouse the awareness of the Taiwan people to "resist China and defend Taiwan."

In fact, we have noticed that every time the United States talks about the Taiwan issue, it must first exaggerate its words, and then the United States will make corrections, and then explain and clarify. The Taiwan authorities were indiscriminate, and they did not think clearly about the ins and outs, so they danced along with it, resulting in sometimes self-congratulations, and sometimes kicking the iron plate, so they had to be overwhelmed.

Therefore, recently, the former chairman of the board of directors of the "American Institute in Taiwan," Bu Ruizhe, said openly that if you throw yourself into the middle of the Sino-US power struggle, Taiwan will become a loser no matter what. If Taiwan "follows the United States" in its entire foreign relations, industrial development, defense operations, and all of these things, and listens to the United States, it is tantamount to entrusting the future and destiny of the Taiwanese people to the hands of a US administration that only cares about its own interests. This kind of thinking of the United States is very selfish, and Taiwan is in the middle of the struggle between the United States and China, in fact, the rational approach is that we should avoid danger, we should seek good fortune and avoid evil, you should maintain a pluralistic and flexible strategy, valuing peace, and put the rank of cross-strait relations above relations with the United States, otherwise Taiwan will only become a pawn of US hegemony, and in the end, in the great power strategic game, once you are wrong to choose sides, the result may often become the outcast of the United States, the hegemonic country.

New Media, Chinese Global Program Center, China Central Radio and Television Corporation

Producer/Hou Jingshu

Editor-in-Chief/Wang Ran

Edit/Shi Xiangyun

Source: CCTV4 "Cross-Strait"


Choreographer/ Lily Huang


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