
"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

author:Yoyo who teaches English music

English Speaking Jimmy teacher said

It was dark and the moon and the stars were out. But did you know that "dark" can't use black, "yellow skin" can't use yellow, and "white hair" can't use white. Let's see how these colors are expressed with Mr. Jimmy

Spoken English and Practical Speaking

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"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

One evening, a classmate said it's black to Jimmy, and Jimmy looked puzzled, what is black? The student explained that it was dark, "sunny" was it's sunny, and "dark" was it's black

This classmate, the "black" in front of you is not black, not only that, "black skin, black eyes" can not use black, and Jimmy teacher to see how these colors are expressed in the end ~

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all
"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

It's dark≠ it's black

It's dark. /dɑːk/

It was dark.

The correct expression for "it's dark" is it's dark. Dark is "dim," while black is pitch black with no light at all. We generally say "it's dark" is around six or seven o'clock in the evening, when the sky is not completely dark, but slowly darkening, so use dark. If it's "it's going to get dark," it's generally said it's getting dark.

"Teacher Jimmy, can you use black at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night?" It's okay, "pitch black night sky" can be said the black sky, "it's pitch black outside" is It's black outside.

It's getting dark. we're going home.

It's getting dark and we're going home.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

tan /tæn/ dark skin

Dark eyes black eyes

"Black skin" can not use black, because according to skin color, there are white people, black people, etc., black skin specifically refers to the black skin of Africans. We usually say that to grow black, we should use tan /tæn/, which means "tanning", and it can also be used to be born black.

The correct expression of "black eyes" is dark eyes, if you say black eye, it generally refers to "the eye socket that has been beaten to black blue", not "black eyes".

He has dark eyes and a deep tan.

He had dark skin and a pair of dark eyes.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all
"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

White hair ≠ white hair

gray hair with white hair

Some students may have seen the white hair, but Jimmy's teacher checked it out, and the white hair is dyed pure white hair.

The old man's "white hair" is represented by gray /ɡrei/, which means "gray, gray". The white hair that people grow out of themselves is generally gray, not pure white, so say gray hair.

I have a lot of gray hair.

I have a lot of white hair.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

fair skin white skin

"White skin" can't be used for the same reason as the previous black skin, which refers to the white skin of a white person. We say "white skin" to use fair, fair in addition to "fair", can also mean "fair", "white skin" is fair skin, "white skin" is fair-skinned.

She is fair-skinned.

Her skin is very white.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all
"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

Fry until golden brown on both sides without yellow

brown something

handful... Fry \ fry until golden brown on both sides

We think that foods that are "fried until golden brown" are tan in the eyes of foreigners, so they use brown to indicate it. It can be said that brown food, fried food until golden brown, or food browns, food is fried until golden brown.

1. You should brown the chicken.

You should fry the chicken until golden brown on both sides.

2. Don't turn off the fire until the chicken browns.

Wait until the chicken is golden on both sides, then turn off the heat.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

The banana is still green.


The banana is still green.

The green here is not "green", but "green, unripe", "tomato is still green" can be said that the tomato is still green. "People are frozen and blue", how to say? Never say you look green, look green means pale after illness, and people who are cold should be blue with cold.

1. Don't eat that banana. It's still green.

Don't eat that banana, it's still green.

2. It's so cold outside. My hands are blue with cold.

It was so cold outside that my hands were frozen blue.

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all
"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

Commonly used colors are summarized in English

Plum /plʌm/

Peach /piːtʃ/

Orange reddish /'redɪʃ/ orange

Date red

Bright red

Blood red blood red

Crimson deep red

Light red

Orange orange

Deep orange deep orange

Light orange light orange

Light yellow jasmine /'dʒæzmɪn/

Earth yellowish /'jeləʊɪʃ/ brown

Beige /beɪʒ/

Golden, gold

Olive green /ˈɔliv/ green

Apple green apple green

Turquoise azure /'æʒə/ green

Tender green verdancy /'və:dənsi/

Light green

Light green pale /peɪl/ green

Sky blue sky blue

Sapphire sapphire /'sæfaɪə/

Purple purple /'pɜːp(ə)l/

Violet /'vaɪələt/

Grape /greɪp/

Ivory /'aɪv(ə)rɪ/

Pearl white pearl /pɜːl/ white

Silver /'sɪlvə/ white

Pure white pure white

Cream cream /kriːm/

Khaki /'kɑːkɪ/

Camel /'kæm(ə)l/

Flesh-colored /'fleʃ,kʌləd/

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

Source: Guangzhou Daily

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Every color is a gift of life

"It's dark" Don't use black! Foreigners can't understand it at all

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◆◆Today's homework◆◆

Do you understand these phrases and sentences correctly? Finally, leave the students with a small assignment:

It gets dark earlier in winter.

How should this sentence be translated? Students can write your answer in the message area in the lower right corner Oh, the teacher will personally comment ~ ~

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