
If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

In the eyes of the vast majority of people, weight loss is successful when weight loss is lost. In fact, this view is wrong. Weight loss does not mean that weight loss is successful, maybe all you lose is water and muscle, and fat is still good.

Losing water is not only not good for your health, but once you rehydrate, your weight will quickly return. Moreover, the loss of muscle will make the body's basal metabolism decline, and even cause a decline in physical fitness.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

Only by losing excess fat and controlling the body fat rate within the standard range can we consider weight loss success and maintain the health of the body. Therefore, losing weight is not as good as losing fat, and we need to pay more attention to our body fat rate. Only when the body fat rate drops, is the real weight loss.

Therefore, when we start to lose weight, we need to establish the right concept, and then choose the right way to reduce the fat in the body and make ourselves really thin.

Under normal circumstances, the body fat rate of girls remains below 24%, and the body fat rate of boys is maintained below 20%, which is the standard body.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

So, what is the way to reduce body fat percentage?

There are two main ones: one is to control calorie intake, and the other is to increase exercise consumption. In a word, it is to achieve consumption greater than intake, maintain this state for a period of time, the body fat rate will drop.

Reducing calorie intake will cause the body to produce an energy gap, in which case the human body will activate the reserve of fat, thus achieving the purpose of lowering lipids. However, there is a point of caution here that the calorie intake should not be excessively reduced, so that the body will prioritize the breakdown of muscles over fat.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

Therefore, we need to ensure that the intake of calories is greater than the basal metabolism, and we must not diet at will. After many people lose weight, their bodies also collapse, that is, they do not pay enough attention to this aspect.

During weight loss, to achieve a scientific diet, you need to do the following three things:

Change three meals to multiple meals. The food ingested in three meals can be divided into five meals, such as fruit, eggs or milk as a meal, which can reduce hunger, ensure balanced intake of nutrients, and improve calorie consumption.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

Supplement with high-quality protein in moderation. While reducing the intake of fatty meat and other high-fat foods, it is a good choice to supplement some high-quality protein, such as eggs, chicken breasts and fish.

Choose a light cooking method. When processing food, try to use cooking methods such as boiling and steaming, and use less frying, frying and frying.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

In addition to paying attention to the way you eat, exercise is also crucial. Exercise fat loss should pay attention to the following points:

Aerobic exercise and strength training alternate. Running, jumping rope, swimming and ball sports are all whole-body aerobic exercises that burn calories and also promote fat burning in the body. Maintaining 40 minutes of aerobic exercise every day can slowly slim down the figure.

However, long-term aerobic exercise will cause muscle loss. Therefore, if you want to lose fat and ensure that muscles are not lost, you must also do strength training, which can not only reduce fat, but also shape the curve of the body.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

As the body's muscle mass increases, so does the level of basal metabolism, which in turn helps to burn more calories and helps inhibit fat accumulation. Common strength training such as squats, pull-ups, flat supports, and various equipment training are all good choices.

Finally, it is also worth reminding that people who lose fat should drink more water and ensure the quality of sleep.

When exercising, it will consume a lot of water, which is easy to cause insufficient water in the body, which is very harmful to health. Therefore, when losing weight, drink more water, and enough water can also promote the body's metabolism and improve the efficiency of fat burning.

If you want to lose weight, remember: only if your body fat rate drops, you can be considered really thin

Of course, do not replace water with drinks, although they are all liquids, they contain a large number of added ingredients, the calories are very high, and the calories of a cup of milk tea need to jog for 1 hour to be completely consumed.

It is recommended to drink enough 1800 ml of warm boiled water per day.

If you want to reduce body fat rate, it is also key to improve the quality of sleep. Staying up late often can cause disorders in hormone secretion in the body, reduce the basal metabolic rate, and thus affect the efficiency of fat loss. Therefore, it is best to fall asleep before 11 o'clock every night, and sleep for 8 hours a day.

Note: The picture is from the network

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