
"Seeds": Get out of the confusion and find the meaning of life and work

author:Cats don't like to eat fish

The answers to life's greatest questions are often the simplest.

Have you ever been confused or confused? Have you ever been tired of life and tired of work?

Whenever you encounter such a situation, how do you choose the next path?

But all this is as the poem says:

I'm depressed because I don't have shoes;

Until I was walking down the street and met a man without feet.

Many times, we still have a choice, but there are many people who do not even have a choice.

So when our life is full of confusion and life encounters setbacks; when we lose the motivation to move forward and lose the passion for life, how should we choose?

Opening the book "Seeds", the author Jon focuses on the perspective of finding the meaning of life, telling the solution to the problems faced by life. Each of us is a seed, and only after going through the four stages of preparation, planting, growth, and harvesting can we finally see clearly where the meaning of our lives is.

First, the courage to find seeds

If there is no enthusiasm, then we are just as mediocre as everyone else.

The boss of "Seeds" protagonist Josh gave him two weeks of paid leave, hoping that he could make changes and return to work with enthusiasm again, otherwise he would only be fired.

Invited by a friend, he went to a farm and went on a maze adventure with his friends. But there are too many forks in the maze, and everyone's choices are different, and finally he gets lost in the maze alone. As he closed his eyes and prayed for direction, he met a farmer who had changed his life.

The farmer points out that Josh's confusion is caused by his lack of a goal, so the farmer gives George a seed and tells him that if he finds a place to plant the seed, he will find his goal.

In this way, Josh embarked on a journey of searching.

This is true of many of us, the burden of life on our chests forcing us to breathe, life is already so difficult, few people will find themselves trouble to find the meaning of life.

But is that really the case? You know, a life without a goal is destined to be as rambling as the walking dead. Only by actively pursuing the meaning of life can we not be afraid of confusion, confusion, frustration and pain, and can we finally realize our own value.

Second, the past cannot be traced, the future is unpredictable, and only the present is the most feasible

Where to sow this seed?

Josh returns to his parents' house and wants to plant the seeds at the very beginning of everything, but a conversation with his father changes his decision. Josh then decides to go to the place where he has ever been happiest, and perhaps in that place, he will find clues to the meaning of life.

By the time we got to school, everything we were familiar with had changed, and there was no way to sow seeds here.

He met his favorite professor, who taught him the truth of notes, and everyone had their own notes to play.

I met a student in a wheelchair and learned to look at things from a different perspective.

The more people learn and grow, the more confused they become, and people forget their instinct, which is love. In fact, what makes people tired is not hard work, but a negative mentality.

Back at the restaurant where he had worked before, Josh found the passion he once had to serve others. He decided to play to his strengths and re-learn, grow and serve.

At this time he received a call from a headhunter, and he had the opportunity to work a new job. The temptations of the future should not be underestimated, and Josh was very excited, when he thought that the future job would be the place to sow his seeds.

But the man he met on the plane gave him new guidance. The future tends to look more attractive than the present because the future is full of illusions. But will this really be the case? Josh, who calmed down, understood that the work had not changed, it was himself who had changed, and the future was not the right place.

Josh, who had made the decision, returned to the farm and told the farmer about his decision, and he decided to live in the moment and return to his old job.

Yes, we always miss the past and look forward to the future, but ignore the present that we should cherish the most. The adversity we encounter is not a hope-break situation, but a necessary path to achieve better results than imagined.

We can't leave because we encounter challenges, the current suffering and challenges are all opportunities for us to go further, only by facing the challenges and overcoming difficulties, can we finally find the meaning of life and complete the best of ourselves.

Third, achieve fruitful results in the face of adversity

Those who have not experienced darkness cannot understand the light.

Sometimes, we have to be knocked down to take to new heights.

We must overcome our inner fears and self-doubts, and just like the protagonist Josh, who did not go through the whole process after making the decision to return to his old job.

Among them, it is inevitable to encounter doubts, encounter opposition and obstruction, and the road to growth will inevitably be accompanied by countless bumps.

But in the end, he chose to continue the challenge, because he knew that if he failed, everything might have to start all over again, but if he succeeded, he could enjoy the fruits of victory.

Each of us is like this, growing up in countless ups and downs, making progress in countless setbacks, and strengthening our self-belief under the interference of the outside world, we will slowly find the driving force of life.

We are born with our own unique meaning in life. Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent.

Each of us should live for ourselves, challenges bring growth, and delays bring courage. Hopefully, we can all stop being numb and lost.

As long as you have seeds in your hands and hearts, your life can blossom and bear fruit, but only if you have to plant the seeds.

I hope that we can all plant our own seeds, get out of confusion and confusion, find our own meaning in life, and realize the value of our lives.

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