
Attacking the Chinese parliamentarians, France wants to follow in the footsteps of Lithuania?

author:Haidong Information

Under the "brainwashing" of the United States, some countries have begun to "stir up trouble" against China, such as Lithuania before, in order to hold the thighs of the United States, frantically target China, seriously interfere in China's internal affairs, and issue all kinds of "Taiwan-related" remarks that provoke China.

Attacking the Chinese parliamentarians, France wants to follow in the footsteps of Lithuania?

French parliamentarians clamor to emulate the "Lithuanian model"

Recently, according to reports, the French National Assembly voted on whether to promote the proposal of Taiwan to join an international organization, of which only 2 people opposed, 3 abstained, and all other parliamentarians were in favor. This proposal has seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, but it was passed by a high vote in the French National Assembly, which immediately attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

According to French media reports, Richard Richard, a French right-wing congressman who actively promoted the adoption of the proposal, recently visited Taiwan, and during the parliamentary debate, Richard called on France to follow Lithuania's practice and rename the Taiwan authorities' legal institutions as "representative offices" and wanted to pull France into the "Lithuanian model."

Attacking the Chinese parliamentarians, France wants to follow in the footsteps of Lithuania?

He was besieged for supporting "China's reunification."

In the voting process, only 2 people held an opposing attitude, Luc Mélangzig was one of them, he felt that the Sino-US conflict is a matter between the great powers, France is better not to offend anyone, and now the United States is using the so-called Taiwan issue to contain China, trying to copy the Cold War model, if France is involved, the world really entered the Cold War period again, France is also an accomplice.

Luc Mélang-sur-mernchon said that "Taiwan is China's territory" and that the Taiwan issue should be resolved by China, that the United States should not intervene, and that France should not intervene. However, because of this sentence, he was frantically besieged in the French parliament, and the right-wing "anti-China" forces led by Richard frantically attacked him and even deprived him of the opportunity to speak.

Attacking the Chinese parliamentarians, France wants to follow in the footsteps of Lithuania?

France cannot afford the consequences of supporting "Taiwan independence."

For France, choosing to support "Taiwan independence" and follow in Lithuania's footsteps is a very unwise choice, just as the so-called "immortals fight, mortals suffer", the contradictions between the great powers of China and the United States, France's best choice is not to dance with the United States, if you have to play, offend China, the end will be the same as Lithuania, cut off all cooperation with China, by the Chinese government in all aspects of the countermeasures, such consequences, France can not afford.

However, some politicians of the French government are obsessed with not pushing France on the road of no return, vowing not to give up, and never thinking about the consequences, which is the main reason why France has been taking the "downhill road".

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Part of the source of the news reference: Chengdu Radio and Television

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