
"The league's last thorn" Owen also has to give up his last stubbornness

author:You didn't expect the ball thing

Today, NBA reporter Brandon Robinson breathed a mouthful, saying that the Nets Irving did not want to get a vaccine, but was a little worried about the side effects of the vaccine. The meaning of this statement is that "if the problem of side effects is solved, Owen will be vaccinated", or even "Owen wants to be vaccinated, but he still has to consider it", but I think it will eventually evolve into "Owen is vaccinated"!

"The league's last thorn" Owen also has to give up his last stubbornness

This result should be unquestionable, and it is also considered "win-win" by most people. The Nets' big three reunite, they will launch a shock to the championship; Irving has been redeemed, but also completed self-reflection, if the Nets win the championship this year, it will be a "prodigal son back, save the mother team" reunion drama; the NBA league also won, Irving's return has given the league a lot of exposure and reporting gimmicks.

But, in this peaceful atmosphere, I always feel that something is wrong? Why did Irving evolve from resolutely not vaccinating to breaking with the team, seemingly preferring to never play for the Nets again to maintain his "last stubbornness", to "conditional vaccination"?

The NBA league is now more and more a "hello me hello everyone" game, the players no longer have the "sworn enemies" of the 8/90s of the last century, like the Pistons of the Smiling Assassins and the Celtics of the Big Bird, like the Celtics of the Big Bird and the Lakers of the Magician, and at the beginning of this century, there were such hot scenes as the Pistons of Big Ben and the Famous "Palace of Mount Auburn" of the Walkers of Artest...

"The league's last thorn" Owen also has to give up his last stubbornness

And now the alliance, everyone meets a bunch of harmony, giggle, "hey man", "homie" a common call, anyway, everyone can get by on the face, no one is annoying, everyone gives face. What was supposed to be a game of life and death turned into a party. This was unthinkable in the 1980s/90s.

Of course, this is inseparable from the league's stricter management of players, the current "zero tolerance" system, players as long as there is any dissatisfaction may be blown technical fouls or even penalties, so players in order to be able to play, naturally "become well-behaved" a lot, so now the league in the baby is prevalent, you can hardly see which player has a distinct personality.

And I thought Owen was the "special one" of a bunch of good babies, and he was probably the last thorn in the players. Thorn head, Chinese interpretation refers to people who are difficult to deal with. I thought Owen was the one who couldn't deal with it. Since the vaccine incident, Owen has insisted on himself in the face of unanimous accusations from the outside world, reflecting the attitude that "Lao Tzu would rather not play than stick to his own ideas".

"The league's last thorn" Owen also has to give up his last stubbornness

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong in this matter, Owen's attitude and persistence are admirable. But now he also has to compromise, the last thorn in the league will also become a good baby, and from then on, the players in the league are all faces, no longer have personality and characteristics.

People like Jordan, like Kobe, why? In addition to playing well, their own personalities are also very attractive. They will pursue something to the extreme, the ultimate persistence. Jordan will let the desire to win the world know that he wants to win when he eats, drinks water, wins by playing table tennis, and is paranoid like a child, but it is this desire for victory that makes him synonymous with victory.

Irving's transformation has given Peak Durant and Peak Harden the hope of winning the championship again, but for Irving, it is to give up the last insistence in his heart.

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