
Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

Clear and energetic, straight and not scratching, cold and cold - Liu Chang

A person who can be praised by the world and admired by future generations has a lot to do with his own character, especially those who can be passed down through the ages and whose names still resound through the world, and are even more admired. Among them, there is such a figure, he has always won the love and respect of the world with his reputation of honesty and honesty, and even created a very rich literary work for him to express respect for him, this person is Bao Zheng, who has always had the reputation of "Bao Qingtian".

Bao Zheng was born in the second year of Xianping of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, that is, in 999 AD, and in the fifth year of Emperor Renzong's Tiansheng Examination, he officially entered the official field. At first, his reputation was not very loud, and he was only granted an official position in Zhi County, in Jianchang County. Because his parents were old and in poor health at the time, Bao Zheng, who was concerned about his parents, took the initiative to request that he be transferred to the vicinity of his hometown in order to take care of his parents nearby. His superiors granted his request and changed him to Hezhou as a tax inspector. However, because his parents did not want their son to leave, he voluntarily resigned his official position and took care of his parents at home, until a few years later, when both of them died of illness and returned to the official field.

Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

Juvenile Bao Qingtian stills

The reason why Bao Zheng can be famous in the world is actually related to his personality. In the official arena, no matter how high or low his official position is, he has never bowed his head because of his power, nor has he ever used his power to seek personal interests for himself, and even sometimes, if something corrupt and corrupt comes into his ears, he will directly play the emperor and expose the true face of corrupt officials. In addition, his political achievements were indeed outstanding, whether he was still a local official at that time or later entered the central government, he always adhered to his original intention and never violated the ambition he had made when he entered the official field in the past.

Although Bao Zheng himself is not one of those literary works, who knows everything about any case and can find out the truth in a short period of time, his excellent integrity style and justice that never seeks personal gain are still the most admirable shining points in him. So, now, a thousand years later, what happened to those who are wrapped up? Are you still following the teachings of your ancestors, radiating your own light in different fields, and making your own efforts for China?

From the relevant information, it can be seen that Bao Zheng had a total of two sons and two daughters at that time, the eldest son was named Bao Qi, who married his wife at the age of nineteen, but before his father died, his eldest son also died early, leaving only one young son to grow up smoothly. The second son, called Bao Shou, gave birth to four sons and three daughters, although some children died early, but they could also be regarded as leaving offspring. It is shocking that these heirs have grown into more than 100,000 descendants in the course of a thousand years. Among them, the most famous is the thirty-fifth generation of Bao Zheng, an old man named Bao Xianliang.

Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

The old man was born at the beginning of the last century and is now more than seventy years old. He grew up in he grew up in hefei, the hometown of his ancestor Bao Zheng, in a village named after Bao Zheng, and grew up listening to stories related to Bao Zheng. But it is a little puzzling that the old man has hardly left the village, especially in 1994, when most of his neighbors left the village to go out to make a living, but he remained stubborn at home and refused to go out to work. Why? Could it be that the elderly are not in good health and unable to go out? Or is the old man coveting the comfort of his home and just wants to stay at home and nibble on the old book?

Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

In fact, this is not the case, but the old man has been insisting on one thing in the past few decades, and it is also this incident that prevents him from going out to work, which is to guard the ancestral hall of Bao Gong. We all know that the ancients most valued ancestor sacrifices, especially those with great fame, who would always be revered by future generations and build ancestral halls for him. This ancestral hall in Bao Village is the place where the descendants of the Bao family worship Bao Zheng, and it is also the most critical antiquities of the Bao family. The old man spent most of his life to watch over this ancestral hall, and at the same time, for every tourist or descendant of Bao's family, he carefully and detailed the story of Bao Zheng in the past and the family training he left behind.

Bao Zheng's family training can be seen that the code of conduct he has always adhered to, as well as the strict discipline and expectations of future generations, even if it has been passed down for thousands of years, it still affects the Bao family. From the introduction of the elderly Bao Xianliang, it can be known that the content of this family training is :"Future generations of eunuchs, those who commit adultery and abuse, must not be released to their own families; after death, they must not be buried in the big house." Not from Wu Zhi, not my descendants", only a few short dozen words, but the content is very clear and clear, directly expressing the meaning that Bao Zheng hopes that his descendants can maintain their own good conduct, and admonishing their descendants, even if they are officials, they cannot do anything to harm the people and the Jiangshan, and if anyone disobeys, they will immediately expel the Bao family.

Elder Bao Xianliang said that perhaps it is precisely because of the influence of this family training that few of Bao Zheng's descendants have stepped into the business path and become businessmen. For him, although he himself has never been involved in the officialdom, or even just an ordinary person in the countryside of Anhui, he still has not forgotten the teachings of his ancestors and integrated the conduct inherited by his ancestors into his daily behavior, just so as not to discredit his ancestors. At the same time, such information can also be obtained in the introduction of the old man, the old man has been using his own money and energy to try to maintain the ancestral hall, cleaning regularly every day, carefully explaining the various stories of Bao Zheng and the ancestral hall for the people who come here, so that those who have heard his story can clearly feel the respect of the old man for his ancestors and the sincere protection of the ancestral hall.

Where are the descendants of "Bao Qingtian" Bao Zheng now? Descendants of the 35th generation: silently guarding the Bao ancestral hall but not working

Just like in the past, Bao Zheng was willing to use his weak ability to seek fairness for the people of the world, the old man was also guarding the inheritance of his ancestors with his own strength, he hoped that more people could harvest the positive energy of life from Bao Zheng's story, and also expected Bao Zheng's influence on the world to continue from generation to generation, even if the price of this behavior was that he had to give up his ego and only rely on the meager wages earned by cleaning the village every day to make a living, and he did not care at all.

From the deeds of the old man Bao Xianliang, it seems that he has glimpsed the stubbornness and stubbornness of Bao Zheng in the past, who will not change his persistence because of anyone's evaluation, as long as he thinks it is right, then he will always rush forward bravely, even if he will be hurt. I think this is probably the reason why Bao Zheng can fight for his own share of the world in such a chaotic official field, and it is also the main reason why he can be praised by the world, and the old man Bao Xianliang, although he has never been an official in the official field, he still inherits the character of his ancestors very well, so that we who are in the present can see and understand how shocking the spirit of perseverance really is.

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