
Movie: The Last Duel

author:Water Tower Horizon
Movie: The Last Duel

Someone recommended "The Last Duel", watched, not bad.

As of today, Douban has a score of 8.4, 14,000 people, and an IMDB score of 7.6, 38,000 people.

Rating: Restrictive, with violent, nudity, sexual scenes.

The film is based on the true story of the last duel in the French Middle Ages.

No spoilers, only comments, only thoughts.

If you do not pursue the so-called depth or connotation of thought, you can only look at one or three verses or two or three verses, anyway, the plot is similar, but the perspective varies from person to person, with a certain subjective emotion.

Hollywood has made the war of the cold weapon era very heavy, more textured than our movies, and the knights of others are like heavy tanks. I really want to see the knight played by Matt Damon fight with Guan Yu, I don't know if Guan Yu can win, after all, the spear of the European knight is a little too long, and it is really not easy to defend it without reason.

The background of the story is France in 1386, when China had entered the Ming Dynasty, and it is not known how the light knights of the Yuan Dynasty beat the heavy knights of Europe, and it is estimated that their output of such knights is not much, and the mortality rate is relatively high.

Movie: The Last Duel

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have been working together since the little fresh meat of "Mindcatcher" more than 20 years ago, and they are still together for so many years, both of them have both muscles and brains, how to do it?

China lacks such filmmakers, Wu Jing's baby face is too dramatic, Jackie Chan is already old, in fact, Jiang Wen should shoot a few plays, don't always engage in some inexplicable depth, masculine domestic movie stars are too few.

There are so many historical allusions in China, just pick one out, you can make a movie, tell a small story well, far better than a big event.

Movie: The Last Duel

The pandemic has had a big impact on filmmaking, which was also shut down due to COVID-19 during filming in 2020. On the shooting scene, the staff is also required to wear masks, and the actors wear face shields in order not to destroy the makeup.

The cost of this film is about 100 million US dollars, and as of now, the global box office is about 30 million, which is enough to choke back the cost.

It is estimated that 80% of this film cannot pass the trial in China, and there are already many resources on the Internet.

The "Read the original article" at the end of the article points to the Douban page of the film.

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