
"To you, my new business card" Zhang Yixing challenged the cross-border promotion of one-day national style street dance

author:Bright Net

The third phase of the first season of the innovative custom variety show "To You, My New Business Card", jointly produced by Douyin and Hunan Satellite TV, will be officially launched at 18:00 on December 4. Zhang Yixing unlocked his new identity in this episode - "National Style Street Dance Promoter", and made a new attempt to integrate dance and traditional culture.

"To you, my new business card" Zhang Yixing challenged the cross-border promotion of one-day national style street dance

Zhang Yixing, a promoter of Chinese style street dance, hopes that Chinese culture will go global

For new dance genres such as Guofeng street dance, Zhang Yixing's attitude is to explore and study. As the promoter of Guofeng Street Dance this time, he hopes that his efforts can be seen by everyone, so as to attract more people to integrate and inherit traditional culture, and finally let the world look at China. To this end, Zhang Yixing tried to choose three groups with very different styles to adapt and interpret the same song "Feitian", including college student street dance troupes, Chinese martial arts inheritors and square dance aunts in the park. Dancers from all walks of life gathered together, bringing many surprises to Zhang Yixing. As can be seen from the trailer, Zhang Yixing has always maintained a state of both high spirits and excitement, not only shouting around the dancers performing martial arts, but also confidently introducing to everyone that "this dance will break everyone's cognition of square dance." This also makes people wonder, when the combination of national style and dance, what kind of spark will burst out?

"To you, my new business card" Zhang Yixing challenged the cross-border promotion of one-day national style street dance

Don't forget the original intention in front of and behind the stage Zhang Yixing practiced the sense of exemplary mission

Zhang Yixing's love for the national style can be seen in his works: the song "Lotus" perfectly combines the image of "Lotus" with the spirit of Xiang Yu who would rather die on the battlefield than compromise for the rest of his life; "Feitian" unveils the mysterious Dunhuang with primitive chanting, showing the fusion of traditional culture and modern culture in the form of national style electronic music. He has always kept in mind his sense of mission to inherit Chinese culture, and has been using his works to convey the charm of traditional Chinese culture to the audience, and is also constantly breaking through innovations to show everyone the new possibilities of traditional culture. In this innovative customized variety show "To You, My New Business Card" jointly produced by Douyin and Hunan Satellite TV, Zhang Yixing showed the street style of Changsha through shooting A MV, and shared entrepreneurial experience with entrepreneurs who wanted to promote traditional culture through food entrepreneurship... He insisted on disseminating the national style culture in various ways, which not only improved the public's awareness of the national style culture, but also continuously conveyed the exemplary power worthy of young people to learn and catch up.

"To you, my new business card" Zhang Yixing challenged the cross-border promotion of one-day national style street dance

After filming the MV and acting as the program recording engineer, Zhang Yixing, who unlocked the identity of the promoter of the national wind street dance, became more and more expected in the program. For more exciting content, please open the vibrato search "To you, my new business card" at 18:00 on December 4th!

Source: Beiqing Network

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