
With the "waiting" of seeds, there is a "good harvest" of crops


We know that when fishing, the longer and longer the line is placed, the more likely it is to catch a big fish. If a thing cannot be completed in a short period of time, it takes a long time of hard work and waiting, then we must not be impetuous, but must wait patiently, so that there will be good news of success.

There was a Dou Gong in the capital of the Tang Dynasty, who was clever and clever, and extremely good at financial management, but his financial resources were thin, and it was difficult to exert his ability to make money. Therefore, he only has to start from a small place and wait for the opportunity to make big money.

He wandered around the capital, looking for ways to make money. One day came to the suburbs, but saw green mountains and green water, the scenery is extremely beautiful, there is a large mansion, the back garden of the mansion has a clear pond, directly leading to the river, after inquiring about it, I learned that it is a powerful official's outer house, but because there is no one to manage, some of the power to the official's outer house, but because no one manages, some dirty. Dou Gong thought to himself: The road to wealth is coming. The owner of the pond thought it was a useless pond and sold it to him at a very low price.

When Dou Gong bought the pond, he asked someone to build the pond into a stone bank, dredge the inlet and outlet channels, plant lotus roots, stock goldfish, fence it, and plant roses.

In the spring of the following year, the powerful official was on vacation at home, smelled the flowers when he visited the back garden, and when he looked at the garden, he drooled. Dou Gong knew that the fish had been hooked and immediately gave the place away.

In this way, the two have a friendship. One day, Dou Gong pretended to have inadvertently talked about wanting to walk around Jiangnan, and the senior official said busily: "I will write you a few letters and ask the local officials to take more care of them." ”

Dou Gong took these letters with him and traveled back and forth between several states and counties, buying and selling them cheaply, and with the support of the government, he made a lot of money in a few years. Later, he returned to Kyoshi. He had already taken a fancy to a large area of low-lying land in the southeast of the palace, where the land price was not expensive due to the low-lying terrain. After Dou Gong bought it, he hired people to take soil from the neighboring highlands to fill it, and then built a pavilion on it, which was specially used to receive foreign merchants, and tried to imitate the different forms of houses and hospitality in different countries. As soon as the pavilion was built, there were many customers, and even those envoys who sent Tang Were willing to come and stay. At the same time, Dou Gong also set aside a street, built more brothels, casinos and even juggling grounds, and built this street into the "First Amusement Street of Chang'an", and tourists were full day and night. Within a few years, Dou Gong's earnings could not be counted. Dou Gong dared to release the line, did not hesitate to catch a high official, and his patience was excellent, so that the fish was still unconscious when it was hooked. His "fishing" technique is known as "putting on a long line and catching big fish.". He has maintained enough patience and knows how to grasp the opportunity when it comes, which are the necessary elements for those who become great things.

There will be many waits in a person's life. For example, making friends requires waiting, first having the opportunity to meet each other, and then slowly running into each other, finding common topics and common interests from exchanges. Of course, there are still some quarrels, some misunderstandings, constantly tying the bell, unselling the bell, and finally reaching the acquaintance of acquaintance, achieving tacit communion, and becoming a confidant. If there is a purposeful pursuit of speed, such as the "one-shot", in some social occasions, these friends are often unreliable. The ripening of crops takes time, and it cannot be expected that the seeds will be sown in the morning and harvested at night, and it must go through dozens or even hundreds of tests of day and night, the destruction of wind and rain, and the exposure of the hot sun to mature. Without patient waiting, there will be no good harvest.

Waiting patiently for the opportunity to win is a big picture, such a life, not alarming, but in the chest.