
Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

author:Talk about fun

Don't you know that everyone is done with the snow mountain activities this time? For most of the friends in the long grass period, there is finally something to do on the line. In this snow mountain activity, the planner is still keen on persecuting our emergency food - Paimon.

At this event, the planner arranged a portrait link for Paramount, and the planned matching option for us was undoubtedly to induce us to paint Paramount as an emergency food (I really didn't mean Paimon!). )。 But with Abedo's remedy, our Paimon was directly repainted as the Parmona Lisa!

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...
Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

After doing this task, we can also get a Paimon portrait that can be placed in the Chengge Pot, and many friends will use it to make a living - such as the Chengge Kettle Lingtang...

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

Paimon was redrawn as an official pedagogue like the Parmona Lisa, and even went viral abroad, with even Paimonaliza becoming a search term on Twitter.

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...
Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

"'Parmona Lisa' painted by Abedo and Ember painted by travelers of the emergency food Piemon"

"She's perfect" (referring to the Parmona Lisa painted by Abedo)

"But I choose this" (referring to the traveler's emergency food Pyrmont)

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

"I love showing the Paimona Lisa, but I like this one even more"

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

Abedo teaches you how to quickly draw a picture of Paimon

"First we draw a circle and a triangle"

"Then, add a little bit of small details"

Outrageous! The Paimona Lisa is on fire abroad! Gangster show tutorial...

Even the devil changed the big chest Paimon...

Of course, the good work at home and abroad is more than a little bit, if you have seen interesting, you can also leave a message to tell me!

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