
"Children's hearts fly to the party and movements" - the creation of spiritual civilization began with dolls


Nanning, 4 Dec (Xinhua) -- In the early winter of the south, when the sun is warm and the breeze is gentle, it is a good time to carry out various outdoor sports. Recently, on the banks of Nanning South Lake in Guangxi, a kindergarten sports festival with the theme of "children's hearts to the party and sports flying" has won wide acclaim.

In the beautiful Zhuang township, the sports festival of the Third Kindergarten of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as "Guangxi Three Kindergartens") is also full of strong national atmosphere, and the little cute babies put on various ethnic costumes, jump up the ancient bamboo pole game, and walk in unison to walk on board shoes...

On the playground, the slogan of "strengthening the body, defending the family and defending the country" rises and falls, the spirit of "not afraid of hardships and dangers, the courage to climb the peak" is vividly displayed, and the shots of "unity and cooperation, mutual help and mutual assistance" abound. Children exercise in the game, feel the traditional culture in the movement, and inherit the red gene.

As a pilot kindergarten for the Ministry of Education to implement the "Guiding Outline for Kindergarten Education (Trial)" action plan, Guangxi Sanyou innovatively proposed the "Reading Qin Experience Course" so that children can receive civilized etiquette and moral education no matter where they are. "We pay great attention to the cultivation of children's good behavior habits, so that children can develop spiritual qualities such as loving the motherland, respecting the elderly and loving the young, and loving the environment from an early age." Huang Xuefang, secretary of the Guangxi Third Children's Party Branch and director of the kindergarten, said.

The creation of spiritual civilization should start from the doll and help children "button the first button of life". As a kindergarten with excellent tradition of running a kindergarten and a profound cultural heritage, Guangxi Third Kindergarten adheres to the inheritance and development of civilized education, combines the educational goals of ideological and moral construction of minors, and actively carries out theme education such as patriotism and love for the kindergarten, traditional culture, and civilized behavior. The kindergarten also actively carries out various sports, organizes outdoor activities for more than 2 hours a day, integrates football, basketball, etc. into children's sports activities, and cultivates children's positive, optimistic, healthy and upward attitude towards life.

Water with heart, and the spirit blossoms. Li Guangjun, deputy director of the Autonomous Region Organ Affairs Administration, said that Guangxi Sanyou will run the concept of "everything for children, for all children" throughout the entire process of building spiritual civilization, so that the core socialist values, civilized etiquette, traditional culture and other contents are as ubiquitous as air, all the time, and become a good code of conduct for "daily use without feeling it." At present, all organs and units directly under the autonomous region are solidly promoting the work of building spiritual civilization, and the eight gui lands are vigorously blowing the wind of spiritual civilization. (End)

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