
Sanda commented on the ecology of the book, and Chen Gong interpreted wonderful environmental protection stories for farmers

author:Sichuan ecological environment

On December 3, Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization toured the first stop of the rural tour into Qile Town, Danling County, Meishan City. Chen Gong, a well-known Sanda commentator, broke the traditional courseware explanation in this tour of the propaganda activity, adopted the performance form of "Sanda Commentary", vividly interpreted the environmental protection stories around him, and gave a lecture on Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization that is easy to understand and simple for local peasants and rural cadres.

Sanda commented on the ecology of the book, and Chen Gong interpreted wonderful environmental protection stories for farmers

As a disciple of Sanda Commentary Artist Li Boqing and Harmony Opera Performance Artist Shen Fa, Chen Gong loves Sanda Commentary and has long insisted on being on the front line to understand the preferences of the masses. As the first stop of the rural tour activities of Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought, Dan Ling has a demonstration template role for subsequent propaganda activities, what is the benefit of Chen Gong using the Sanda commentary form to preach the "Eight Views" of Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought?

In recent years, the ecological environment system of our province has actively promoted the improvement of the rural living environment, and the quality of the rural ecological environment has been significantly improved. However, a reality that cannot be ignored is that the rural masses in our province have limited understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, the awareness of environmental protection is not strong, and the complex theoretical knowledge is difficult to understand. "The Sanda Commentary was founded by my master, Mr. Li Boqing, more than 30 years ago, and the people of Sichuan and Chongqing like it very much and have a very wide audience." Chen Gong said that the advantage of Sanda commentary is that the language is life-like, so that the rhythm of the propagandist's baggage adapts to the needs of the masses. Publicizing the environmental protection stories and cases around them through the forms that the public likes to hear can make them understand complex theoretical knowledge and help promote the "Eight Views" of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Explanation of terms

Sanda commentary is a form of commentary that is improvised according to the situation on the spot without relying on the script. A new form of artistic expression created by Li Boqing, a famous folk artist in Sichuan, on the basis of traditional book commentary in the 1990s, quickly became popular in the Sichuan-Chongqing region because of its closeness to life and humor.

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