
The feeling of re-reading "Wolf Totem" in 2021

author:Deep sea fish 278

"Wolf Totem" is well written, how long has the author written this kind of novel of the slightest emotion between man and nature, and how long has it been that people have been addicted to the so-called modern civilization and cannot extricate themselves.

It just feels that the author does not know enough about Confucian culture and is not sure, Confucianism is not without enterprising spirit. It's just that too much of the infiltration of Western civilization, the core ideas of cowardly culture are not easily accepted by too many modern people, and the Confucian "learning and learning from time to time." Happy", "self-cultivation and family governance and peace in the world" and so on all imply an enterprising spirit. It is just that the way most of the Countrymen are predatory like wolves and hurt others is not taken by the People of the Country.

A person should start from self-discipline, and living as a beam of light to illuminate others and influence the world is the center of Confucianism.

I once chatted with friends and talked about the problem of Chinese without faith, and at that time I very much disagreed with this view, Chinese is not without faith, confucian heaven, Taoist Tao, Buddhist Buddha all point to faith, only most of the Chinese do not have a careful and systematic experience, intellectuals such as professors are not many people are now willing to study the empty system of sinology, they are rushing to commercialize sinology in order to chase more and more blockages.

And faith as the highest form of behavioral constraint is gradually being completely replaced by the so-called sound legal system. Some people think that the reason why the Chinese people seem to have no faith is because the law has replaced faith, and even in the face of real disasters, people are powerless. Such as the landslide of the rift of people is unavoidable, so the new liver pneumonia is unpredictable and protective. The aftermath is only the forgiveness of the underworld after the punishment of man. I don't remember who was the first to say that human beings are doomed to destroy themselves, but I especially agree with this statement. Isn't it a revelation to say different forms of identity from the human mouth countless times in the future? The reason why the Chinese people have no faith is that the Chinese people do not know how to bring faith into their lives. Faith is simple, as long as there is reverence in the heart. But it is difficult to respect this fear, because this reverence complicates the faith. Numerous teachings define this reverence and fear, but the ultimate direction is the Creator of the Underworld. It is also what human beings are ultimately willing to accept and can only accept. Aren't scientists as noble as Darwin and Newton finally devoutly sincere in their faith?

Therefore, do not speak falsely, do not speak falsely!

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