
Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

author:Fisherman Liu Wenjun

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Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

From Hekou Town to Taohuayu in Zhengzhou, Henan, it is the middle reaches of the Yellow River, flowing through the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Shanxi Province and Henan Province. The carp culture in the Yellow River area has a long history and profound heritage, and has a very rich cultural connotation.

The earliest collection of poems in the Book of Poetry collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (11th century BC to the 6th century BC), and its production area is centered on the Yellow River Basin, south to the north bank of the Yangtze River, distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Hubei and other places. Gao Mingqian's "Interpretation of animals in the Book of Poetry" also clearly pointed out that the "river" in the "Book of Poetry" is the Yellow River, and the "carp" is the Yellow River carp. The Book of Verses says, "Whoever eats his fish will be the carp of the river." "It shows the status of the Yellow River carp." And there is also "Drink the royal friends, the turtle and the carp." (Poetry Sutra, Xiaoya June) "The carp" is the finely cut raw carp meat, which is a symbol of people enjoying life. Since the Book of Verses, carp has been regarded as a representative of noble things, symbolizing the richness and auspiciousness of life. When Confucius's son Kong Carp was born, Lu Zhaogong sent someone to send a carp to congratulate him, and Confucius thought that this was an auspicious omen, so he named his son Kong Carp. It can be seen that carp is placed by people to pray for the good wishes of life auspicious and prosperous, more children and more blessings, and has become popular in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Carp also has a social function. Carp biography is not uncommon in many poems and songs, the most famous of which is the "Double Carp Book" in Han Le Fu, see "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Line": "The guest comes from afar, leaving me the double carp." Hu'er cooks carp, and there is a ruler book. Kneeling down to read a plain book, what is the book like? Sauvignon Blanc on the top, Sauvignon Blanc on the bottom. "The earliest letters are mostly written on white cloth, which is soft and easy to be damaged, and the ancients tied the letters in two pieces of fish-shaped wooden jane, called "fish ruler". "Double carp" refers to letters, and is also known as "carp seal", "fish letter" or "fish book" by ancient literati, which is rich in connotation and adds to the beauty of poetry.

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

According to the Taiping Guangji's quotation from the Records of the Three Qins of the Xin Dynasty, "Longmen Mountain is at the eastern boundary of the river, Yu chisel mountain is broken, more than one mile wide, the Yellow River flows down from the middle, and there are no traffic on both sides of the river." Every late spring, there are yellow carps that swim upstream, and the winner turns into a dragon. "This story takes place in the Yellow River Gorge in Hejin County, Shanxi, the Dayu Chisel Mountain drains a gate, called longmen, every spring the water waves are very turbulent, the Yellow River carp against the current has been blocked by longmen mountain many times, only the carp that is not afraid of the surging waves and jumps over the dragon gate can ascend into a dragon. This legend makes people pin their hopes on the carp to fly yellow Tengda and the expectations of Jackie Chan, and there are countless literati who use this as a metaphor, such as "The Yellow River two-foot carp, originally in Mengjinju." The point is not a dragon, and it returns with the mortal fish. (Li Bai's "Gift to Cui Shilang") borrowed carp to express his desire to rise and forge ahead but did not meet with talent.

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

Longmen, the crossing of the Yellow River at the junction of Hejin City in Shanxi Province and Hancheng City in Shaanxi Province

The story of the Eastern Han Dynasty Nanyang Taishou sheep continuing to hang fish has been passed down through the ages. During Yang's tenure, there was "Fu Cheng Jiao Jian looked forward to paying a carp in March", but Yang Continued did not want to accept it, and did not want to brush the face of the other party, so he hung this carp on the eaves to educate the gift-givers and refuse to bribe (Li Fang's "Taiping Imperial Survey"). It also gave the carp culture the meaning of being upright and honest.

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

From below Taohuayu to the mouth of the Yellow River, it flows through two regions: Henan Province and Shandong Province. The Shandong Yellow River carp, along with the Ningxia Yellow River carp, the Shaanxi Yellow River carp, the Shanxi Yellow River carp and the Henan Yellow River carp, are listed as the "five famous carps" of the main stream of the Yellow River.

In Shandong, the East Yellow River carp is famous at home and abroad. The carp breeding base of the Yellow River in Dong'a has four distinct seasons, with moderate annual average temperature and average precipitation, a long frost-free period and sufficient sunshine. Dong'a Yellow River carp is slender, the scales on the side of the body are golden yellow, the fin, tail stalk, and the lower leaves of the tail fin are orange-red, the pectoral fin and the abdominal fin are orange, and the meat is tender, the texture is clear, the white is like jade, the smell is fragrant, the taste is smooth, the taste is delicious, and the soup color is bright.

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

East A Yellow River carp

As early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is recorded in the Records of Dong'a County that the unique natural environment of Dong'a has deeply integrated the Yellow River carp into the history and culture of Dong'a, and has bred countless legends and stories of the popular population, such as the fish essence in the river nest of Dong'a Dan Town, Yu Shenxing's march into Beijing to meet the fish essence in the Yellow River, Cao Zhi and the fishing girl of Yushan. One of the most famous is the "carp jumping bayonet". East Aai Mountain and pingyin waishan opposite the Yellow River form the narrowest part of the lower yellow riverbed, and the rushing Yellow River water churns rapidly at the suddenly narrowed Aishan bayonet, forming a magnificent landscape. Legend has it that a long time ago, the stone gate above the Aishan bayonet was the place where the legendary carp jumped the dragon gate. There is a poem that says: "Autumn view of the waves, winter view of ice, the sixteenth day of the first month to put river lights." Yellow River carp jumping bayonet, lock dragon at the foot of Aishan Mountain. ”

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

The width of the Aishan bayonet is only 275 meters at its narrowest point

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

Sweet and sour Yellow River carp

The edible value of the Yellow River carp has also been recorded for a long time. In terms of diet, Shandong's traditional famous dish "Sweet and Sour Yellow River Carp" is one of the representative dishes of Lu cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines in China. The "Chronicle of Jinan Province" has long been recorded as "the carp of the Yellow River, the crab of Nanyang, and into the recipe". The sweet and sour Yellow River carp originated in Jinan City, Shandong Province, the Song Dynasty spread to Henan, integrated into the unique cultural color of the Central Plains, the formation of carp baked noodles and other well-known dishes, fish meat tender, crispy noodles, sweet and sour ("soft and tender fresh fragrant fluffy crisp Yu cuisine classic famous dish carp baked noodles").

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

Unlike other areas in the Yellow River Basin, the carp in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is also endowed with the connotation of human morality. In the ancient Chinese filial piety story "Twenty-Four Filial Pieties", the story of "Lying on Ice and Seeking Carp" is well known, and the protagonist Wang Xiang (184-268) is a native of Linyi, Shandong. In order to maintain social stability, feudal rulers vigorously promoted the story of filial piety, so they believed that through their children's filial piety to their parents, they could move the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, bless and bless, and obtain high-ranking officials and lulus in this way. Under the influence of filial piety culture, the carp has added a touch of human morality and has become a carrier of filial piety, and Shandong has been awarded the title of "the hometown of Carp Filial Piety Culture in the Yellow River of China".

Carp culture in the Yellow River Basin: Carp culture has a long history and profound heritage, with rich cultural connotations

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