
Jiang Kun | develop the art of quyi with love, persistence and adherence to inheritance

author:China Art Newspaper
Jiang Kun | develop the art of quyi with love, persistence and adherence to inheritance

Jiang Kun

With love, persistence, perseverance

Inherit and develop the art of quyi

Chairman of the Chinese Ququ Association

Famous cross-talk performance artist

"Whoever seeks the elders of the wood will strengthen its roots, and he who desires to flow far will dredge his springs." China's excellent traditional culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation, an important source of cultivating the core values of socialism, and a solid foundation for us to stand firm in the turmoil of world culture. As a wonderful flower in the hundred gardens of China's excellent traditional culture, Chinese music and art have a long history, brilliant and colorful, and have been inherited and developed for more than 2,000 years. From walking the streets and alleys to entering the theater stage, from performing on the ground to ascending the Hall of Elegance, generations of qu artists have studied and forged ahead, and have developed the art of qu art with love, persistence and adherence to the inheritance.

"Whoever writes a word of transmission must first have the heart to pass it on." The wisdom of quyi predecessors has been passed down to this day, it has long been beyond the skill itself and outside the material, they are patriotic for the people, advocating virtue and art, they keep pace with the times, needle and hammer the shortcomings, they absorb the strengths of all, strive for excellence, they pour their hearts into teaching and promoting the younger generations. Quyi is no longer just a family-supporting business, the fine traditions and philosophies contained in it flow in the torrent of the times and become more and more brilliant, inspiring and inspiring the majority of quyi workers to guard from generation to generation, passing on the torch, and contributing to the prosperity and development of the quyi cause in the new era.

Promote the development of quyi heritage,

We must cultivate the literary and artistic feelings of serving the people

At the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art in 1942, Chairman Mao pointed out in his speech: "Our literature and art are all for the masses of the people." The masses are the rain and sunshine for cultivating literary and art workers, and the people are the parents who nurture literary and art workers. The essence of socialist literature and art is the literature and art of the people, which originates from the people, is for the people, and belongs to the people.

Quyi has always been rooted in the fertile soil of the masses, absorbing rich nutrition and returning the splendid flowers to the mother earth. Observing each of the works of Allegro master Li Runjie comes from sincere life experience and draws inspiration and strength from the people. Yuan Kuocheng, a master of storytelling, re-edited and created the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", eliminating the old and stale vocabulary of the original work, and changing it to a language that is appreciated by everyone and understood by everyone, and in his narration, let the elderly go down to the children with hanging hair, so that ordinary workers and experts and scholars can feel the fierce battlefield of the golden drums sounding in unison, people shouting horses, flags covering the sun, and knives and guns flying. Under the strong inspiration of a hundred flowers to return the fertile soil and laugh and dedicate the people, the China Ququ Association has organized the vast number of qu art workers since 2015, bringing endless laughter and laughter to the grass-roots masses, rapping the vivid and touching stories of contemporary China, and vividly interpreting the beautiful scene of "qu contemporary times, art for the people".

Meeting the new spiritual and cultural needs of the people in the new era is an important issue facing every literary and art worker. An era has an era of literature and art, and an era has the spirit of an era. Focusing on the present, the new era has created an unprecedented good literary and artistic environment, qu art workers should take the satisfaction of the people's spiritual and cultural needs as the starting point and foothold of qu art work, integrate lofty values and beautiful emotions into their own works, create excellent qu art works that reflect the voice of the times, show the people's struggle, and cultivate noble sentiments, guide people to gather towards noble morality, be the seekers and disseminators of truth, goodness and beauty, and be practitioners of inheriting and developing the cause of qu art, so that this flower is rooted in the fertile soil of life. The peony flowers that grow in the hearts of the people bloom forever.

Healthy and positive literary criticism must be advocated

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that literary and art criticism is a mirror and a good medicine for literary and artistic creation, and an important force to guide creation, produce more fine products, improve aesthetics, and lead fashion. The inheritance and development of quyi is inseparable from active and convincing literary and artistic criticism.

In 1986, the literary and art journal "Tianjin Singing" published a letter from a reader, criticizing a small cross-talk segment performed by me and my partner Teacher Li Wenhua by name, and after discussing with Teacher Li, I immediately replied to "Tianjin Singing", thanked the readers and editors of the journal, and publicly checked my own thoughts. Recently, Quyi Magazine Rong Media opened a column entitled "The Story of Chongde Shangyi", in which the famous quyi writer Zhao Lianjia wrote in the article, "The deepest feeling is still the criticism and comrade Wenfei's enlightenment." I'm telling the truth, I've written so many works, let me say which one is the best, I really have to think about it to be accurate. But criticism must be remembered, this moment to remind me, as a person can not be too floaty, you must always think about what you can act, how to act well, can play to whom to see the problem. Whether or not we can welcome criticism lies fundamentally in whether we have the ideological realm of serving the people wholeheartedly and proceeding from the interests of the people in everything.

Focusing on the present, in the new era, music and art workers must dare to take up the weapon of criticism, dare to seek truth from facts in terms of artistic quality and level, dare to show their attitude toward all kinds of bad literary and artistic works, phenomena, and ideological trends, dare to take a stand on major issues of right and wrong, dare to criticize, and be good at criticism; dare to face critics who criticize the shortcomings of their own works, listen to criticism, dare to listen to criticism, treat them with respect, persist in stressing taste, style, and responsibility, stir up turbulence, promote purity, remove the old and the new, and better promote the healthy development of literary and artistic creation. Truly form a good literary and artistic ecology.

Healthy new mentor-apprentice relationships must be established

No sect is established, no teacher is not passed on, no disciple is not inherited. In the past, many traditional folk arts of the Chinese nation, including Quyi, relied on the traditional method of masters and apprentices, adopted the inheritance method of oral transmission, and carried the torch of art through generations of master-apprentice relationships and their successors.

"Teacher, so preach and teach karma to solve puzzles." To be a person, we must be virtuous and benefit from not forgetting the teacher. Mr. Li Wenhua brought an oxygen cylinder to his own worship ceremony, and this unremitting pursuit of art, the supreme respect for the teacher, and the persistence of tradition have become a good story in the music and art circles. The inheritance of master and apprentice in the qu art world has the energy of thick blood relations and no blood transfusion, which not only requires the apprentice to be respectfully taught to the master, but also the master must care for the apprentice, and must assume lifelong responsibility for his thoughts, art and even behavior and life.

If there is no teacher to worship, no disciple to pass on, no teacher to pass on, where does the disciple come from, then the vast river of art of quyi cannot flow to this day. However, the disciples must not be equal to the master's feudal stereotypes and personal attachment to the gang sects of "from one end to the end" with respecting the master and abiding by the plan of conduct, and must not "resurrect the dross" in the name of "inheriting the tradition".

Focusing on the present, in the new era, music and art workers must establish a correct concept of accepting apprentices and worshiping teachers, consciously oppose and resist the tendencies and phenomena of portal views, helping habits, and peers being light on each other, build a modern master-apprentice relationship of respecting teachers and emphasizing teaching, teaching and friends, equality and mutual assistance, and promoting common development, advocating that teachers are willing to teach and apprentices enjoy learning, and forming a good atmosphere of respecting teachers and loving disciples, teaching each other, equality and mutual assistance, and common progress.

It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship of excellence

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Literary and art workers should keep in mind that creation is their central task, and works are the foundation of their own life, so they must calm down, strive for excellence, and dedicate the best spiritual food to the people." "Looking back at history, no matter which country, no matter what era, those artists who can really be remembered, those art forms that have been handed down to this day, have won respect and praise by classic works and exquisite skills, and have been inherited and developed."

A song "Reorganizing the Rivers and Mountains for Future Life" made luo Yusheng, the "King of Golden Voice Songs", a household name, and let hundreds of millions of Chinese know the traditional Chinese rap art Of the Beijing Rhyme Drum, whose lyricist Lin Ru was a teacher, and when filming "Four Generations Together", he was tired enough to lose seventeen teeth; a sloppy and sloppy "Ma Daha" image, after the second creation of the cross-talk Taidou Ma Sanli and the excellence of excellence, came to life and was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Looking back at the artistic life of the masters and masters, it is not necessary to pay attention to the attention and make the most of the limelight, but more likely to be buried in the desk, stooped in the field, rooted in the people, hard-working, and dedicated to hard work.

Focusing on the present, the new era of music workers must strengthen the awareness of fine products, always maintain the pursuit of perfection and the endurance of sitting on the "cold bench", less impetuous, more pure; less opportunistic, more down-to-earth; less rush to achieve quick success, more focus and lasting; less shoddy, more excellent products, focus on the mission, the persistence into the blood, concentrate, down-to-earth, and constantly improve the spiritual height, cultural connotation, artistic value of the work, With the spirit of craftsmanship of excellence, we will create exquisite works worthy of the great nation and the great era, and engrave the literary and artistic epic poems containing the Chinese spirit and the characteristics of the times with the craftsmanship of thousands of hammers.

"Those who fall into reality think of their trees, and those who drink their streams cherish their origins." In the face of great times, we are extremely confident and proud, and we feel a great responsibility in the face of precious opportunities. Based on the new starting point of the party's century-old history, let us devote ourselves to inheriting and developing the fine tradition of quyi, take the virtue and art as a lifelong pursuit, consciously practice and carry forward the core values of socialism, pass on the truth, goodness and beauty, denigrate the false and the ugly, add new impetus to the development of quyi, push the cause of quyi to a new height, and make quyi art shine with new brilliance.

This article is Jiang Kun's "inheritance and development of fine traditions."

Speech at the Seminar on Promoting the Development of Quyi Heritage"

The title is as prepared by the editors.

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