
Tian Ning talks with Xu Xiaozhou, Dean of Zhejiang University of Communication and Communication on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Economy"

author:Tian Ning

On December 2nd, Tian Ning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Panshi Group, was invited to teach Zhejiang Media College, and held a dialogue with Xu Xiaozhou, Dean of Zhejiang Media College and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, on the theme of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Economy", and was hired as an entrepreneurial mentor of Zhejiang Media College.

Tian Ning talks with Xu Xiaozhou, Dean of Zhejiang University of Communication and Communication on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Economy"

Pictured: Tian Ning, chairman of the board of directors of Panshi Group, talks with Xu Xiaozhou, dean of Zhejiang College of Media

Tian Ning talks with Xu Xiaozhou, Dean of Zhejiang University of Communication and Communication on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Economy"

Pictured: Xu Xiaozhou issued a letter of appointment for Tian Ning as an entrepreneurial mentor

The following is the transcript of Tian ning's on-site lectures:

The digital economy is an era, and like the past era of agricultural economy and industrial economy, it has its own distinctive characteristics. Today, big data has become a factor of production, the most important driving force and engine to promote production. The digital economy is not only a global development trend, but also our national strategy.

On the afternoon of October 18, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the 34th collective study on promoting the healthy development of China's digital economy, and the general secretary stressed when presiding over the study that it is necessary to stand at the height of the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world in a hundred years, coordinate the two major events of domestic and international overall situations and development security, give full play to the advantages of massive data and rich application scenarios, promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and give birth to new industries, new formats and new models. Constantly strengthen and optimize and expand China's digital economy.

China's digital economy has developed rapidly and made remarkable achievements. In 2020, the scale of China's digital economy reached 39.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 38.6% of GDP, maintaining a high growth rate of 9.7%, becoming the key driving force for stable economic growth. Zhejiang is a pioneer province in the digital economy, and is focusing on building a global digital transformation highland, comprehensively promoting digital reform, and implementing the "No. 1 Project" version 2.0 of the digital economy.

We are accelerating towards a new era of digital civilization, and today and the next decade is the golden age of digital economic development. Through the digital economy curve overtaking, China is accelerating its rise and is leading the world.

The digital economy includes digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. In the future, it will be possible for factories to "make whatever they want", where highly digital factories can take on more personalized, small-scale orders while maintaining low costs and efficiency. Flexible production, C2M, C2B, consumer-centric digital production is becoming the mainstream, the future will be born more and more digital factories, digital craftsmen.

Live e-commerce has become the biggest outlet, forming a trillion-dollar industry. Live e-commerce is not an industry, but a new format and new tool. Live e-commerce is inclusive, benefiting merchants, consumers, platforms and other parties, and developing in the inclusive direction of "everyone is the anchor" and "everything can be broadcast". Panshi Live E-commerce Cloud has cultivated tens of thousands of live broadcast talents so far through live talent training, holding live e-commerce fair exhibition sales, and building a live broadcast base, while promoting local economic and social benefits.

With the advent of the digital age, urban governance models and lifestyles are undergoing profound changes. In 2016, Hangzhou pioneered the "City Brain" in the country and conducted a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of urban digital governance. Recently, Hangzhou proposed to take the construction of the city brain as the main starting point of digital empowerment of urban governance, create an "important window" for the construction of a new smart city, comprehensively improve the modernization level of urban governance, and enhance the happiness of the people.

With the vigorous development of the digital economy, in the future, the consumer market will achieve a new pattern due to the development of digitalization. We will usher in an unprecedented era of digital innovation and entrepreneurship.

Tian Ning talks with Xu Xiaozhou, Dean of Zhejiang University of Communication and Communication on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital Economy"

Pictured: Lecture scene

Fu Meiluo, deputy dean (deputy director) of the School of Entrepreneurship (Career Guidance Center) of Zhejiang University of Communications, and Tracy, general manager of the digital talent education division of Panshi Group, attended the lecture. At the scene, the students of Zhejiang University of Communication and Communication enthusiastically asked questions about innovation and entrepreneurship in the era of digital economy, and fully exchanged views with Dean Xu Xiaozhou and Tutor Tian Ning.

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