
The cultural connotation of "Daolang" and "Daolang people" or "Daolang tribe"

author:Fun hunting for positive energy
The cultural connotation of "Daolang" and "Daolang people" or "Daolang tribe"

In the land of Xinjiang, in the Tarim Basin of the Southern Mi of the Tianshan Mountains, there are many groups that call themselves "Daolang people" living in Awati, Bachu, Maigeti and other places in Xinjiang, their physical characteristics are extremely similar to those of the Uyghurs, the living habits are not much different, the daily language is Uyghur language, some people say that the Daolang people are branches of the Uyghur people, so why are they different from the Uyghurs, to call themselves Daolang people? How did the Daolang people come about?

The earliest record of Daolang is in the tenth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (385 AD), when it was recorded as "Dolan" or "Duolan". The pronunciation of dolan is very similar to that of Mongolian, like one of the four parts of The Weyrat. But there are also those who believe that Daolang is a branch of the Mongols. However, in the mongolian historical records, there are few records of Daolang.

Their place of residence is a unique style of deep folk traditions, called "Daolang" culture, it is vivid and interesting, simple and elegant, popular and alienated, famous in the world, "Daolang people" is "the creator of Daolang culture, but also the inheritor of Daolang culture", "Daolang tribe" is the cultural foundation and spiritual homeland of "Daolang people", but also the "Daolang people" ideological concepts, customs, habits, life must be stored harbor.

What is "Daolang", "Daolang" is a bright business card, a beautiful landscape painting, a book that writes thoughts and emotions, a historical book that flaunts local humanities, a historical legend full of stories, and a local culture planted on the earth.

The cultural connotation of "Daolang" and "Daolang people" or "Daolang tribe"

"Daolang people" is the main body of the creation of "Daolang culture", but also the carrier of the inheritance of "Daolang culture", "Daolang people" cultural roots, traditional ideas, is a concentrated embodiment of social life, ideological concepts, customs, lifestyles, etc., many times, "Daolang", is also transliterated by the majority of groups as "Duolang", "Duolang", "Dolan", "Duolun", "Duolan", or "Dulan", etc., the result is that there are a variety of transliteration marks, which is also the number of people when writing the name number, Not in accordance with the requirements of the unified norms, no matter how the world writes, but always did not forget that the transliteration of "Daolang" is "Daolang", the transliteration of "multi-wave" is "multi-wave" In short, it is summarized as "Daolang", it is possible that this is the mystery of "Daolang culture".

In fact, the development history of "Daolang culture" began in 1353 AD, from then to today, there have been 668 years of history, the historical origin of "Daolang culture" from the Mongolian nobility from the Bald Lu Timur Khan, in 1320 AD, the thirteenth generation of the Chagatai Khanate also did not spend the first death, because the Khan and "Kedun" have no heirs, the Khan has no heirs, the Khan's throne has been vacant for more than ten years. During this period, the Mongol tribes went their separate ways and attacked each other. Note: Kotun was the khan's wife.

On the eve of the imminent division of the Khanate, in order to safeguard the vested interests of his family in the eastern part of the Khanate, the head of the Dugrat tribe, Braji, sent people around to find suitable descendants of the Chagatai Khan to prevent mutation. One day in 1345, they finally found from the Ili steppe a 16-year-old descendant of Chagatai Khan named Timur the Bald, who was born to the Great Khan and the "Fu Clan", and brought him back to Aksu, the seat of the ministry at that time. Note: The Fu clan is a collective name for khans and kings and concubines, and khans can have multiple fu clans.

Two years later, in 1347 AD, when Timur Khan was 18 years old, the Chagatai Khanate was destroyed, the princes were divided and disorganized, and the whole of Central Asia was in extreme turmoil, at this time, Braji announced that Timur was the son of Timur who had also not spent money with his concubine, and was the seventh grandson of Genghis Khan, who supported Timur the Khan of Zenheith. The princes, ministers, and nobles of the Duglat immediately responded and proclaimed Timur the Bald As khan, thus establishing the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.

According to the History of the Mughals of Central Asia, before Timur ascended the throne, he was once hunting in Aksu, met the then Islamic Sheikh Jemarudin, accepted his secret missionary, and expressed his willingness to convert to Islam, but promised that he could not be announced until he had gained the right to rule.

Timur Khan became the first Khan of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate worthy of the name, and just when he was 24 years old, in 1353, when he was 24 years old, Timur wanted to solve a big problem, it was to win the support of Muslims, at that time, Islam was the most powerful religion in the Chagatai Khanate, Muslims accounted for the vast majority of the khanate's population, at that time the Chagatai Mongols in Xinjiang, especially the ruling class of Mongolian nobles, still clinging to the ancient shamanistic beliefs, in order to win the support of Muslims, He was determined to get the Mongols to accept Islam and practice it, and in the 6th year since he came to power, he consolidated the status of the khanate and all the rights of the khan king, at this time he was in Aksu, presided over the initiation ceremony by the famous Sufi missionaries in Central Asia, Eshidin and Zhuo, he formally accepted Islam, converted to Islam, and became the first Mongol khan in Xinjiang to believe in Islam, for which he also gave a special name to Ayberkri Muhammad.

From then on, he began to persuade his subordinate princes and ministers to order all his subjects to convert, and if they disobeyed, they were sentenced to death, and under the obscenity of Timur Khan, about 160,000 Mongols at that time were forced to take a collective oath, convert, change their clan names, and convert to Islam, and in this way, they became veritable Mongolian Muslims, "Daolang people".

Since then, the Mongols in Xinjiang during the Chagatai Khanate (i.e., the Mughals) began to convert to Islam, and their descendants gradually integrated into the Uyghur nation, and after that, during the 18 years of his reign, King Timur Khan of Vulture lu vigorously supported Ersiding and Zhuo, went to Kucha, Xinjiang, to carry out missionary activities, calling on the people to believe in Islam in the name of the khan, and his descendants, in the 300 years of ruling Xinjiang, vigorously spread Islam, and also sent troops to attack Turpan and Hami many times. Gradually eliminate local Buddhist forces and establish and consolidate the dominance of Islam in Xinjiang.

As the founder of the Eastern Hehe Khanate, the first convert to Islam and a propagator of Islam, Timur promoted the great integration of ethnic groups in xinjiang and laid the initial foundation for the formation and development of the "Daolang people" and "Daolang culture" among the modern Uyghurs.

The above introduces the formation history and development basis of "Daolang people" and "Daolang culture", so what does the word "Daolang" mean? Although this is a big problem that has not been clearly explained for many years, I am still willing to share the worries and solve the problems for everyone, and make good use of research to investigate, analyze problems, and explain cause and effect.

The cultural connotation of "Daolang" and "Daolang people" or "Daolang tribe"

The word "Daolang" is from Mongolian, translated into Chinese is the meaning of "seven", that is to say, the "seventh" generation grandson of Genghis Khan, the bald Lu Timur, during the period of ruling the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, converted to faith, changed the name of the clan, and the Shuailing Mongols began to convert to Islam, which promoted the great integration of the nationalities, and the beginning of the great integration of this nation was the great integration of religious beliefs, customs and cultures, and the great integration of the Mongols with other ethnic groups, especially with the Uyghurs. In the future, although he was still the Khan King, he broke new ground and became a faithful Muslim of Islam, the "Daolang people".

What is "Daolang", Daolang is "Seven", we translate "Seven" to Mongolian is "Daolang",

What is the "Daolang people", it is obvious that the "Daolang people" began from the first "seventh" generation of the ancestor Genghis Khan, the ruler in order to distinguish who is a Mongol and who is an Islamized Mongol, stipulating that only converted to the "change of clan" Islamic Mongols can be called "Daolang people", "Daolang people" is a special symbol of the status symbol of The Islamized Mongols, and then the descendants of the Genetic Fusion of Islamized Mongols and Uyghurs, also known as "Daolang People", later: All Uyghurs with Mongolian blood, also called "Daolang people", that is to say: today's "Daolang people" are actually a mixed-race group.

What is "Daolang culture" is a cultural phenomenon that is derived or co-evolved by the fusion of Islamized Mongols and Uyghurs, called "Daolang culture".

"Daolang culture" is also obvious with obvious Mongolian and Uyghur cultural characteristics, is a unique comprehensive culture, involving Daolang people's diet, life, ethnic costumes, language, customs and other aspects, both obvious Uyghur characteristics, but also has significant Daolang people's own unique cultural characteristics.

What is the "Daolang Tribe" where the "Daolang people" gather and live in groups, called the "Daolang Tribe", sometimes also known as the "Duolang Tribe".

Today, in Xinjiang's Awati, Maigeti, Bachu, Shache and other places, there are a large number of Daolang people living, they have been fully integrated with the local Uighurs, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them from Uyghurs. The emergence of Daolang people and Daolang culture is a concrete and microscopic microcosm of the continuous integration and development of ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

In summary, "Daolang" is the translation of "seven", "Daolang" is the descendant incarnation of the genetic fusion of Islamized Mongols and Uyghurs, and "Daolang culture" is the process of the evolutionary history of "Daolang people", which is the result of their material culture and intangible culture, interconnection and interaction. It is a symbol that can be recognized and used together, an ideology of inheritance, a sublimation of perceptual knowledge and experience, a great integration of nationalities, a great integration of cultures, a process of historical evolution, and a symbol of great national unity.

Wang Hansheng

The cultural connotation of "Daolang" and "Daolang people" or "Daolang tribe"

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