
"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

author:White Tea Reading House
"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

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Music, as an art form without borders, has a powerful influence that transcends skin color, culture, and geographical location, and connects hearts and minds around the world.

In this process of mutual integration, Daolang and Jianyang Zhuoma are undoubtedly an extremely rare pair of jade.

Both of these outstanding music artists come from the fiery land of Sichuan Province in mainland China, and their boiling passion may be the key to their beautiful understanding in music creation.

Daolang's musical works are like the stars in the vast universe, magnificent, and his rich voice seems to come from the depths of the vast prairie, slowly flowing out of primitive, innocent and powerful melodies.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

And Jianyang Zhuoma shows the arrogance of this grassland to the fullest, her singing is like a surging river, sometimes passionate and galloping, sometimes soft and murmuring, bringing endless shock and resonance to the audience.

It is precisely because of their shared love for music that Daolang and Jianyang Zhuoma have established a deep teacher-student friendship. The song "Love Song of the West Sea" is the source of this deep friendship.

When it first came out, the song didn't attract much attention, but when it was reinterpreted with its unique artistic perspective, it immediately set off a nationwide craze.

Jianyang Zhuoma's voice is like a flat boat, drifting in the sea of Daolang's notes, perfectly presenting the soul of this song.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

The melody, which is both familiar and fresh, instantly glows with new vitality under her interpretation, as if opening a mysterious door to the depths of the grassland.

Daolang was deeply moved by this, and he believed that this work finally showed its original charm and charm.

For the talent of this young junior, Daolang gave a very high evaluation. He said frankly that each of his works is the crystallization of thousands of tempers, and it would be his greatest satisfaction if he could be loved and praised by more people.

Being fortunate enough to get to know Jianyang Zhuoma and become a mentor on her growth path is undoubtedly a great blessing in Daolang's life.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

Although such brilliant achievements have been made today, the growth of Jianyang Zhuoma has not been smooth sailing. She was born into a poor rural family with six children, and she was the only girl in the family.

Since childhood, he has to take on heavy farm work and household chores, shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family's livelihood, and work tirelessly to support this large family.

It seems that fate has had some intention of showing off and taking revenge on this young girl, Jianyang Zhuoma, from the beginning. Just as she was embarking on a journey of knowledge, her family's financial situation prevented her from continuing her studies.

In the face of all this, Jianyang Zhuoma can only reluctantly bid farewell to the campus, so that the budding dream is forced to stagnate and devote himself to the rolling social tide, in order to take on part of the family's economic responsibility.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

However, life is always full of many unpredictable circumstances. In the darkest time, Jianyang Zhuoma unexpectedly ushered in a ray of hope.

One day, a grand commercial performance was being held in a local luxury hotel, but when the show was about to start, they suddenly found that there was a lack of a host, and the executives were helpless for a while, and their eyes inadvertently fell on Jianyang Zhuoma not far away.

Perhaps attracted by the young girl's simple and sincere face, or moved by her determined and persistent eyes, they decided on a whim that she would be ordered to take the vacant place temporarily.

Yang Zhuoma's heart must be full of nervousness and anxiety at this moment, because this is the first time in her life that she has performed on the public stage. However, when she walked on stage and sang the song "Conventoextraordinario", the audience fell into an awe-inspiring silence.

To everyone's surprise, what poured out of the mouth of Jianyang Zhuoma was such a rich and passionate and original natural sound, which conquered all the listeners present in an instant.

At this critical moment, the trajectory of Jianyang Zhuoma's life has undergone a major change. A leader of the local cultural bureau happened to be present at the scene, and he was amazed by the outstanding talent of this little girl, gave a very high evaluation, and immediately recruited her into the local art troupe and personally served as her instructor.

Since then, Dolma has been part of this team and has been part of her artistic journey.

In the warm family of the art troupe, Jianyang Zhuoma quickly won the respect and recognition of everyone with her unremitting efforts and hard work. Her love and dedication to music is unparalleled.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

During the rehearsals, she always practiced repeatedly without complaint, until every note was deeply imprinted in her heart, and her pious attitude also made the instructors impress and praise her.

Daolang's classic work "The First Snow in 2002", which has intoxicated countless people, was deeply loved by Jianyang Zhuoma and became his dream singing track.

Although the song attracted a lot of attention and buzz when it was released, she is still full of enthusiasm and looks forward to performing it herself and reinterpreting this classic with her unique artistic perspective.

When Jianyang Zhuoma expressed this wish, Daolang did not hesitate to teach her and personally led her to understand the background and mental journey of the creation of the whole song.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

"You need to feel the meaning behind each note with all your heart, and you need to savor the richness of emotions that lie within...... Only then can you truly bring out the soul of the song.

With his patient, meticulous and earnest teachings, Daolang unreservedly imparted his sincere feelings to this young junior, as if he regarded her as his own personal disciple.

Jianyang Zhuoma is undoubtedly a smart and studious student, and she is like a sponge greedily absorbing every instruction from Daolang. Whether it is breathing techniques, vocal methods, or emotional investment, it has become a topic that she devotes herself to research.

Soon after, she successfully mastered Daolang's unique singing voice and style, and at a grand party, she performed this classic again with her outstanding artistic talent.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

Under the stage, the cheers and applause of the audience reached an unprecedented peak at this moment. Even Daolang himself was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The ingenious interpretation of Jianyang Zhuoma has given this ancient song a new vitality and made it shine with more dazzling brilliance.

Staring at the young girl on the stage, as if the reborn "The First Snow in 2002" danced in her singing, Daolang couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

Years of hard work have finally borne fruit, and his music has been passed on and continued. Since then, Daolang has developed a teacher-like love for Jianyang Zhuoma, and regards her as a direct friend.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

Jianyang Zhuoma's outstanding performance on the stage undoubtedly brought the second important turning point in her acting career. As the "most beautiful female alto", her popularity is naturally rising.

Many well-known businesses and brands have paid attention to her and strongly invited her to be the image spokesperson or attend various business events. In an instant, invitations to various performances poured in, presenting a prosperous scene of fame and wealth.

However, at the moment when the applause was overflowing and good luck came, Jianyang Zhuoma made an amazing move - without authorization, he held more than ten commercial concerts in a row, and in each performance, he sang many of Daolang's classic works without scruples, so as to obtain a rich reward.

What is even more distressing is that on these occasions, she never mentioned who the original creators of these songs were. This kind of behavior has undoubtedly seriously infringed on Daolang's intellectual property rights and copyright rights.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

As a senior musician, Daolang has always had high respect for artistic creation, and he never expected that the junior who was once regarded by him as his own would make such a bold move.

At the beginning, Daolang was still able to tolerate it, after all, he only hoped that this junior, who he regarded as his personal disciple, could clearly indicate the source of the song on the stage.

However, Jianyang Zhuoma was extremely indifferent to this, mercilessly cutting off the deep friendship between them. The seeds of contradiction were quietly planted.

In order to defuse the crisis, the two sides have held many private meetings and consultations, but they have failed to reach a consensus, which has only intensified the contradictions. It seems that Zhuoma has been mired in the whirlpool of fame and fortune, and has turned a deaf ear to the important concept of "intellectual property".

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

After months of tug-of-war, Daolang finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and decided to take legal measures to ask for infringement compensation from Jianyang Zhuoma.

In court, Jianyang Zhuoma once vowed to justify her actions, claiming that it was completely planned by the brand and had nothing to do with her. However, the cruel reality quickly revealed the truth - she did have serious violations of the copyright of others, and there was no way to escape responsibility.

In the end, the court ruled that Zhuoma must pay up to 250,000 yuan in compensation to Daolang, and was also ordered to immediately delete all cover works, and no longer use other people's creative achievements for personal gain.

This was undoubtedly a fatal blow to her career, and at the same time, it deeply damaged the deep teacher-student bond that the two had established. At the low ebb of her career, Jianyang Zhuoma's private life also suffered a huge shock.

"The most beautiful mezzone" Yang Zhuoma's withdrawal from the circle is inseparable from Daolang!

In desperation, Yang Zhuoma firmly decided to say goodbye to this stage that he once loved deeply and started a new journey in life.

In the face of the departure of Jianyang Zhuoma, Daolang was deeply saddened and lost. He once regarded it as his own, and he taught it all his experience and skills without reservation.

However, instead of deeply understanding the importance of "intellectual property rights", Dolma inappropriately infringes on the fruits of others' labor.

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