
Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

author:Foraging in the market

When I was a child, I liked to watch adults boil lard, watch the fat slowly become brown in the cauldron, the lard slowly precipitate, and constantly make a rattling sound and bubble in the pot, which makes a particularly good sound. The freshly boiled lard is a flowing, light golden liquid that looks translucent, and as time goes by, the lard slowly cools and gradually solidifies into a paste, snow white and soft.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

Chinese has a long history of eating lard, in the "Zhou Li • Tianguan Tsukazai" once recorded that "autumn calves, food cream fishy", of which the cream is lard, it can be seen that the ancients who are very particular about diet know that since late autumn is an excellent season to eat lard. Now it is about to enter the middle of winter, which is a good time to boil lard and eat lard. Many people don't know its wonderful use in cooking, remember to add a little when making these 5 dishes, the texture and taste can be improved in an instant.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

Steamed steamed steamed steamed And the taste is still very fragrant.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

Lard is also a natural "emulsifier" that can increase the gluten nature of flour, making hand-rolled noodles more chewy and more flavorful. When making hand-rolled dough or dumpling skins, some boiled lard is added to the water of the noodles, and after a period of waking up and kneading, even if the hand-rolled noodles are relatively thin, it does not lose the taste of the tendons. Friends who like to eat hand-rolled noodles can try this method.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

Lard is often used in the preparation of Chinese dim sum, which can be used both in the dough and in the filling. Like everyone's common wife cake, lotus paste, egg yolk pastry, etc., this kind of puff pastry will use lard, on the one hand, lard is more fragrant can enrich the taste of dim sum, on the other hand, the lard is crispy, can be better crispy. Lard is also commonly used in fillings, such as the common red bean paste filling, lard black sesame dumpling filling, etc., adding lard can not only increase the smooth taste, but also add flavor.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

The biggest difference between lard and vegetable oil is that vegetable oil smells more fragrant at room temperature, but after high temperature cooking, the aroma is basically gone, and lard will stimulate its fragrance after heat, so vegetable oil is suitable for cooking meat dishes, and lard is more suitable for cooking vegetarian dishes, lard after heating the aroma can increase the aroma of vegetarian dishes, not too faint, so that the dishes become fresh and delicious, oily and strong, eating very flavorful. Usually, when stir-frying vegetarian dishes, especially green vegetables, you can use pork to increase the texture and taste of the dishes.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

When steaming rice, you can add a small amount of lard, steamed white rice is soft and delicious, especially the old rice that has been stored for a long time, the white rice cooked out is easy to have a peculiar smell, in the process of cooking, add some lard, can help remove the odor, the rice flavor is also slowly released, the taste is also relatively soft, eating is not slaggy at all, better than new rice.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

In addition to the wonderful use of lard cooking mentioned above, there are many other uses, such as the famous Yangchun noodles seem to be light, but hidden mystery, the soup base is added with lard, and then poured into the broth boiled with pork bones, the lard slowly melts in the broth, the noodles that have just come out of the pot are neatly stacked in the bowl, put on the blanched greens, sprinkled with green onions, the inconspicuous lard opens the sense of taste, and the taste is naturally wonderful.

Will you eat lard properly? Make these 5 types of food plus some, the texture and taste of a lot of improvement

Lard is healthy, lard contains a variety of fatty acids, of which saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids content is equivalent, and the human body from food intake of fat, the ratio of fatty acids in line with such a standard as 1:1, you can ensure that the human body in terms of fat nutrition is balanced, there is no need to be afraid of a certain fatty acid too much, resulting in a variety of discomfort, so as long as the amount of lard intake is not excessive, it will not affect the health of the body.

I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.

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