
The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

author:Liqun 666 Xunyang people

Folklore says that Lushan is the "Lu of the Immortals", as early as the fourth century BC, when King Weilie of Zhou was in charge, the Kuang brothers learned to become immortals in Lushan; subsequently, it is said that when King Wu of Zhou, the Taoist Fang Fu and Lao Zi Li Er rode a white donkey into the mountains to refine Dan and became immortals; it is also said that Zhang Tianshi's two high-footed disciples, Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng, were sent to Lushan to manage the sixty-nine blessed lands of Taoism. The mysterious and ethereal clouds of Lushan Mountain and the inaccessible ancient caves of the dense forest add charm to these myths and legends. However, the above-mentioned immortal Fangtu did not leave many relics and poems in Lushan, and could not tell a systematic story, only Lu Dongbin, one of the "Eight Cave Immortals", had more relics and some poems in Lushan and Jiujiang.

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

The "Biography of Chen Bo of song history" records: "Lü Dongbin, a Kansai Yiren, had sword skills, was more than a hundred years old and childlike, walked lightly and was sick, and was hundreds of miles in an instant, and the world thought that the gods and immortals were counted in the bo zhai, and the people were salty and different." The Song dynasty Bai Yu toad said in the "Record of Zhimotang": Lü Dongbin met Han Zhongli in the "Eight Immortals" when he traveled to Lushan Mountain, and gave Lü Dongbin Dan tips, and later the two became "immortals" together. According to the Lushan Chronicle, during the Tang Xiantong period (860-874), Lü Dongbin was roaming the rivers and lakes through Lushan Mountain, and met the Five Dragons Zhenjun who taught him swordplay. Lü Dongbin had obtained the Five Dragons Sword Technique and the Han Zhong Li Dan Technique, so he carefully cultivated in the Immortal Cave under the Jinxiu Peak of Lushan Mountain. To this day, in the shrine in the Immortal Cave, there is still a statue of Lü Dongbin wearing a sword and a fairy wind Dao bone.

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

Before his death, Lü Dongbin introduced himself to people that he was a Tang Dynasty patriarch and his surname was Li Mingqiongzi Boyu. Although he wrote well, he did not ascend to the throne until he was fifty years old. When Huang Chao rebelled, he left his four children behind, took his wife Jin, and chose a cave to practice. Because there were only two of him left in the whole family, he changed his surname to Lü; because he lived under the rock, he changed his name to Yan; in the end, he was the only one left, so he called himself "Pure Yangzi".

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

The Chronicle of Jiujiang Province records that Lü Dongbin served as an order of Xunyang County. Folklore: There are two goblins in Lushan who make double swords, and the sword peak points to Xunyang City, and the plague in the city is prevalent. Lü Dongbin conquered the two youkai and collected the yokai's sword in a treasure chest. When the demons are removed, the people may live in peace. Lü Dongbin personally wrote a three-foot-tall "Shou" character and gave it to the people of Jiujiang, wishing the people of Jiujiang a lot of happiness and longevity.

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

Because Lü Dongbin had done some good things for the people of Xunyang, the people built the Lü Xian Ancestral Hall in the Smoke Pavilion on Gantang Lake. It is said that this Lu Xian Ancestral Hall is still very spiritual. During the Ming Dynasty, the mother of Huang Tengchun, the governor of Jiujiang, was blind in both eyes and went around seeking medical treatment to no avail, so she had to go to the Lü Xian Ancestral Hall to pray for Lü Dongbin to give the elixir to her mother. That night, Huang Tengchun dreamed that Lü Dongbin washed his mother's eyes with fairy water. The next day, Huang Mu's eyes saw the light again. In order to thank Lü Dongbin for his kindness, Huang Tengchun rebuilt the Lü Xian Ancestral Hall and came to worship at four o'clock.

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

According to legend, Lü Dongbin once disguised himself as a beggar and went to Ruichang County to beg. A sick woman gave away a copper dollar. Lü Dongbin buried the copper coin in the soil and floated away. This strange move aroused the suspicion of the townspeople. Because this "beggar" looks tall and handsome, he is not like a haggard beggar living on the street, but like Lu Dongbin, one of the eight immortals in the painting. The sick woman and the villagers went to dig up the soil under the copper coin to treat the disease, and indeed cured many difficult diseases. More and more people dug the soil, and it became a well, known as "Lügong Well". The well water is clarified, and it does not dry up for many years, and the water waves gather into a "Lu" word, which is disturbed in all ways and will never disappear.

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

The Huanglong Zen Temple on Huanglong Mountain in Xiushui County was a famous stop in Jiangnan during the Song Dynasty. The founding ancestor here was Huinan (1002-1069) of the Song Dynasty. Legend: Lü Dongbin traveled to the Huanglong Zen Temple through Yueyang in Hunan Province, met Huinan, and gave a poem: "The iron cow cultivates the land to plant money, and the carved stone children run through it." A millet grain in the Tibetan world, half a liter bell inside the mountains and rivers. The white-bearded lao tzu's eyebrows fell to the ground, and the blue-eyed bearded monk pointed to the sky. If you want to get it, this yuanyuan is more yuanyuan. ”

When the two Buddhist families sat on the Dharma, Lü Dongbin asked, "Do you know that a grain of millet in the Tibetan world, a half-liter bell inside the mountains and rivers, is what zen machine?" HuiNan replied, "You can only simmer inside the bell, but you can't do it outside the bell." Lu Dongbin said, "Why don't you have the Immortal Pill in my bag?" Hui Nan replied, "Rao's eighty thousand calamities will eventually lead to a vain death." ”

One monk after another, tit-for-tat, not giving in to each other, no one persuaded anyone, Lu Dongbin sadly left. After Lü Dongbin left, Hui Nan said to the disciples, "He will definitely release his sword to take my head." The monk was in the midst of doubt, and a cold light fell from the sky, as fast as lightning, and went straight to Huinan. Hui Nan transported his internal strength, broke the drink, and the flying sword fell to the ground. Lü Dongbin was satisfied and sincere, and gave HuiNan a poem: "Abandon the fluttering maple and crush the piano, and now do not refine mercury in gold." Once he realized the Yellow Dragon Law, he felt that his life was in vain. ”

The story and legend of "Lü Dongbin", one of the Jiujiang and the Eight Immortals

The Lushan Zhi contains two poems by Lü Dongbin Yong Lushan:

《Shuguizong Temple Wall》

One day is idle and free, and the six gods and the peace of the company are reported.

Dan Tian has a treasure to seek the Tao, and has no heart for the situation.

"The Gate of Jiang Hui"

Feast on the high singing of the sea mountain, the moon scoop full of dew bath Jindan.

In the middle of the night, the cranes penetrate the autumn clouds, and the west wind is cold.

The above are all myths and legends. According to the historical data argued by the first issue of the Journal of Shanxi University in 1990, "Lü Dongbin Examination Discrimination", Lü Dongbin was a person of the five generations, not a person of the Tang And xiantong period. Lü Dongbin is a hermit rather than a Taoist, not a god, he lived in seclusion with his family in Zhongnan Mountain, and then traveled to Huashan Mountain, befriended the hermit Chen Bo, who would serve the qi and break the valley, good at fencing and poetry, when Song Taizu and Song Taizong, the folk spread his poems, as many as a hundred. Unlike the hermits who have lived in the mountains for a long time, he loves to travel, "travels to the world", and has traveled all over Huxiang, Liangwei, Sanwu, Baiyue, and also visited Jiujiang and Lushan. He grew rich in god and hair, fluttering and immortal, and once predicted misfortunes for people, his whereabouts were mysterious, and he also did some good things for the people, so people suspected that he was a fairy.

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