
Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

author:Technology micro-digital

Maybe some friends who don't understand mobile phones will be unfamiliar with the realme real me mobile phone brand, but the small partners in the digital circle are familiar with realme real me. It was originally a sub-brand of OPPO developed in overseas markets, and its sales in Southeast Asia and other countries were relatively good. Just two years ago, Realme Real Self announced its entry into the domestic mobile phone market. Subsequently, the realme true self slowly entered the eyes of our Chinese mobile phone consumers.

Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

Of course, realme is well received for its several affordable products. And just recently, according to the statistics revealed online. In the two quarters of this year, Realme Real Self sat on the sixth largest sales volume in the world. And the sales volume in a single quarter exceeded 16.2 million units, which is also a record high for realme.

Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

However, this English screenshot alone still does not explain anything, but just today, the well-known digital blogger "Digital Chat Station" once again confirmed the true self of real me, "two consecutive quarters of the world's TOP6" and "single quarter sales of 16.2 million units" correspond to that English screenshot.

Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

And the well-known digital blogger also sent out another sales ranking, which surprised me. Samsung occupies the first place in the global mobile phone ranking with 20% of sales, and the iPhone that is very popular in China is only 14%, Xiaomi is lagging behind Apple with a gap of 1%, and then even if vivo and OPPO are equal to 10%, the sixth is the domestic brand dark horse real me. It is worth mentioning that if the green factory is to add up the 10% of OPPO and the 5% of realme, then it can surpass Apple with an advantage of 1% and become the second sales volume in the world.

Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

This time realme can really get such good results in just a few years, which has to say realme really dare to cross the level of the concept. At the same price point, realme true self products can always stand out with better performance, and also save a good reputation for realme true self.

Huawei has a successor! Hebi's sales have reached the second place in the world, and realme has become a dark horse

With the debut of qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1, the realme gt2 Pro will also become the first model to adopt this flagship processor, and according to the usual style of realme, it will also bring more surprises in other hardware aspects. Friends who recently plan to change the flagship machine may wish to wait for this Snapdragon 8 Gen1 model.

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