
Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

author:Fox's kitchenette

In the cooking of the mind, hard work, not a year or two. At the beginning, I explored without a clue, there was no ride, and there was more fun; but after living independently, I was really studying seriously and wanted to be a professional player in the amateur group... There is a language disease in this statement.

Fortunately, the roast does not pay attention to dragging the text. The first foundation is the hand kung fu, although there are many knowledge points, but basically mechanical memory; until the study is deep, the use of brain, heart becomes important. Finally, there is a problem of vision - to see more, to compare more, to summarize more, to think more. Improve faster.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

Slow-cook rosemary lamb shank at low temperatures. It was three moments that helped me open this door (Image source: 321cooking)

That's fine. Although I usually like to read books, I have always taken a clear stand: I am not a literati myself, and I hate literati the most. Naturally, things like cooking seem to be the furthest away from the study. It may be precisely because of this that I, who spend a lot of time on the desk every day, will feel that cooking is a particularly healing thing.

Besides, every time the battle is from the slaughter of dogs, the negative heart is mostly a reader. "Stay away from the literati, and you won't be in the pit again, right?"

With this kind wish, I began to seriously go down to the kitchen. However, looking back at my own road of "learning art", I have to admit that the teachers I am looking for are still somewhat literati.

But I'll talk about that later.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

It's pretty naïve. Don't be naïve anymore (Image source: Internet)

There is no end to learning, and I still dare not say that I have a small success. But at least now, not only can you support yourself, but also take care of your family, and what you want to eat can generally be burned. In terms of range, home-style fried noodle fried rice, knotty soup, and tomato scrambled eggs can be made without thinking, and it will never be too simple, but it will be messed up; if you really want to show off your skills, you can also do a good job of craftsmanship such as Pactera tofu and boiling fish heads - at least fool the layman.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

Vince Tofu

However, if you meet a professional and ask " what cuisine are you studying " , the fox will be dumbfounded.

Dumbfounded, partly because it's really hard to answer, and half because it's a little awkward — I don't want to always switch back and forth if it's possible. But no way.

Seriously speaking, I am the bottom of Huaiyang cuisine in terms of technique, the number of ways to spice up the dishes, but usually it is good to cook a fusion dish, mainly the elements of Japanese food and French cuisine, but only a scale and a half claws, both technology and equipment lack of input; now I have begun to run to the road of Jinglu cuisine, and occasionally I am also brought rhythm to Cantonese cuisine and Hui cuisine...

So self-deprecating: learning is ruined.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

For example, this pot combines Cantonese cuisine (hotel cuisine) and Jinglu cuisine characteristics of sauce stewed beef, can not be named

As I said before, the memories brought about by taste are often the most direct.

The closest to the "kernel" is particularly easy to escape the layered filtering mechanism of rational thinking. Therefore, for me, in addition to the special memories hidden in each dish, different cuisines will also trigger different scenes and feelings. Once, while recording them, I accidentally named the folder "Drifting of Food and Taste." Now that I think about it, that's really the case.

Rafting along the way – I've been nostalgic for a lot of places.

The most impressive thing is the ben gang dish. Although Shanghai has hardly been to shanghai, the regional culture of Shili Yangchang is not unfamiliar. The old-fashioned gramophone glows with a dull metallic reflection, plays a rattling commentary, or the cheerful tone of a drunken gold fan that flows from the Paramount. There are also cheongsam, tassels, Shikumen, children chasing laughter in the alley... Roughly.

When watching "The Age of Awakening", I especially like to listen to Cai Yuanpei and feel kind. In particular, the old gentleman whispered softly to Chen Duxiu, "Scared me to death... Scared my beans to the ground... You're going to pay me beans," I laughed and laughed, and there was a momentary trance.

There is a proud side to Shanghai's regional culture, and Shanghainese people do have their own proud capital. Although in the process of taking shape, this dish integrates the influence of many cuisines such as Hui cuisine and Su xi cuisine, but after all, it is self-contained. Even if the locals are not satisfied with the "thick oil red sauce" and "sweet mouth, salty mouth" and think that it is too rigid, but it is generally not wrong to use them to summarize the characteristics of this dish.

In addition, I would like to say that in the course of my study for more than a year, there is a feeling that has always lingered -

"Fresh spicy powder, and Merlin's tomato paste, are probably the pride of Shanghainese people who are almost unaware of their daily lives!"

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

Be sure to make sea-pie borscht with Merlin tomato paste and rain-run red sausage

Huaiyang cuisine is also good. Although there is not much contact with this cuisine, it is the most suitable for my taste. Jiangnan water town, gentle and timeless, there is no too strong or fierce taste; and extremely exquisite, whether it is knife work or seasoning, are particularly exquisite. Unfortunately, my learning time was too short, and I only had a first glimpse of the door in terms of seasoning, and I didn't form my own experience at all. But the knife worker has been practicing very seriously...

conscientious. But in the end, because I have not received professional training, I dare not say how much I have learned. This resentment can only be remedied by more practice.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

During this time, the knife work was unfamiliar, and it was only necessary to chop the coconut

As for Kyoru cuisine. Although I have only just begun to learn and have (had to) maintain the habit of "learning one, remembering, and then thinking about several courses", as far as the dishes themselves are concerned, most of them are old friends - after all, they are people who have been in Beijing for several years! Moreover, there are also many shadows of Lu cuisine in Jin cuisine.

I have written a lot about imperial cuisine before. Liupu Kang's fried belly kernels, NiuJie's shabu lamb, lively, fragrant; the roast duck of the four seasons of Minfu is said to be the most cost-effective, and it is indeed delicious, and it will shed tears when you think about it; the fried stinky tofu in Di'anmen is not a popular snack, but a bamboo skewer provokes a lot of fine fragments of the past; fried enemas should also be so picky to eat, garlic juice can not be less; there is also a brine boiled fire to garlic, and then with two pots, it is a particularly bold way to eat, suitable for winter; as for the scorched balls, mustard mounds, fried liver, are all home-cooked food, But it's not easy to do a good job.

I don't know if I still love Beijing. I only know that I miss a lot of things there: the locust flowers in the summer are particularly fragrant after the rain, the ginkgo trees on the street are all half green and half yellow in the autumn, walking through the alleys at dusk will feel that time and space are still, and the old archway building at the front door looks particularly vicissitudes against the light... The light and shadow are mixed with the sound of cars, and under the hustle and bustle are silently deposited memories. But no one can say. No one can understand. An era has passed.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

When writing this paragraph, I thought of dying and Meng was annoyed (Image source: "My Regiment Leader My Regiment")

Because of the bonus of these memories, although it is no way to start learning Jinglu cuisine now, there is no choice to choose, and many things are accepted, and it is not so difficult. Even if it's like "Shrimp Skin and His Big Brothers: The Sea's... As said in "Son", as soon as he saw the shrimp skin, he began to make grievances; or when he saw That Lao Luo always used "soy sauce" instead of "raw smoking old smoke" in class, his nose would be lifted and he would cry - this is a bit pretentious. No one forced you.

But I just feel wronged. Will think, who is going to eat this! I don't want to eat this!

But what to eat is... be...... What? Tilting my head and thinking about it for half a day, I can't think clearly. In a sense, my own inside has all been broken, a pile of fragments, the origin is unknown, let alone a complete outline, can only follow the feeling with the wave.

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

(Image source: Internet)

Therefore, relatively speaking, Cantonese cuisine and Hui cuisine are the safest. The former is completely away from life, except for the occasional contact in a hotel or tea restaurant, which is also a harmless memory; the latter, because it is completely related to safe people and safe places. Rounding it can even be said to be from snacks to large.

It's true. Hui cuisine is the least taught cuisine, and it is just followed by bamboo horses from beginning to end. One eats and talks casually, and the other learns to do blindly by imagination. People who talk about it don't care about systems and concepts, and people who learn it can't delve into the truth of right and wrong. It's as if the focus isn't on the dish itself, but on eating the same food together and doing the same thing.

Tea shoots, flat tips, and soup dishes are different. Bacon, bacon, plum blossom meat, cured meat and fresh meat are taken from each other to seek common ground while reserving differences. Edamame tofu, dried plum vegetables, dried water and soft jade have different preferences, but they will never hurt harmony when discussed. Want to find out how to do Hu's one-pin pot, the study of half a day is not concluded, but this time it is no longer dead more real, just rejoicing about: anyway, wait for the weather to be cold, be sure to do a try, delicious to become...

Drifting of food and taste: those places I have nostalgic for

One dares to say and one dares to do. Stir-fried pork ribs with plum vegetables

To this day, I am not sure what the "taste of home" is for me - it may be my mother's fried chicken shreds, brine noodles, it may be my grandfather's seaweed soup, it may be a few fast dishes that I am used to feeding myself, it may be a bowl of wontons and buns that I ate when I revisited the bamboo horse' hometown, a plate of buns, or even other flavors that I can't remember or can't say... But I think, home, should be a place where people are willing to stop and don't want to continue to move forward, right?

Then correspondingly, the taste of home should be the taste that can never be eaten.

August 17, 2021

【Words written at the back】

Never get tired of eating... That's apples and milk!

It just so happened that when I finished this article on Monday, I was still thinking about milk. On Wednesday, he happily took two milks in his arms. It happens that this weekend is preparing to write an update, and it is this direction again.

It is not a coincidence that life is not made, although Jessica once complained that after staying with Zirio for a long time, she would become unconvinced of any coincidence.

This article is not written too well, but I want to highlight the part that writes about Beijing. Loved it to... It's as if I'm writing this big piece of Lala Miscellaneous Just for those two paragraphs.

When checking before the release, add the word "over" to "I have been nostalgic for many places". Time has passed and I am satisfied with myself.

Tomorrow's final. Whether it is Le Chun or Che Lizi, they have already pulled the grass a little earlier. It is now found that even milk no longer has additional significance. Very happy. If you can really get the ranking, you will definitely not use the bonus to buy Vibiz milk.

But still have to work hard to earn milk powder for yourself (?) Money. Even if you no longer pursue high-end pasteurized milk, the garbage will still cost money.

December 2, 2021

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