
wary! The season of high incidence is coming

author:Beiqing Net
wary! The season of high incidence is coming

A university in Guangzhou reported:

Students who have symptoms such as fever and diarrhea

It has reached 315 people

According to the guangzhou university of science and technology, since November 27, students have successively developed abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by fever and other symptoms, and have gone to the school infirmary for treatment. After the situation occurred, the doctors of the school medical office guided the students to the relevant hospitals for diagnosis and treatment according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, and the students then went to the resident hospital for diagnosis and treatment. In the evening, a number of students developed similar symptoms. After emergency investigation, the students' meal locations are relatively scattered, involving seven stalls in the school canteen and a number of restaurants outside the school.

In accordance with the reporting system of the emergency response plan, the school promptly reported to the market supervision and management department and the district CDC of Baiyun District of Guangzhou City by telephone; at the same time, an emergency meeting of the school canteen administrator was held to analyze the causes and form a joint investigation team to collect the information of the sick students, register the place of eating before the onset of the disease, register the food samples left in all stalls of the canteen, and wait for the market supervision department and the CDC to carry out inspection and testing. At 20:30 on the same day, the resident market supervision office sent personnel to the school to investigate the relevant situation. After the Baiyun District CDC conducted a sampling inspection of the canteen food, there was no food insecurity in the canteen food in the school.

According to the school's notification, as of 8:00 a.m. today (30th), a total of 315 people had abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by fever and other symptoms in the school, of which 24 people were initially confirmed to be positive for norovirus. The school said that all people with similar symptoms are currently under quarantine and observation measures (including 284 people in school isolation and 31 people in home isolation).

The school said that according to the requirements of the school's emergency plan for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the "11.27 work class" has been established to deploy relevant work. Measures such as controlling the source of infection, cutting off transmission routes, and protecting susceptible populations are taken immediately to ensure the safety and health of students.



Fengqiu County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, Luoyang City

There have also been primary and secondary schools and kindergartens

Norovirus outbreaks such as diarrhea and vomiting have occurred

What is norovirus?

What are the symptoms of norovirus?

How is it treated?

Let's take a look at it with the editor!

Video source: Beijing Haidian District Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Every year from October to March

It is the season of high incidence of norovirus infectious diarrhea epidemic

In this regard, disease control experts remind that norovirus has entered a high incidence season, and frequent hand washing and hygiene are the key to prevention.

Liang Shijie, director of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Zhengzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said: "Unlike bacterial diarrhea in summer, winter diarrhea is mainly viral, of which 60%-80% are caused by norovirus.

Norovirus is highly contagious and has a rapid transmission capacity. Outbreaks occur en masse in communities, schools, restaurants, hospitals, and other places. Just like a cold, as long as the symptoms are treated in a timely and appropriate manner, the symptoms will improve and heal themselves in about 3 days. However, the elderly, infants and people with underlying diseases, there may be serious complications, for serious patients, especially young children and the weak should be timely oral rehydration or infusion, in order to prevent dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte disorders. ”

There are currently no effective vaccines and antiviral drugs

to treat norovirus infectious gastroenteritis

It is mainly based on symptomatic or supportive therapy

Symptoms tend to be about 3 days

To improve and heal itself

Zhuang Tanyue, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Zhengzhou People's Hospital Zhengdong Branch, said that not only children will be infected with norovirus, but adults are also susceptible to infection: "Norovirus infected people and latent infected people are the source of norovirus infection. Transmission routes include direct or indirect contact transmission and aerosol transmission, but also through the consumption and consumption of food and water contaminated with the virus. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, and metabolic acidosis. ”


Disinfectant tissues and hand sanitizer

Not effective against norovirus

Not a substitute for washing your hands

Zhuang Tanyue said: "Norovirus has no effect on alcohol, but is effective against chlorine-containing disinfectants. We must do a good job of vomit treatment, according to a certain proportion of chlorine disinfectant to soak the vomit for 30 minutes to completely kill the virus. ”

Wang Ruolin, a physician in charge of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded that the premise of preventing norovirus infection is to do a good job in personal hygiene, and campuses and other gathering places should pay special attention to prevention.

Xiaobian reminds the small partners again

Wash your hands frequently and maintain environmental hygiene

Eat cooked food and drink boiled water

Try to avoid public places where people gather

Seek medical attention promptly if symptoms appear

Source: CCTV News Client, Elephant News, Shaanxi Disease Control, Oriental Network, Tencent TV, News Workshop

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