
Building snowmen smoking ice dances on the ice... Passionate ice and snow sports ignite the winter campus


Ice and snow is a unique gift given by nature to children in the north, the cold of winter can not stop the students' enthusiasm for sports in full swing, the city's primary and secondary schools actively create a strong ice and snow sports, so that more students participate in ice and snow sports, improve everyone's understanding of ice and snow sports, cultivate their interest and enthusiasm for participating in ice and snow sports, and the campus is full of laughter.

Han Rui, a student of Yuhong Primary School, said excitedly that a heavy snow swept through Hecheng, although the door was "closed" for several days, but when we walked into the familiar campus, we felt refreshed, there was a snow white snow in the middle of the playground, and the thick snow was white because no one had trampled on it. We brought snow shovels, snow buckets, snowman hats, noses, eyes, buttons, etc., and under the guidance of the teacher, we built snowmen and had snowball fights.

On the playground, the students grabbed the snow, you chased after me, the laughter suddenly spread all over the campus, the students were snow on their bodies, hats, shoes, even if it was so cold, their faces actually had beads of sweat rolling down, and their red faces were very cute against the background of the snow. Others rolled in the snow, turning their heads, especially lively, and the teacher saw that the students were so happy and playful, and their faces were always full of smiles.

Yuhong Primary School's classmate Liang Yulin and his friends liked to smoke ice, he said, there is an ice rink on the playground that first caught my eye, I brought ice and played with my classmates on the ice rink. The ice swirled, the whip danced in unison, and the slender whip rope wrapped around the ice, pulling it up violently and making it spin on the ground. As the whip rope continues to whip, the little ice dolls are like ballet elves, dancing freely on the crystal ice. Due to the different intensity of the ice pumping, the dance style of the ice is not the same, and the cold weather brings us not only the cold, but also the infinite joy of overcoming the cold and conquering the ice.

"When I was 6 years old, my dad took me to watch an ice hockey game, and I saw the fierce fighting of the big brothers and sisters on the field, and the cool equipment, I was deeply attracted, so I also walked into the ice rink." 」 Wang Yinghe, a student in the third grade of Erma Road Primary School, likes ice hockey because of a competition.

He said that my parents were very supportive of my idea, signed up for my training class, and under the guidance of the coach, I quickly learned to skate, and then slowly began to practice various steps, and began to practice passing and shooting with ice hockey clubs. For 4 years, no matter the spring, summer, autumn and winter every week I will go to the skating gym training, after going to primary school, the school also provides us with a lot of ice hockey training opportunities, in order to improve the faster progress of technology I also signed up for the skating hall's 1-on-1 improvement class, in the training, everyone you chase me, both confrontation and mutual cooperation, in the game, win the ball we cheer together, lose the coach encouraged us not to be discouraged, in the process of learning ice hockey I met a lot of friends, in the training learned what is competition, Learned what team spirit is, but also learned to continue to insist on training to make progress.

I like the sport of ice hockey, the 2022 Winter Olympics will open in Beijing, as a small ice hockey player, I cheer for China, I hope that the athletes in my hometown can achieve good results and win glory for the country. He sent his blessings and was full of expectations for his future.

Ice and snow sports allow children to enjoy the fun on the ice and the fun in the snow, especially in the stimulation to exercise their adaptability and hone their will, which is irreplaceable by other sports.

Yuhong Primary School Zou operation teacher told reporters that this year's first heavy snow has brought a different kind of joy to the campus, after the heavy snow, the campus left a white snow, students here to build snowmen, snowball fights, after a round of laughter, their spirit is more full, more enthusiastic about learning, ice and snow sports bring them happiness at the same time, but also adjust their mental state, enhance their physique.

How to make use of the unique winter ice and snow resources in the north to carry out the cultural activities of the ice and snow festival with the theme of "Passionate Ice and Snow And Happy Rendezvous" for millions of teenagers? Chang Ying, deputy principal of Erma Road Primary School, introduced that all classes in the school have taken action, planned to carry out land ice and snow activities between classes, enrich students' extracurricular cultural life, and actively participate in winter outdoor fitness activities, carry out competition activities, and improve students' enthusiasm for participation.

Building snowmen smoking ice dances on the ice... Passionate ice and snow sports ignite the winter campus

At present, in the campus "Ice and Snow Culture Festival", they organized students to participate in snow sculpture competitions, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, hand-copied newspaper competitions and other activities, carried out the "three best" evaluation on ice, and at the same time, used ice classes, weekends, after-school, winter vacation and other time to organize students to go to ice, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of teachers and students to go to ice, and the ice rate reached 92%.

At the same time, following the idea of "comprehensive plus characteristics, harmony and innovation", in order to comprehensively cultivate students' strengths, improve students' comprehensive quality, and closely inherit and carry forward the history of ice hockey, the school makes full use of broadcasts, billboards, hand-copied newspapers, class morning meetings, oath meetings and other forms to strengthen the public opinion publicity of teachers and students on ice activities, further improve the awareness and enthusiasm of teachers and students in participating in ice and snow activities, and synchronously carry out the training of ice students, and the school ice hockey team is responsible for regular professional training. Comprehensively improve the technical and tactical level of the players, and now it has become a well-known campus ice hockey team in Hecheng, which is well-known in the domestic arena.

Building snowmen smoking ice dances on the ice... Passionate ice and snow sports ignite the winter campus

It is understood that with the in-depth development of ice and snow sports into the campus activities, the city now has 17 Wang Jialian ice hockey hope primary schools, the city's youth campus ice hockey team reached 100, since 2017, the city has actively promoted the "millions of teenagers on the ice and snow" and other activities, each year to hold more than 100 events, more than 2,000 times at all levels of various types of ice and snow events, every winter, the north three district primary and secondary schools poured more than 30 ice rinks, greatly popularized the ice and snow culture and ice and snow activities of primary and secondary school students.

Source of the manuscript| Crane City Evening News

The author of the manuscript | Wang Shiyou

Look at the editor| Chen Li

Building snowmen smoking ice dances on the ice... Passionate ice and snow sports ignite the winter campus

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