
How did Zhuge Liang forcibly carry out the Northern Expedition and bury the Shu kingdom step by step?

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Author: Kong Xiangju

How did Zhuge Liang forcibly carry out the Northern Expedition and bury the Shu kingdom step by step?

First, stubbornly see the book "Table of Teachers", obstinately going north to Northern Expedition To Cao Wei

In 227 AD, Zhuge Liang wrote a letter to the Shu Han Emperor "Table of Teachers", vowing to teach the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei. At this time, the Shu kingdom had just stabilized, and the people and the Manchu Dynasty were looking forward to peace and stability.

However, Zhuge Kongming, who was a noble minister, just wanted to go out to conquer the State of Wei, perhaps he was confused, maybe he had an obsession in his heart, or he couldn't dredge it up.

No matter how the Later Lord persuaded him with the idea that "Xiang Guo was old and it was inconvenient to go on a expedition", or how the ministers and counselors around Zhuge Liang dissuaded him with the euphemism of "living in peace and recuperating, cherishing manpower and material resources", the stubborn Zhuge Liang just did not listen, and lived like an "old woman" who was "caught in self-touch".

At this moment, Zhuge Liang is like a proper three-kingdoms strengthened version of "let me go".

Between the Hanzhong region of the Shu Han garrison and Guanzhong, which was controlled by Cao Wei, traversed the majestic Qinling Mountains. The Shu Han Dynasty defended itself according to dangers, and the lofty mountains and mountains "with advantages and disadvantages" were largely obstructed by traffic and blocked news.

Due to the long absence of war, the Wei army at the border pass, for a time, made the Shu army take advantage of the loophole. Zhuge Liang's northern expedition to advance qishan was unusually smooth at the beginning, and Cao Wei's three counties of Nan'an, Tianshui, and Anding soon rebelled against Cao and surrendered to Shu.

At this time, the Shu army had the upper hand. In the face of such a great fighter, Zhuge Liang staged a scene of "cleverness is mistaken by cleverness", and began to think wildly and tangled up.

Under Zhuge Liang's "procrastination", the Wei army rushed to Longxi, and the three counties were quickly recaptured. Presumably, at this time, Zhuge Liang, who had been repeatedly repeating himself, could breathe a sigh of relief and think, "Sure enough, as I expected, Wei Jun was deceitful", so there was no need to dwell on it anymore.

At the same time, the Shu Han army also lost the three counties of the Great Wei State that had been occupied. "Zhuge Liang was only cautious in his life", the more critical the time, Zhuge Liang was too "extreme", too cautious and cautious, and many times made the war that should have been won inexplicably defeated.

The reason why Zhuge Liang has such a tactical performance is that "on paper, it is finally shallow." Zhuge Liang lacked sufficient geographical travel experience, did not fully grasp the actual materials of geographical terrain, and lacked mature and stable adult personality and psychological quality.

How did Zhuge Liang forcibly carry out the Northern Expedition and bury the Shu kingdom step by step?

Second, the economy of the Shu state was weak and unable to conquest

At that time, liu bei died shortly after his death, and Shu Han did not make any military moves for several years. Zhuge Liang could not find out the details of the enemy, so he did not dare to actively fight.

Sima Yi, a strategist of the State of Wei, commented on him: "Bright worries are more than less. The consistent performance of Zhuge Liang's tactics can be summarized as hesitant and undecided in action.

But the most crucial thing is that, subject to the economic power of the Shu Han, Zhuge Liang can only adopt cautious tactics.

After coercing Tianzi to order the princes, Cao Cao actively recruited a wide range of economics, water conservancy talents, construction talents, and scientific and technological talents from all over the world, which had great potential in the vast State of Wei, and the geographical location of the State of Wei itself was the Thousand Mile Fertile Land Area, which was still the central plains in the traditional sense, and was the place where countless young people and people with lofty ideals realized their dreams.

After the various preferential measures given by Boss Cao, the great steward of the State of Wei, local officials from all over the State of Wei at that time actively responded to the resolutions from the central government of the Great Han Dynasty. Various departments have issued documents to implement the "talent introduction policy". Many of the local governors of various districts and counties have entered leadership positions through Boss Cao's "talent absorption" plan. In addition, Boss Cao is very good at doing ideological work, knows how to carry out "incentive mechanisms" for his subordinates, and carries out the "elimination system at the end", so the team members under Boss Cao are his "die-hard fans" and have responded one after another. For a time, the grass-roots "Human Resources and Social Security Bureau" and the grass-roots "Housing and Construction Bureau" sent "warmth" and "welfare" to high-quality students from all over the country who defected to Weiguo, and said that as long as they worked hard and contributed to the construction of Weiguo, they could fully enjoy the "development dividend" of Weiguo.

Under the reform and development of Cao Cao, the total GDP of the State of Wei was the sum of the State of Wu and the State of Shu, "to become an official in the south and north, but also to eat, drink and wear", only when the food is full, the clothes are warm, and the living and working in peace and contentment are full of joy, and they will be more motivated. Not only did the residents of the State of Wei live and work in peace and contentment, but also the army of the State of Wei. The national treasury was abundant, the soldiers ate well, dressed warmly, and the "military food" and "military salary" were issued in a timely manner, so the children of the ordinary people of the Wei state were also willing to go to the barracks, willing to actively join the army, make meritorious achievements, and receive commendations and titles within the army, so as to realize their own life value and material harvest, "double harvest."

Under Cao Cao's drastic and pragmatic reforms, the people of wei received tangible benefits.

"Don't talk about feelings, talk about treatment", "don't draw a round cake, give welfare" so that the development of all walks of life in Weiguo is a positive and thriving good state. Therefore, the "happiness index" of the State of Wei is also the first among the three countries.

"Gaining land and losing people, people and land losing both", even if it was a fluke of the Shu army for a while, taking advantage of the Wei army's negligence to take precautions, for a time got the three counties of Nan'an, Tianshui, and Anding.

However, "the three counties surrendered and could not be", and the Shu army obtained the three counties, but it was unable to defend.

On the one hand, it was impossible for supplies to be continuously and effectively transported to these three places in a timely and effective manner, and on the other hand, the Shu army simply did not have a Cao Wei army that was several times larger than itself, and could carry out a tun army and be ready for a head-on confrontation at any time.

The essence of the Shuwei War was that it relied on the comprehensive strength of national development, the military support of the state, and the soft power of the state to absorb talents and human resources.

How did Zhuge Liang forcibly carry out the Northern Expedition and bury the Shu kingdom step by step?

Third, the losses were heavy, and the troops were exhausted

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "Zhuge Liangzhi is Xiang Guoye, which can be described as a good talent for knowledge and governance, and Guan and Xiao are Yapiyi." However, after years of moving the crowd, failing to succeed, the cover strain will be slight, not its strengths! "Zhuge Liang has the talent of economic management, which can be compared with Guan Zhong, and can also be described as a talent and ability."

Zhuge Liang had the ability to govern the localities, but he did not have the practical work of the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition. He continued to carry out the Northern Expedition for many years, but he still could not achieve his deeds, but he still did not carry out self-reflection, still did not know how to turn, insisted on a road to the black, disregarded the long-term development of the Shu kingdom, ignored the life and death of the Shu kingdom, just for his own obsession and the "dream" in his heart. This has to be said that from this aspect alone, Zhuge Liang inevitably has some selfishness.

In 223 AD, Liu Beixing's army attacked Wu, and the result was "thunder and heavy rain and small points", and finally ended up with a defeat of Yiling.

After Liu Bei's death, the Shu state was in turmoil, and the difficulties faced were imminent. During the period of strength, the Shu Han had only 160,000 troops. At this time, the wei army held more than 500,000 people.

At the time of the Northern Expedition of the Shu State, the fixed number of Shu Han military camps was only 30,000 people, not only that, shu Han lost a large number of important military and political leaders in the last few years of the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition.

According to the history books, when Liu Bei was seriously ill, the ethnic minorities in the south turned around. Later, Huang Yuan, Gao Ding, and others rebelled, and the Shu state was in turmoil.

Zhuge Liang, who was less than 45 years old, controlled the central power of the Shu Han dynasty in such a situation. Zhuge Liang hastily reorganized his army and quelled the local rebellion, and it took another five years and a long time to reconcile with Eastern Wu, which barely allowed the Shu state to stabilize and avoid division.

By 227 AD, after quelling the rebellion of the ethnic minorities, Zhuge Liang had requested Liu Chan to go north to Cao Wei, despite the weakness of the country and the weakness of the economy.

In the last northern expedition, in successive failures, under the difficult situation of "no general in the Shu kingdom, Liao Hua as the vanguard", step by step, the Shu state fell into the quagmire of defeat.

How did Zhuge Liang forcibly carry out the Northern Expedition and bury the Shu kingdom step by step?

About author:Kong Xiangju, folk hero story creator, anti-Japanese national hero good man story teller, Shandong good man story teller, Tai'an City Writers Association member.

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