
Zhu Yilong starred in "Life Events" set for Qingming, a rare funeral comedy theme, worthy of attention

author:Zhongke Hengyun

On December 1, the movie "Life Events" was announced to be scheduled for April 2, 2022. The movie "Life Events" is produced by Han Yan, directed by Liu Jiangjiang, starring Zhu Yilong, starring Liu Lu and Luo Jingmin, and Yang En' special introduction. The film tells the story of the funeralist Mo Sanmei (Zhu Yilong), who met the orphan Wu Xiaowen (Yang Enyou) during a funeral shortly after his release from prison, and Xiaowen's appearance unexpectedly changed Mo Sanmei's attitude towards career and life.

Zhu Yilong starred in "Life Events" set for Qingming, a rare funeral comedy theme, worthy of attention

Finalized poster

"Life Events" is director Liu Jiangjiang's feature film debut, after Liu Jiangjiang's "Heaven" based on the funeral culture of North China was shortlisted for Momo Pingyao Venture Capital at the 2019 Pingyao Film Festival.

"Funeral comedy" has a novel theme

The story of "Life Events" revolves around the "funeral", in the film Mo Sanbi after his release from prison, he devoted himself to the "funeral industry" to support his family, in the process of a funeral, he met the orphan Xiaowen who had no relatives and no reason, the latter's only relatives and grandmothers died, no one can rely on, perhaps even the third brother did not expect that his life trajectory will become different because of Xiaowen, the two ushered in a series of ridiculous interesting things, and finally sublimated the theme, giving the audience insight and touch.

What is a major life event, is it marriage and children, or funerals?

The trailer of "Life Events" revealed a lot of information, and the funeralist Mo Sanbi, played by Brother Long, and Xiaowen, played by the little girl Yang En, launched a tit-for-tat confrontation in The Wuhan dialect, but Xiaowen's sentence "I thought grandma was in that big box (coffin)" made Mo Sanbi, who was full of anger, instantly stunned. Children and adults have different perspectives.

The child does not want much, that is, the company of the grandmother.

Entering "Life Events", this masterpiece of scarce themes has four highlights, including a realistic style that attracts audiences, a very rare funeral theme, a story that coexists funny and moving, and a realistic family background, each of which is extremely attractive and is a rare "funeral theme" comedy in China.

The concept of funeral reform is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

The film involves funeral themes, which is enough to see that the society's attention to funeral business is increasing day by day.

After years of efforts, funeral reform has been deepened throughout the country, and the funeral industry has made great progress. Implement cremation, reform burial, save funeral land, civilized and frugal funerals, ban burning on the streets, low-carbon sacrifice sweeping... The funeral concept of green civilization and environmental protection has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a social consensus.

At the same time, the government plays a role in guiding the civilized and frugal funeral value orientation. All parts of the country, adjust the funeral policy for the benefit of the people, establish a moderately inclusive system for the benefit of the people, introduce ecological burial reward and compensation methods, etc., and give rewards and subsidies to ecological burials.

Through funeral reform, the modern concept of civilization, thriftiness and ecology will be imperceptibly transmitted to the masses, guiding everyone to establish the concept of "filial piety must be done as soon as possible", reflecting filial piety to the elders in daily care, and strengthening spiritual commemoration and civilized farewell in funeral activities.

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