
Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

author:Happy dragon fruit

Weibo Night: Star-studded, top-notch in the same frame

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

On this dazzling night, the Weibo Night Ceremony was held as scheduled. There are many stars, and every star is the protagonist of tonight, but the most eye-catching are undoubtedly Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong, who won the titles of King and Queen.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Yang Zi, dressed in a pink dress, is gentle and elegant. Her eyes reveal firmness and confidence, as if to tell the world that she is standing on the stage of her dreams. When she received the Queen's trophy from the award presenter, a big smile bloomed on her face, which was an affirmation of her past efforts and an expectation for the future.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Zhu Yilong is dressed in a straight suit, handsome and chic. With his excellent acting skills and deep popularity, he won the crown of King. Standing on the podium, he said affectionately: "This award is not only a recognition for me, but also the best reward for the fans who have always supported me." ”

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

However, on this glorious night, there are two actresses who snatch the camera in a different way. Tian Xiwei and Nazha, two beauties with very different styles, both chose deep V dresses to boldly show their charm. Tian Xiwei's dress is like a star in the night sky, flashing with a mysterious light; Nazha's dress is like a fiery phoenix, showing her enthusiasm and vitality.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

At the climax of the ceremony, the four top stars were invited to the stage to take a group photo in the same frame. Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong stood in the middle, while Tian Xiwei and Nazha stood on both sides. At this moment, it was as if time had stood still, and all eyes were focused on these four stars. They smiled at the camera and captured this unforgettable moment.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

With the end of the Weibo night, this feast in the entertainment industry has also come to a successful end. But the stories and memories of the night will live on in people's hearts for a long time.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Behind the scenes

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

In the spotlight, they are the brightest stars; And behind the scenes, they also have unknown hard work and persistence.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Yang Zi once revealed in an interview that in order to shoot every drama well, she would study the role in depth, and even repeatedly figure it out for a shot. She said: "I hope that through my own efforts, the audience can see more different types of characters. This kind of pursuit of acting skills and professionalism makes people can't help but praise it.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Zhu Yilong is a typical "drama idiot". He is always fully engaged in the filming scene, whether it is an action scene or an emotional scene, he can control it with ease. He said: "An actor is to feel the character with his heart and present the best performance to the audience. ”

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Although Tian Xiwei and Nazha have different styles, they both have unique insights into fashion. Tian Xiwei likes to experiment with all kinds of new looks, and she believes that fashion is an attitude and an expression of herself. Nazha, on the other hand, pays more attention to detail and taste, saying: "Fashion is not only about the appearance of the dress, but also about the inner cultivation. ”

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

With the joint efforts of the four stars, Weibo Night became a feast for the eyes and ears. Their wonderful performance not only won the applause of the audience, but also added a strong touch to their acting career.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Prospects for the future

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

With the end of Weibo Night, the four celebrities also returned to their respective jobs. They said that they will continue to strive to bring more high-quality works and wonderful performances to the audience.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Yang Zi revealed that she will devote herself to the filming of a large-scale costume drama next, hoping to bring a new visual experience to the audience. Zhu Yilong said that he will try more different types of roles and challenge the limits of his acting skills. Tian Xiwei and Nazha also said that they will continue to work hard in the fields of fashion and film and television to show their multi-faceted talents.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

Although the Weibo night is over, the bright stars of the four stars will continue to shine in the sky of the entertainment industry. Let's look forward to their future performances!

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

For this Weibo night ceremony, it is not only an affirmation and reward for the stars, but also a recognition of their hard work. Behind each winner is an unknown effort and sweat, and their success is not accidental, but the result of long-term accumulation. At the same time, this grand ceremony also shows the prosperity and vitality of the entertainment industry, with the stars shining separately, but reflecting each other, together forming a bright starry sky. We look forward to seeing them continue to bring us more wonderful works and performances in the days to come, making our lives more colorful." And what new challenges and opportunities await them? This is undoubtedly a suspense and expectation left to us.

Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed
Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed
Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed
Weibo night: Yang Zi and Zhu Yilong won King and Queen, and Tian Xiwei Na was deeply robbed

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