
Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

author:Know everything


Summer release, Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth

Summer is synonymous with freedom and vitality. When Tian Xiwei announced that she would become the spokesperson of Victoria's Secret youth, the summer sun seemed to be crowned with it. Imagine her wearing a light summer outfit, flying freely between the blue sea and blue sky, and every movement is full of youthful energy. Netizens left messages: "Tian Xiwei, you are the Victoria's Secret goddess in summer!" ”

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

Tian Xiwei's endorsement is not only a recognition of her personal charm, but also an affirmation of her youthful vitality. Every moment in front of the camera is like a shining star, illuminating the whole summer. Some netizens jokingly said: "Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth is a touch of coolness in summer!" ”

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

Netizens are hotly discussed: Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret moment

With the news of Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret endorsement, netizens have posted her shining moments on social media. Some are photos of frolicking by the sea, and some are videos of walking through the streets. Every picture, every video, records her beautiful story with summer.

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

Some netizens commented: "Tian Xiwei's smile is the most beautiful scenery in summer!" Some netizens joked: "After watching Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret endorsement, I decided to let go of myself and embrace youth this summer!" ”

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

The collision of Victoria's Secret and youth

When Victoria's Secret meets youth, what kind of sparks will collide? Tian Xiwei's endorsement gave us a perfect answer. In her own way, she interprets the combination of Victoria's Secret and youth. In her, we see the perfect combination of freedom, energy, beauty and self-confidence.

Some netizens wrote in the comment area: "Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth has made me re-understand what true beauty is!" Some netizens said: "I also want to be like Tian Xiwei, bravely pursue my dreams and live my youth!" ”

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

Is Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth too commercial?

However, in the midst of praise, there are also some doubts. Some people believe that Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement is too commercial and has lost its original meaning.

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

They believe that Victoria's Secret, as an underwear brand, should pay more attention to the quality and design of products, rather than relying solely on celebrity endorsements to attract attention.

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

In this regard, some netizens retorted: "Commercialization and quality are not contradictory! Tian Xiwei's endorsement not only let more people know about the Victoria's Secret brand, but also let us see the combination of youth and beauty. What's so bad about that? Some netizens said: "We should respect everyone's choice." Tian Xiwei's choice to endorse Victoria's Secret is also an interpretation of her youth. ”

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

Under this controversial topic, netizens launched a heated discussion. Some people think that commercialization is an inevitable trend, and some people think that the purity of the brand should be maintained.

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

In any case, Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement has become a beautiful landscape this summer. It allows us to see the collision of youth and beauty, and also gives us a deeper understanding of the Victoria's Secret brand. As for whether it is too commercial, this may be a matter of opinion.

Tian Xiwei's Victoria's Secret youth endorsement was exposed, and her figure is really good! A sparkling moment in summer!

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