
Serie A today's front page: Milan chase Napoli Di Barra wakes up Juve

author:Live it

Live Bar December 1, Milan Sports, Roma Sports, Turin Sports are italy's three major sports newspapers, today we take a look at their respective front page headlines have brought what content.

Sports Milano

Serie A today's front page: Milan chase Napoli Di Barra wakes up Juve

1. "Try to catch me." "Milan and Inter are fighting for the league title. Super Derby: The Milan duo is only one point apart. "Milan, face Sheva!" The closest enemy and his Genoa. "Inter, Tango." Lautaro partnered with Correa, and Inzaghi insisted on the rotation.

2. "Juve, at least there are gems." The Bianconeri re-sprinted, and at Salernitana, Dybala scored and conceded a penalty. Juve re-won and Morata scored, 2-0. Elkan: "We'll stay at the top. Trust the judge. ”

3. Atlanta 4-0 Venice, Passalic hat-trick. Gasperini renewed his contract until 2024.

4. Napoli played Against Sassuolo tonight and are ready to continue to lead.

Sports Roma

Serie A today's front page: Milan chase Napoli Di Barra wakes up Juve

1. "Paul wakes up Juve." "Paulo Dybala broke the deadlock and Morata scored another goal. Uncle 囧: "The pressure resistance is doing well." Allegri regained his victory, beating Salernitana away. The Argentine also conceded a penalty. Elkan stepped in: "We will cooperate with the prosecutor's office." The club is still a giant. ”

2. "Milan and Inter are chasing Napoli. "Spalletti played against Sassuolo and was ready to defend the three-point advantage. The troubled Rossoneri sought a rebound against their "predecessor" Sheva. Inzaghi against Spezia.

3. "CR7, the second nightmare." "He was angry that Messi had won the Golden Ball.

Turin Sport

Serie A today's front page: Milan chase Napoli Di Barra wakes up Juve

1. "The gem is finally back." "Dybala and Morata scored goals to help the team win at Salernitana, bringing a bit of calm to Juve, who has experienced disappointment recently. The Argentine conceded a penalty that could have been 3-0.

2. John Elkan: "Don't touch Juve! Financial fraud investigation: There are still 5 clubs involved, but Elkan proudly defends the club: "We have been with this club for 100 years. We're still big. Difficulties will make us stronger. ”

3. Atlanta 4-0 Venice, Passalic hat-trick. Coach Gasperini renewed his contract. Atlanta catches up with Inter.

4. Turin personnel emergency: buy forwards in January. Confirm: Yurić wants to reinforce the front. Belotti was injured until February.

(My name is Leonardo da Vinci)

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