
The man I've loved for five years, and when it came time to discuss a wedding, I broke down and didn't marry

author:Moon Yeon's cottage
The man I've loved for five years, and when it came time to discuss a wedding, I broke down and didn't marry


It used to be silly to worry about the future and waste the present.

But now, I am still very stupid, worrying about the future and the present at the same time.

All my emotions will always be controlled by Wang Chen.

He was the boy I had loved for five years, to the point of talking about marriage.

In fact, the wedding is only one day, and marriage is a lifetime.

Marriage is to be run with love, and it is even more necessary for him to have the most sincere blessings from family, relatives and friends.

But I could never blend in, couldn't walk into the hearts of his family.

If it weren't for this time, personal negotiations with his family, I'm afraid this life would be ruined.


Wang Chen is a friend of my brother's, three years older than me.

The first time I saw him, I felt gentle and elegant, although I didn't talk much, I always had a smile on my face.

Laughing boy, luck won't be too bad.

In this way, we also became familiar with each other and developed a good feeling for each other.

Love is like this, it comes unexpectedly.

After my brother knew, he still objected, and finally couldn't stand my soft and hard bubbles.

In fact, my brother was worried that he would be affected by his family, afraid that Wang Chen would bully me.


Every time I think about Wang Chen's family, I always want to give him more love.

When he was six years old, his parents divorced because of their emotional disagreement.

Wang Chen has always lived with his mother, and in this world, his mother is his heaven.

Her requirements for Wang Chen are also very strict, I hope he can be more excellent, but also count as Jackie Chan.

However, sometimes, too strong, always hope to control the son.

This is also what my brother is worried about, Wang Chen is by his mother's side, and he will indeed be obedient.

Wang Chen will also tell me that his mother is not easy, and I will honor her more in the future.


But I think that love is a matter of two people, and parents want their children to be happy.

In the beginning, we went on dates, went shopping together, ate all kinds of food together, and he took good care of me.

We also started our days of cohabitation.

But later, his mother's intervention always made us a little unhappy.

The first time I went to his house, I was faced with whether I was going to wash the dishes.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I took the initiative to take all the dishes and chopsticks, just to leave a good impression.

I don't know if it's my delusion, she always deliberately tries to make things difficult for me.

In front of his mother, Wang Chen was always like a child waiting to eat candy.


If it weren't for her visit at any time, we would be as sweet as any other couple.

Every time I came, he would always point at me and tell me what kind of food Wang Chen liked to eat and how to arrange his clothes.

Over time, I have to admit that she is indeed very strong.

I understand her concern for her son and understand that she has not had easy years, but I hope she can let go.

For these pointing points, Wang Chen asked me to study with an open mind.

For the sake of this love, I am also willing to accept all this, because I think it will be more painful to leave.

Wang Chen told me that my mother is all for our good, and we should listen more.


It wasn't until our wedding was mentioned on the itinerary that the conflict broke out.

Our family plans to ask for a dowry of 100,000 yuan and will marry a suite.

Wang Chen's mother pressed to 60,000 60,000, saying that this is the auspicious number.

I see that Wang Chen has not expressed his position, afraid that he will be embarrassed, so he consulted with his parents and agreed.

It was also at this time that I found out that I was pregnant, and the arrival of this little life made me excited.

Wedding plus pregnancy, it is a joy on top of joy.

But after I told Wang Chen's family about this news, it made me very chilled.


They said that since they were pregnant, the wedding would be from Jane and they would live together.

In a woman's life, just a wedding, I want to do it better.

At this time, they proposed to waive the bride price, saying that they would leave it for the children in the future.

Wang Chen also agreed to this, telling me that if I want to become a family, don't count it, just keep it for us as my mother.

After I listened, I was a little chilled, and the bride price was also an attitude and respect for our family, and our family would not stay.

After Wang Chen listened to my words, he directly lost his temper and said that I was still calculating at this time, which made me feel that he was so strange.

It turns out that in his heart, I am such a person, as long as I meet his mother, I will always have to compromise?


The bride price is a touchstone of affection, and I admit to failure.

They finally told me that they were all pregnant, that no one would ask for it again, and that they had to think clearly about whether to marry or not.

Before marriage, you and I, when it comes to marriage, we calculate each other, what is the use of such a marriage?

Just because I was pregnant, I had to get married?

He is not only obedient to his mother, but also has no principles, ma bao man.

Looking at Wang Chen, I have to admit that I met someone who is not ladylike, and I am not married now, so I did this to me.

As long as they talk about money, they will always be angry; as long as I am with Wang Chen, his mother will not look good; as long as I do not compromise, Wang Chen will look at me coldly.


When my parents learned of this, my brother beat him up angrily.

Looking at the angry family, I understood what home was.

Under my pleading, they will only hurt me step by step, just because I love him?

The matter of feelings is a matter that must not be dragged out of the mud and water.

I decided, this wedding is over!

The details of a man are very important, not even the minimum respect, do not know how to maintain, what is the meaning of this marriage.

The end of the story is always like this, two flowers bloom, and the sky is different.

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later.

But between the best of us, there is no going back.

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