
Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer


Introduction: Wei WuXian has a sense of justice and is good at fighting and holding uneven. Although after being reborn, he didn't want to have any connection with his past life, but on the Great Fan Mountain, seeing the Immortal Gate Junior encountering the attack of the Dancing Heavenly Woman, he still couldn't help but rescue him. He didn't want to summon Wen Ning, and almost exposed his identity. Fortunately, Lan Forgot's strength protected him and took away Wei WuXian, who was wearing a mask, and Jiang Cheng was furious, and the people watching the liveliness were confused.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

The Immortal Gate juniors on the Great Fan Mountain were chased by the illusion of the Dancing Goddess and had nowhere to escape, the Lan family juniors found that the signal bomb was used up, and Jin Ling refused to send the signal bomb because of the gambling with his uncle Jiang Cheng. Without the arrival of the seniors, the situation of the juniors fell into crisis. Fortunately, Lan Zhan's arrival when he heard "Forgetting Envy" was hurried, and soon after Jiang Cheng also arrived. Jiang Cheng definitely did not receive Jin Ling's distress signal, so why did he come so quickly?

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

Sixteen years later, Jiang Cheng has been the head of the family for many years, as the head of a family, shouldering the affairs of the family, although he occasionally goes hunting at night, the hunt must also be difficult to deal with. However, if it was for other reasons, he would not be too concerned about the level of prey.

There was a movement in the Great Fan Mountain, which attracted many Xianmen monks. The Immortal Gate juniors would definitely not let go of this opportunity to exercise, especially Jin Ling, who had always wanted to hunt for a few decent things to make a name for himself. However, Jin Ling did not expect that this time his uncle would go with him. So when he was pressed to the ground by the masked Wei WuXian with a small paper man and could not move, he said, "Do you know who will come today?" It can be seen that Jiang Cheng was able to come today as an accident. As for the reason, Jin Ling didn't know, and Jiang Cheng wouldn't say it.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

"Every chaos will come out" is a habitual style of Lan Forgetful machine for sixteen years, and his purpose is very simple, to protect Wei Baby, "Hoe the adulterous and help the weak, no shame!" " promise. Walk the path he has traveled and do what he loves to do. Wei Baby likes to hug uneven, Lan Zhan travels around to fight uneven, Wei Baby likes to be lively, he will go to the lively place to find Wei Baby's shadow. Only this time he met someone he didn't want to see but couldn't avoid----- Jiang Cheng. In the past sixteen years, the two of them should have met more than once, but each time it ended with Jiang Cheng being aggressive and Blue Forgetting Machine ignoring it.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

The juniors don't know, what kind of knots are there between these two predecessors? I only know that since they can remember, although these two predecessors have often appeared in the same place, they have never communicated, and no one dares to ask the reason. In fact, no one knows better than them what they have been doing all these years. What are you looking forward to?

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

Jiang Cheng knew that Second Prince Lan had been looking for Wei WuXian when he traveled around all these years, and he himself was not! I heard that there was a movement in the Great Fan Mountain, and all the Immortal Gate monks came. Of course, Jiang Cheng would not let go, although it was said that he was helping Jin Ling, in fact, why, he himself knew best. When he saw the arrival of Second Prince Lan, he was even more certain that there was news of Wei WuXian here, but he never spoke well, and Lan Forgot Ji did not bother to talk to him. Although every time they met, Jiang Cheng seemed to win, but every time he gritted his teeth and endured, it was Jiang Cheng. Just like this time, looking at the person using Wei WuXian's magic, Jiang Cheng was deliberately going to take it away. But Lan Forgot Machine came forward to maintain it, and Jiang Cheng had to hold back again.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

The Xianmen juniors went up the mountain to look for prey, and as seniors, Jiang Cheng and Lan Forgot Ji rested at the tea shed at the foot of the mountain at the same time. They were all familiar people, all under the same roof, but the two people ignored each other. The most eerie thing is that the silence of these two masters exudes a forced chill, because of their presence, the whole tea shed is almost frozen.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer
Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

"Forgetting Envy" is a song written by Blue Forgetting Machine for Wei Baby, and when this familiar melody came, the thousand-year-old iceberg face of Blue Forgetting Machine suddenly became rich, there were surprises and incredibles. In short, he didn't seem to want to stay here for a moment any longer, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared in the direction where the sound came from. Jiang Cheng didn't know what this song meant to Blue Forgetfulness. But from the expression and action of the blue forgetful machine, Jiang Cheng guessed that this melody was strange. Jiang Cheng knew that the only person in this world who could make Lan Forgetful lose his attitude was Wei WuXian. Therefore, when The Blue Forgetful Machine suddenly left, Jiang Cheng couldn't care less about face and rushed over. When Lan Forgot Ji grabbed Wei WuXian, Jiang Cheng also rushed to the scene. Seeing Lan Forgetful grasping this man in black, Jiang Cheng decided that he was Wei WuXian. Unfortunately, this time, Jiang Cheng still failed to win the Blue Forgetting Machine, allowing him to bring people back to the Lan family.

Chen Qingling: Why did Jiang Cheng, who is not an elegant person, come when he heard "Forgetting Envy"? Lan Zhan is the answer

For sixteen years, Lan Forgetful and Jiang Cheng had been ignoring each other, but they both tacitly agreed. Jiang Cheng knew that the Blue Forgetting Machine had been looking for Wei WuXian, and as long as he followed the Blue Forgetting Machine, he would definitely be able to find Wei WuXian. Therefore, in the Great Fan Mountain, Jin Ling rushed to Jiang Cheng without sending a signal, not because he could feel that there was a vision there, but because he knew that following the Blue Forgetting Machine would definitely find Wei WuXian!