
To know the "chain reaction" of the laws of nature, the law of cause and effect, what are you transmitting...

author:Dream benevolent world

There is a little story about a father who did not get a promotion in the unit, which was very annoying. Back at home, I saw my son in elementary school playing greedily, a stinky scolding. The son ran outside in order to escape, saw the cat lying next to him, kicked hard, the cat got up and flew across the road, just a truck drove over, in order to dodge the cat, the result was that the car hit a tree next to the road, and the driver was injured. This is the chain reaction of the laws of nature. In nature, everything is universally connected, interacting, communicating something to each other. The wind blows, the sails move, the boats open, the people go! In daily life, people are in contact with people and things. Your words and deeds will convey the color of your life. Are you aware? Maybe your words can bring confidence and hope to a person and can overcome all setbacks and difficulties. It may also be disheartened, self-abandoned, and depraved. Whether you can perceive what meaning is being conveyed. Understand what you are passing on and what you will reap. This is how the Law of Attraction works. May the people of the world transmit positive energy everywhere and become the kingdom of love.

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