
After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

author:SpiritEdu Sword Liu Crazy Strange Talk

To tell the truth, do the headlines for more than 5 years, never told my private life, nor dissected my emotional life, to my friends are always full of curiosity about me, think you are very mysterious, in fact, about my family birth, about my profession, about my hobbies, my bits, all of my and so on, not at all unusual, in addition to their own emotional life has not been dissected with the public, the other has never had any concealment, I believe that everyone can also see from my text, after all, from the heart, see the words like people, Words are a person's business card endorsement, but also the interpretation of his real psychological world, so I hope you see my words, not superficial, but careful products.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Pay attention to my friends, especially the older group has always wanted to understand my life, know my heart, in fact, all my voices are in the text, opinions, thoughts, ideas, feelings, hobbies, persistence, life mottos, creeds, ethics, etc. are completely true and fair and objective, as a realistic woman was forced by self-esteem to open her mouth, do not show her helpless humiliation to the outside world, but time has passed, many times see through it, dignity face is a fart, I am me.

Say what you want, do what you want, I don't hurt anyone, I just spread a true self, what is the fault, you like it or hate it, hate it or hate it, hate it or hate it, hate it or rejoice, it doesn't matter, like me can only mean that you are my kind, disgusted with me can only show that you are my kind, disgusted with me can only show that you are my outlier, it is as simple as that people who understand you need not say, do not understand your unworthy to say, but one thing is certain, like me that must be innocent and kind heart, hate me that must be abnormal goods.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

The woman is funny and humorous, cynical and deferential to human freedom, straightforward and true temperament, but the style of people is traditional and simple, this root of their own tutoring is related, so in fact, I am a particularly feudal old man, although 82 years, but feel that I am the same generation as the people of the sixties and seventies, so I like to appreciate my generally middle-aged and elderly people, because the resonance is because of understanding and understanding, so it will be closer, there is nothing in the world more than the spark of the collision of ideas exchange can make people feel happy, the so-called good-looking skin bag is the same, Interesting souls are one out of the box, not blowing, and that beautiful soul is among me.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Although the speech is full of infinite vitality, in fact, life is also very simple, true sex lover, avant-garde and enlightened, but in fact is a conservative diehard, for example, my life hates those slippery, vulgar powder, never makeup, never wipe things, never wear high heels, never maintain, never messy, never dye hair, never draw eyebrows, even if the people around me say me a thousand times, saying that I have too much white hair on my head, let me get a hairstyle, dye a hair, draw an eyebrow, sorry, Let other people's saliva break, say that I am stingy, say that I am not how to do it, anyway, I don't like it, I really don't want to force it.

I don't need to please the outside world, I don't have to make myself unhappy, anyone who goes against my heart will make me feel depressed, and vulgar fans really disgust me. Ugly is ugly, but I am real, the sun is cute and cheerful, people love flowers and blossoms, it is the true style of myself, I do not change myself because of the outside world, so I do not want to accept what I do not like. Simple and grounded, love to fight, bear hardships and stand hard work, dare to take responsibility, have responsibility, delicate and emotional development, strong and domineering, in fact, the heart is also weak.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Carry the burden yourself, choose your own life, do not add to the blockage, do not rely on the outside world, do not hurt the world, never rely on others, there is no hero who protects me, then let me be a man, even if I am alone, but still at any time to transmit energy righteousness, help countless people, later record the true show personality, but also let the world witness the crazy and strange life of the cuteness. Touched, into the heart, they take care of each other, the general boring vulgar low-level can not enter the eyes, cold as frost isolated thousands of miles of majestic and righteous, horizontal eyebrows and angry eyes, iron blood tenderness and hermaphrodites are all me.

Really tired and tired to rest, especially quiet people, temperament is warm as water, crazy hip hop ha ha no big no small, friends regardless of age, not by height and appearance, not by the gap between professional and rich and poor, in my eyes kind and honest and pure people are the same kind, sanitation workers sweep the floor, sell vegetables, one-legged, polio, any labor workers from all walks of life, hard-working people are innocent, are what I like I admire and admire, messy smoke miasma is fraudulent, moral appearance is rhetoric, Despicable and pretentious, everything that is unbearable is disgusting to me, so the crazy man is sunny and hot-blooded, but in fact it is quiet and lonely.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Can be regarded as a conservative, but also can be regarded as an avant-garde, ideological avant-garde, physical action is an absolute tradition, talk about the real temperament, but do not involve the vulgar, the gentleman does not move, there is no improper action, there is no non-division of thoughts, no evil desires, no destruction, this is the gentleman's friendship. So in the face of strange madness, real life is really suitable for all ages, all those who approach me are feeling its warmth like spring, because there is no harm and no bad heart, it is pure sincerity, no work, not false, no matter how to laugh and how to pay is my true feelings, knife mouth tofu heart, wisdom to understand the red dust, the seven tricks of the exquisite heart through the earthly wind and rain ethereal baptism, so it will feel empathy.

Because I know so compassionate, because I have experienced if, so I will love others, in this vulgar rolling red dust how bad people, for a pure heart is no one will refuse to hate disgust, in Sanhui Town for more than 10 years I think there is really no my kind, there is no second and Liu Junyan's personality is exactly the same, completely do not occupy the world's vulgarity, so the crazy strange always seems so different.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Although the woman is fierce, the real tenderness is approachable, what I like to make friends with are the old, weak, sick and disabled, are vulnerable groups, so I deeply understand its suffering, for those who are rich for those who are rich and noble, I have no feelings for those crazy drags, because I do not compare, do not like, do not envy, in my eyes only good, black and white good or bad, there is no distinction between rich and poor. So our three views are very positive, and this is the haoran righteousness. The flock is always walking together, the beast is alone, I like to be alone, I like to walk alone, and I jump on the road in the middle of the night, because that is my world.

Free and beautiful, no restraint, no face, no interference, no control, so as a free person, I like this kind of life, do not make friends with dislikes, no matter how proud and rich you are, as long as it is a misconduct I dislike, the heart must be to draw a line, Chu River Han Jie clearly understands, good and evil are not opposed, this is the truth. Since childhood, our ideological concept is to learn from Lei Feng's good example, Jiao Yulu, Xia Minghan Liu Hulanjiang sister Li Dazhao and other revolutionary defenders are our idols, and absolute loyalty and loyalty to protect the family and patriotism are the faith implanted in our bones.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

But the red dust is really unbearable, so in the face of the world's morality, there is still much grief and powerlessness, some words can not be said, some things can not be done, so like to be lonely and enjoy loneliness, unwilling to participate, and powerless to interfere, so like silence. In fact, it is very good to be a free person, do not care about the name of the outside world, do not care about fame and fortune, do not care about economic materials, just follow their own hearts, not controlled by any control, not governed, no gang disputes, idle clouds and wild cranes are lonely, self-reliant, clear, this is also how many people want life.

One does not steal, two do not rob, three do not join the Kuomintang, do not do things that harm others and benefit themselves, have a selfless heart in their hearts, and do not do anything indecent in their lives, so they dare to walk in the middle of the night and are never afraid of any demons and ghosts. Simple and straightforward and willful, pure Zhen is clean and upright, what is there to hide from the light? Love is love, hate is hate, passing clouds, pain, sorrow, joy, despair, all of them have passed, what's the big deal? After experiencing the last disaster of the Tongtian River, a flood also made me die and live again, but it was not a big deal, what was lost was the material of the external economy, people were in the country, life was still turning in the world, as long as I was there, what was I afraid of? Now I'm back, talking freely, and that's me.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Money is like dung, material is just a number, can eat, can dress, no wind and rain, this is not very good? So I never asked much of this world, and all I wanted was Qingning. The so-called past is like smoke clouds, red dust over the guests, life is originally a journey, sadness and joy, pain and sorrow, joy and joy, everything, love and hate love and hatred of the rivers and lakes what is the big deal, people harm me, but I never harm people, so I am not afraid of being pursued, nor am I afraid of being hurt, the so-called hurt is not afraid of suffering again, the body of steel, the iron man who cannot die is like this.

Dare to do dare to be bold, dare to love and dare to hate, bright and upright, free and simple and spontaneous innocence innocence is standing proudly in the world, how many storms life has gone through, can only prove that I have never been destroyed, all of this is originally an inspirational legend, why can't I share it with everyone? So open your heart, willing to take myself to open the knife, dissect my life one by one, called inspirational, can also be said to be the wind, can also be said to be beautiful, more is incredible, so the fate is abnormal, red dust too much providence, many times beyond your imagination, you never know what happens in the next second, you do not know how God treats you, as a mortal we can not predict the prophet, but what we can do is to accept the fate of the arrangement, not surprised, not humble, not arrogant, not impatient, Wait in peace for the gifts of time or the challenges of tribulations.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

So life has finally passed the smoke clouds, cried and hurt, loved and hated, laughed, and finally we were calm, we cultivated a heart that was not shocked by honor and humiliation, we didn't care, we were like tea boiling after all, or sinking to the bottom of the cup, this is the final destination is also called maturity and transparency. All the swords and lights in the world, killing is really an aftertaste, superficial and childish behavior, although people fight for a breath, Buddha fight for a mouthful of incense, in fact, why bother, there is really no need for that. Let the wind and waves calm down, take a step back from the sea and the sky, many times admit that encouragement is not afraid, tolerance and generosity, this is a heart and a pattern, is a cultivation of quality. Don't want to get entangled with rotten people, don't want to spend time with boring and vulgar people, if anyone can provoke you, can fluctuate your emotions, it can only mean that you yourself are not good enough to cultivate.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

Think about a hundred years later, you and I are not a pile of loess, so always feel that the first half of this human life is ethereal, smoke and rain, the passage of time, really no big deal, for the enemy, we do not have to go to dispute and do not have to worry, only isolate him, kick him out of your world, do not prevent, do not come and go, do not intersect, the biggest punishment for the enemy is to ignore, this is the noblest you, there is no need to waste your saliva, toss your life, your kindness and sincerity will be justice in heaven, as for the rotten people, just leave it to time.

Life is too hurried, we are all old in a flash, how much guilt, how much regret, how much pain, and how much have we not had time to do in this life? So while there is still life, there is still a breath, still alive, then this is the biggest victory, life is originally a passerby, life and death are a wave, vicissitudes and a hundred years, in addition to life and old illness and death, some other bruises are games, so do not have to pay attention to the heart, the right to be a challenge. The woman has experienced wind and frost in half her life, and is willing to open her heart and lungs to share this ethereal and colorful life with everyone.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

I never regret my life, this world I have fought, struggled, love and hate love and hatred, everything has passed, no desire, no desire, no feeling of interest, no desire to dust, just want to fall quiet on the earth, family life parents and children, this is all my life, this life can not forget to give me life, raise and educate me, this is the kindness of my parents to me, there are children waiting to be fed, this is the continuation of my life, but also my mission in this life, the so-called people to middle age, old and young These are our burdens, Having to face the reality, everything else doesn't matter.

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

The rest of my life is, who is good to me, I will double ten times a hundred times the return, who is not good to me I will isolate him and kill, from now on always kick out my life, it is so simple, so never please the world, not ashamed of myself, worthy of the heavens, worthy of the earth, be a simple and spontaneous person, crying and laughing no matter what is the true self, crying is also a day, laughing is also a day, why not challenge life? Still straight waist, still walking with the wind, still hip hop crazy crazy no big no small poor silly music, no fear of earthly wind and frost. I have a story do you have wine, follow @ Spirited Woman Sword Liu Crazy Strange Talk 1001 Night Large Inspirational Legend is kicking off. #Winter Life Punch Season ##Emotion#Life Diary##我要上头条 #

After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself
After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself
After 4 years of making headlines, I have never said anything about private life, and now I am dissecting myself

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