
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox

author:Nothing to steal the music

A few days ago, my neighbor's sister asked me to go out for a walk, and the two of them went to the famous Saihan Tara Park in my big Baotou. Saihan Tara is my head's calling card! Saihantala has a total area of 712 hectares (10,680 acres), of which 150 hectares are woodland, 500 hectares are grasslands, about 4.1 kilometers long from north to south, about 2.2 kilometers wide from east to west, and have nearly 10,000 acres of natural vegetation, which is the largest urban grassland in Asia.

We can only walk a small area, I am not old and premature goods, really can not go too far, Saihan Tara's trail is ten kilometers in a circle, I do not have the physical strength [teeth] [teeth] [teeth]. We only dangled on the wooden boardwalk and grassland near the watchtower, the neighbor sister with a SLR camera, all kinds of photos, of course, mobile phone photography is also indispensable la [cover your face] [cover your face] I also jumped and jumped as a model for a while, so that I was happy [teeth] [teeth] [teeth] [teeth].

Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox

Model for a neighbor's sister

The following film is a mobile phone random shooting [shy] [shy] [cute]

Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox
Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox

In the early winter, SaihanTara lost its lush greenery and seemed very lonely, and the sky and earth were vast. In the vast expanse, countless bare hay, permeated with a little yellow, shows the unique beauty of the grassland. Horses and sheep roam the yellow steppe, birds fly and fall, white yurts scattered in the distance, and the ice surface of the river reflects the silver light, giving birth to vitality in the loneliness.

Recently, I often saw a small video of a fox in Saihan Tara in Douyin, the fox is beautiful, and the coat color is bright and bright. A lot of citizens went to feed and feed, I don't know whether it is a wild fox or artificial feeding, I saw the video of this fox is not very afraid of people, self-cleverly think that it is an artificially fed fox that escaped (everyone says that it is a wild fox, because there is no food in winter to settle in Saihan Tara). The neighbor's sister was learning photography and heard that there was a fox here and wanted to photograph it. We went to the horse herder and inquired about where and when the fox appeared every day. The neighbor's sister deliberately went to Saihan Tara the day before yesterday to take pictures of the fox [Teeth] [Teeth] [Teeth] [Teeth], really found, photographed this beautiful fox.

Saihan Tara has a beautiful fox

Neighbor sister photographed a beautiful fox

See if it's a big pretty? Sister said that many people go to see, there is a young man has been feeding for more than two months, but also named it Beanie, this beautiful fox is good is smart, now know that their name is Beanie, will listen to the call to find food to eat it.

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