
Analysis of the preparation method of salt-baked chicken

author:Northern pie old road seasoning
Analysis of the preparation method of salt-baked chicken

This chicken foot has a lot of aftertaste

Analysis of the preparation method of salt-baked chicken

Chicken feet are delicious and invincible

The production of salt baked chicken, commercial recipe, the selection of old chicken, soaked in blood water, and then mixed with brine, 10 kg of water mixed with 20 grams of gardenia, onion and ginger 50 each, sand ginger powder appropriate amount, salt baked chicken powder 50, recommended with Cantonese source, and then salt appropriate amount, high umami MSG appropriate amount, chicken powder chicken paste appropriate amount, boil the pot for ten minutes, soak for half an hour, out of the pot, delicious endless

Production skills, chicken to choose good ingredients, and then brine pot, three mentions and three drops, it is best to have ice water, so that the chicken skin is tight, crisp, spices must choose a big brand, you can also add a moderate amount of high elasticity, this is a commercial salt baked chicken recipe, also suitable for brine salt baked chicken wings, salt baked chicken feet, are a pot of brine. The finished product is golden in color, delicious and delicious, and the aftertaste is endless.

Suitable for all parts of the country, because this is the authentic Hakka salt baked chicken ancestral secret recipe, combined with the current seasoning, new and old collocation, is the best salt baked chicken in China, there are friends who want to make salt baked chicken, you can refer to this ancestral secret recipe, the cost is not high, delicious and practical, if you don't understand anything, you can leave a message to communicate, I will definitely help you, make China's most delicious delicious, Hakka salt baked chicken