
Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

author:Make excuses to be quiet
Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

The following is an excerpt from the Japan Chess Academy YouTube channel and the Kansai Go Open

Before sharing the speeches of the five champions of each group, let me share with you the speech of the famous Japanese Go "cross-talk actor" Toshidan Goto before the kansai Go Open Award Ceremony:

Toshihide Goto: This time the Kansai Go Open, the 3 days of this tournament and the months of the preliminary selection, first of all, thank you very much for the support of all chess fans. Seeing that everyone is very relaxed, I hope that the next tournament can also be held, and we will do our best. I hope you will have a lot of support.

Like last year, this year's Kansai Headquarters players were wiped out, and Daisuke Murakawa just mentioned that our Iyama Yuta worked very hard at the World Series. Therefore, we at the Kansai Headquarters, hope that everyone will support Yuta Iyama.

Time is limited, so I'll just say a little briefly. This time, the event of predicting the winning chess player was carried out before the game. This time the prizes are also very generous, and I believe you are also looking forward to it. But unfortunately no one can guess all the champions. Then there were no chess fans who guessed correctly for 4 of the 5. So all the rewards that are guessed, we want to put it in the next session, so that the next competition can continue to be held, and we try our best to work in this direction. For other rewards, we will start from the fans who guessed the 3 players correctly, which is the current plan. So I will say that the winning chess players can't stand it anymore. Thank you.

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

Here are interviews with the 5 championship-winning players.

Top group champion, Seto Daiki Hachidan

Toshihide Goto: This time, there are 707 chess fans participating in the event predicted by the winning chess players, how many do you think you are in?

Daiki Seto: I think it's 4th.

Toshihide Goto: Do you know the result? (Daiki Seto: I don't know) is indeed the 4th place. Of course, from the perspective of personality, you are indeed the first place without suspense. What do you think of these three days.

Daiki Seto: In the first round against Yamada Norizo, this game of chess was won with 120 hands, but when I looked at the AI winning rate, I found that my winning rate was not good. (Toshihide Goto: So conceding defeat is a defeat move? Suffice it to say, if I had continued, I probably wouldn't be here today.

Toshihide Goto: Everyone was shocked. It is true that there was a miscalculation, but this game of chess can actually be played. Of course, it is possible that the opponent is Seto Daiki, so he is reluctant to continue. (Daiki Seto: There is indeed such an atmosphere) So it is said that you are indeed a good person, and if you are a bad egg, it is impossible to do so.

Daiki Seto: Including that game of chess, this time it can be said that luck is still very good.

Toshihide Goto: How do you plan to use the prize money?

Daiki Seto: Starting from home today, the family said let me buy Christmas gifts for my children, and this bonus can buy toys for children.

Toshihide Goto: 1 million toys? (Daiki Seto: I don't know if there are any) Say, helicopters or something. It is worthy of the Seto Tree, and the use of the bonus is also impeccable.

Daiki Seto: If you want me to have dinner, you can also come to me. They are all their own people, and since they have received the bonus, let's use it with everyone.

Toshihide Goto: What do you want to say to chess fans in the end?

Daiki Seto: These three days are very grateful, because such activities are rare during the epidemic, and I am encouraged to see chess fans pay close attention to the chess game. Go is indeed impossible without chess fans, and I hope to get everyone's support in the future, and I will continue to work hard.

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

Group A champion, Wu Baiyi five dan

Toshihide Goto: This one has seen the pre-match vote, and the overwhelming advantage is in the first place. The qualifier also played 2 games of chess, and then how it felt to win 3 consecutive games and win all 5 games in this game.

Wu Baiyi: First of all, it is a great honor to participate in such a competition. Last year I participated in the top group, but I was beaten by Yuta Iyama in the first round. The results are not very good, this year participated in the A group competition, I want to win the championship, so I am still very happy to win the championship in the end.

Toshihya Goto: That is to say, because it is not the top group, you can't lose here. Then you also successfully reaped the bonus, how are you going to use this bonus?

Wu Baiyi: I am not yet married, I will continue to save some money in order to get married.

Toshihi Goto: As it was, 700,000 yuan was used as money for future marriages. What do you want to say to chess fans at the end?

Wu Baiyi: Thank you very much for these three days, and I am very happy that the pre-match prediction ranks first. I hope that next time everyone can continue to watch the game.

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

Group B champion, Akira Inkami 3 dan

Toshihide Goto: I know the strength of Akira Uchikai because I have also played against him. This time, the prediction of chess fans before the game, just now he also took a look at it, and it was a big blow, and it was the last among the 8 people. But I wasn't surprised to win the championship, but a lot of people didn't get the prize because you didn't get it (laughs). But thanks to you, the whole game has become more interesting. How does it feel to have 1 win in this qualifier and 3 wins in this tournament?

Akira Uchikai: Judging from the content of the chess game, it is indeed the same as the pre-game prediction, and it is indeed the strength of the last place. It can only be said that it is very lucky, in various complex situations, the situation that was originally going to lose chess has been reversed.

Akira Uchiha: Let's save more money first.

Toshihide Goto: There are a lot of people who save money, is it a little uneasy about the future?

Akira InlandAi: Because there is no place to use it.

Toshihide Goto: Let's think more about the use of bonuses next year. What do you want to say to chess fans at the end?

Koshi Uchiha: Thank you very much for these three days, although I don't know if everyone at the scene is one of the 23 people who voted for me (a total of 707 votes). But thank you very much.

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

Group C champion, Watanabe Yuujidan

Toshihya Goto: How does Yuu Watanabe feel about winning 2 in the qualifiers and 3 wins in this tournament?

Yuu Watanabe: Physically, it was really hard, but as mentioned before, I rested very well, especially after the end of the first day, when I slept for 12 hours. (Toshihyo Goto: 12 hours?) Yes, I went to sleep when I got home. However, his physical fitness has also been restored. That's pretty good.

Toshihide Goto: I heard you've been learning to sing lately?

Yuu Watanabe: Ah, no. (Toshihide Goto: No?) Am I mistaken? Did I sing this meme? But there was a time when I did learn to sing.

Goto Shunyu: So, ah, it looks very handsome, and it is possible to debut as a singer. We are also looking forward to it. (Yuu Watanabe: If you have the chance) Also, how are you going to use the prize money?

Yuu Watanabe: I want to give half of the prize money to my parents, and half want to invite my friends to dinner, and I hope to keep some of it.

Toshihide Goto: It's really good, parents should also look at it.

Yuu Watanabe: I probably won't be able to watch it, but my brother might. Last year, my younger brother (Watanabe Hiroshi) finished second, so I can say that I won the championship for him. That's a pleasure.

Toshihide Goto: Brothers, who is stronger?

Yuu Watanabe: It feels like five or five, but maybe it has been surpassed.

Toshihide Goto: Well, I hope the brothers continue to cheer. Finally, let's talk to the chess fans.

Yuu Watanabe: First of all, thank you very much for your support, because everyone is paying attention to us, so we are also very motivated, this time is a very good experience. I believe that there are many chess fans watching the game online, and I hope to come to the scene to feel the atmosphere if I have the opportunity. Thank you.

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

Group D Champion, Table Youdou Chu

Toshihisa Goto: Do you know the result of the popularity vote?

Table Youdou: Ah, I looked at the results.

Toshihide Goto: (Laughs) After reading the results, do you take the results for granted?

Table Yo-Dou: A bit of an accident. Very happy.

Toshihide Goto: So you should also know the result, if it was the 8th place, you certainly wouldn't say that. It was the first place, and then won the championship. How did he feel when he played four games in the qualifiers and then won the tournament 3 times in a row and won 7 consecutive games to win the championship?

Table Youdou: These 7 sets may actually be lost, so it can only be said to be a miracle.

Toshihide Goto: Because he was still a junior high school student, it didn't feel good to give him 400,000. So this bonus is all exchanged for stationery shopping vouchers. If you can get 400,000, how are you going to use it? But you just said that you are more critical, so you don't want to use it for others, but have you changed your mind now?

Yodou Om: Yuu Watanabe just said that I would invite my friends to dinner, so I also wanted to learn something.

Toshihide Goto: Then I ask again, if 400,000 is not a shopping voucher, it is cash, how are you going to use it?

Table Youdou: Just now Teacher Wu Baiyi and Teacher Hoang Xi Neihai said that they would choose to save money. I'll save money too.

Goto Shunyu: But the amount of money saved is still behind them, I hope that in the future you can win the championship in the top group, and the amount of money saved can be raised.

Table Youdou: If you can still participate next year, no matter what group you are, you must strive to enter this competition.

Toshihisa Goto: If it is Group D, is it necessary to compete for the D Group Company? (Table Yudou: Ah, not really). I understand, after all, this child is only in the second grade of junior high school, I hope you can also be gentle, right. What do you want to say to chess fans at the end?

Yodou: Thank you very much for these three days, you can still hold a contest under the epidemic situation, and thank you very much to Hankyu Company. If I can continue to do it next year, I will try to get into this tournament, thank you.

(In the end, the microphone did not hold steady and fell to the ground)

Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open
Interview with the winner of the 2nd Kansai Go Open

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