
Speech at the wedding

author:Liu Guangzhi

Distinguished leaders, dear friends and relatives, distinguished guests, hello.

Today, everyone gathered to congratulate my son on his wedding day. Thank you all for coming in the middle of your busy schedule. Thank you to the leaders for their care and care for my son, and even more to the parents of the bride, who raised a beautiful, kind, virtuous, sensible and filial daughter-in-law for me. Today I am most happy that I became a mother-in-law, as the saying goes, "many years of daughter-in-law to become a wife", my wish came true, I feel that I am the happiest.

Today, one of my sons and daughters entered the marriage hall and formed a new family. I have a feeling that "the old son marries his daughter-in-law, and everything is done".

In addition to being happy, as a parent, I want to instruct a couple of newcomers to say a few words: first of all, the son, a good boy, it should be: first for the country, then for the family. We must study hard, work well, and conscientiously complete the tasks assigned by the leaders; treat the daughter-in-law like a little sister at home like a big brother, take care of her wife, shield her from the wind and rain, bear less hardship and burden, and assume the responsibility of being a husband. Secondly, the daughter-in-law, even if she has chosen my son as a lifelong partner, she must respect and love each other, share the blessings, share the difficulties, and grow old.

Finally, I wish my sons and daughters, grace and love, a hundred years of good union, hand in hand, and hope to fly twice.

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