
What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

The familiar rhythm of warming-cooling-warming up again is here!

What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

A new wave of cold air has been shipped! It is expected to arrive in Shencheng next Tuesday, and Shanghai citizens will receive the goods again (wearing down jackets).

According to the data released by the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, a new cold air has begun to affect the northern part of Xinjiang, and then will gradually affect most of China from west to east, from north to south, reaching the northwest, north China and other places next Monday, and will further move east to the south next Tuesday, affecting Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jiangnan and other places, and will bring significant cooling to the city.

Ever heard of the weather "roller coaster", have you heard of the weather "pirate ship"? Next week, the recent sunny and warm weather will be pressed again, the weather in Shencheng will be like a pirate ship, the temperature will be higher at the beginning of next week and next weekend, and the middle of next week will be "swinging" to the lowest point, feeling "frozen".

What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

Specifically, it is predicted that Shanghai today to next Monday is still under the control of the heating group, occasionally rain to disturb, but the temperature has not dropped, the maximum temperature remains at 18 to 19 ° C; from next Tuesday, the cold air affects Shencheng, when the sky is clear, but the temperature will also fall more significantly, Wednesday, Thursday The minimum temperature in the urban area is expected to be 3 to 4 ° C, parts of the suburbs may fall to near the freezing point, the maximum temperature is also sluggish, around 10 ° C; and as the cold air forces gradually weaken, Shencheng will heat up slightly from Friday. On Sunday, the maximum temperature will exceed 15°C again.

What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

The familiar rhythm of warming-cooling-warming again is here again. Pinch your fingers, recently Shanghai seems to have been cast some kind of "magic", as soon as the weekend arrives, the cold air arrives, the temperature rises after the cooling at the beginning of the week, and the cold air comes again the next weekend, and so on. The meteorological experts of the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory explained the principle behind this weather "magic" for everyone -

What is the "forward warming" effect?

Before the cold air arrives in Shanghai, it usually puts a "smoke bomb" to heat up Shencheng, and then it will rain. Experts explain that in meteorology, this wave of operation is called "front warming": "front warming" is a common weather phenomenon, before the arrival of cold air, the area in front of the cold front is controlled by warm and humid air currents, as the cold front approaches, the cold air will be the original dominant heating group quickly squeezed into a narrow area, gathering and warming; in addition, cold air generally blows southerly winds before the arrival, which will also aggravate the warming and warming of the atmosphere.

What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

Why is it raining? When the cold and heating groups meet, the cold air mass density is large, and the cold air mass density of the heating group is small And the cold air mass is inserted into a wedge shape under the heating group, causing the heating group to be forced to rise. In the process of pushing and squeezing the cold air mass by the heating group, due to the heavy air mass, the heating group slowly slides upward along the front, cooling, condensing into clouds, rain and other weather during the slow climbing process.

"Card Point" Revealed! Why is cold air shipped on weekends?

Is it a coincidence that the recent cold air is delivered on time as if stepping on a bungee? Meteorological experts explain that this is not a coincidence!

High-altitude winds that surround the earth's middle and high latitudes, meandering from west to east, showing large-scale fluctuations, will bring tropical warm air to the north, and can also transport the cold air from the Arctic to the south. The middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are greatly affected by it, which is reflected in the weather maps of forecasters, that is, "troughs" and "ridges" ↓↓↓

What is the operation of the "pirate ship" of temperature? Next week, the two ends of Shencheng will be as high as 18 °C, and the lowest ice point will be in the middle

The most raised part of the isobaric line is the high pressure ridge, and the lowest concave place is the low pressure groove. Cold air is moving eastward to the south to affect our country along the back ridge of the trough. The activity of the groove ridge is usually regular, between two large curved grooves or ridges, the impact interval is generally 6 to 10 days, that is, about a week, which is the main reason why cold air loves "card point".

Author: Zhang Tianchi

Editor: Wang Xiang

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